Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1218: Add 4 saints in a day

"I am the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I am a disciple of Pangu's authentic sect, Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and now see that all living beings are difficult to seek the way, so I set up a great teaching called interpreter, interpreter, and elaboration. It is urgent to rise in the sky, and the roots of all destined are deep. Anyone can join me to explain and teach, use chaotic flags to suppress great education's luck and explain teaching."

Lao Tzu established the human education, Yuan Shi immediately established the interpretation education, which led to the opening of the heavens and the sacred ground, and because he reached the peak of the quasi-sage before he became sacred, his strength was stronger than the original myth. Quite a lot, not weaker than Lao Tzu.

These hundreds of years of Sanqing are not in vain, the big realm has not been broken, and the small realm has been leveled.

After the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there was another voice in the sky saying: "Heaven's way is above. Today, there is Western guidance. It can be mentioned that the West is barren and all living beings are suffering. Here we establish Western religion..."

Because Zhunti and Jiying are not comparable to Sanqing, and there is no merit to open the heavens, so in the end, they made a great aspiration and borrowed merits to become holy. If the aspiration cannot be fulfilled, the result will definitely be knocked down.

If it was the original predator, it would be extremely hard to pick up and attract food. It would be very difficult to grab food in the predator east. After calculating how many dishes were barely enough to get what they wanted, they don’t have too much worry now, because The land is chaotic, so it's easy to fish in troubled waters, and because of the invasion of the two realms, they have done a lot of tasks. In fact, the two of them have not borrowed as much merit as expected.

In one day, there were four more saints in the prehistoric land, and the sentient beings were in an uproar, but more respectfully called "saints well."

The four newly sanctified immediately became the objects of envy and jealousy of the entire prehistoric lands, and at the same time, they also had doubts about Tongtian. After all, the three pures are well known. The current three pures are much more harmonious than the original ones. There are two worlds invading. Shang Sage is not as noble as it was originally, so even if Sanqing is sanctified, it is estimated that it will be a group for a long time.

Sanqing’s Laozi and Yuanshi are both sanctified, and Tongtian has not moved yet, which has to make people feel strange, even Yi Shuihan felt a little surprised.

"So Tongtian has resisted the temptation to become holy. I don't want to use merit to become holy, but want to become a true holy?"

Only this reason can explain the current situation. Only those who know the difference between the true sage and the false sage can faintly guess the truth.

Kunlun, no matter what the outside world thinks, Sanqing gathered together very peacefully. Laozi, who became a sage, and Tongtian's face are not much happy, while Tongtian's face is full of guilt.

"Big brother, second brother, in fact, you don't need to be so anxious to become holy. We still have a chance. Once you use your merits to become holy, you..."

He wanted to speak but stopped.

"Don’t tell me the third brother. Now the situation is so tense. If we don’t become holy, then maybe we will go to war. At that time, we will not just be driven out of Kunlun. We may even lose our lives. Only when we become holy. With the power of self-preservation, Yuanshi and I became sacred, Kunlun has two sages. If you have more than self-preservation, you can go all out to attack the true sage!"

The Wuwei Laozi revealed his true feelings and showed his concern for Tongtian, which moved Tongtian's heart very much.

Yuan Shi looked at Tongtian enviously, not to mention that he was a saint now, and his strength was much better than Tongtian, but his future was basically destroyed, and he might rely on Tongtian in the future.

At this time Yuanshi still had a lot of affection for Tongtian, otherwise he wouldn't let Tongtian be unsanctified.

Seeing that Tongtian’s expression became more and more guilty, Yuan Shi began to comfort him, “Don’t worry, as long as the crisis passes, we will abandon the sect when the crisis passes, and when we are knocked down to the holy throne, we may not have the chance to become the true holy again.”

That’s what I said, but in fact, both Yuanshi and Lao Tzu understand that even if they are willing, the way of heaven will not let them do what they want easily, and once they fall to the holy throne, it may have an impact on the soul, and the possibility of becoming true holy will be lowered. A hundred times more.

"Don't worry! Big brother and second brother, I will definitely become a true saint."

The sacrifices of Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi made Tong Tian grow a lot for a while, and a power blessed him in the underworld, which made the boundary that he has been unable to touch a lot, but he has not noticed it yet. .

In the age of 6 saints, Hongjun is the 7 saints, but Hongjun hasn't appeared for a long time, and with his special status, although he is still a saint, Honghuang regards him as one level higher than the saint.

Hongjun is still in the process of co-doing, because there is no way to promote the amount of robbery, the resistance of co-doing is very high, and it cannot be successful in a short time.

On the second day after Zhunti and the introduction were sanctified, they applied for the convening of an anti-invasion coalition council members meeting. They wanted to become a member of the councilors.

Today is not what it used to be. The gold content of the two saints is so great that the entire anti-invasion alliance cannot ignore it, so this conference was held.

Nearly a thousand quasi-sages attended the conference. As a representative of ordinary members of the Anti-Invasion Alliance, it was Daluo Jinxian who was the official member before, but now, it is not a quasi-sage and even has no qualifications to participate in such a conference.

The host is still Hongyun, but the number of seats for members has been increased by two, and the two seats will not be revoked if there is no accident.

Zhunti first gave a short speech, saying that after becoming a member of the Council, he would definitely work hard for the benefit of the anti-invasion coalition, canvassing votes for himself, and then other members express their opinions, and finally everyone voted.

If a member of the Council approves it, it is equivalent to a vote of a hundred quasi saints. As long as the number of votes exceeds 1,000, the candidate can be promoted and accepted as a member.

There were no waves in the middle, Zhunti and Redirection entered the parliament one after another and became members of it, and the original was not as good as the parliament, so the parliament became 10 people, an even number.

In the past, the singular number was used to prevent things from being equalized, but now it is not necessary, because the quasi saints also have a certain right to speak, so even if the parliamentarians tie, as long as the quasi saints support more, but in this case The Xia Zhunsheng also tied, the probability is already low and cannot be lower.

The three saints became members of Parliament, which seemed to herald the prosperity of the anti-invasion alliance, but no one thought of what would happen next.

Just the second month after the conference, a large number of mecha troops appeared in the world of technology. Yudi suddenly changed from 3 to 10, and 8 sages from the wizard side also appeared, all of which are very high-profile. When he appeared, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. ,, ..

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