Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1220: Conspiracy under normal conditions

Obviously, I looked like I didn’t go. Now when the task comes, I immediately change my attention. This is not surprising to those present. After all, even if there is no calculation, it is common sense to avoid danger when there is no benefit. Even if it is good Risks can also be taken.

So in a slightly weird atmosphere, Yi Shuihan flew to the battlefield, Zhun mentioned that they also suppressed other thoughts to pay attention to what will happen next.

The battlefield was just outside the prehistoric land, not far away, and Yi Shuihan arrived in just over ten seconds.

"It's strange!"

It can almost be said that the Emperor Yu and the sages in the battlefield are completely in sight. It is reasonable to say that at least someone will give a suitable response at this time, such as asking what Yi Shuihan is here for, but the fact is that they are still doing their own way. Fighting, as if Yi Shuihan didn't exist.


Yi Shuihan watched for a while and found a little disharmony. It seemed that the war erupted by a saint-level powerhouse was very powerful, but in fact, neither of the two sides had exerted all their strength. It felt like acting. He was the one who told him. His avatar was not seen for the first time.

"Let the king into the urn? Actually they are fishing? It's not a real war, but want to attract the fish to come and kill?"

This thought suddenly appeared in Yi Shuihan's mind.

Who is the fish? It will certainly not be a figure below a saint that can allow so many saint-level powerhouses to be deployed. It will not be long before they have entered the saint. They are not qualified.

The answer is obvious with the elimination method, there are only three left, one of which is Yi Shuihan, and the other two are Hongjun and Tiandao.

In Honghuang, only three goals are qualified for them to put on this position.

"Hope your target is me."

Under such circumstances, there is still such an idea, undoubtedly only Yi Shuihan who is strong enough to ignore all of this, he hopes so because if this is really the case, he will be able to slaughter a fortune with peace of mind.

It doesn't matter if it's not Yi Shuihan, as long as these people attack him next, he has a reason to blackmail him. The specific amount of blackmail depends on how many shots are made.

With an unpleasant speed, Yi Shuihan entered the battlefield, and the aftermath of energy from around him was blocked three feet away from Yi Shuihan.

What makes Yi Shuihan speechless is that he has already crossed most of the battlefield, and no one has even shot him. Even when he comes to the back, he tries to control the area where the aftermath is not easy to reach. He is like an insulator. Nowhere will it affect him.

"This is too much!"

Seeing Yudi and the wizard who deliberately flew farther because of his arrival, Yi Shuihan stopped in place and didn't continue to cross the battlefield. He could see that they didn't want to have a relationship with him.

Yi Shuihan even wondered if they had already had a plan to deal with this situation when he appeared here, or they wouldn't have such a tacit understanding.

Fine! If passive is not enough, take the initiative, and know how to be flexible when doing things.

After changing his tactics, Yi Shuihan found his acquaintances who were fighting, Bing Lan and Tu Ba. This pairing was still pretty good.

With a thought, the speed climbed. Without giving Binglan and the others time to react, Yi Shuihan forcibly intervened in the battlefield. The time was accurate, and when he got to the bottom, Bing Lan and the butcher's attack happened to face him at the same time.

Unexpectedly, even in a situation where an attack of only 0.1 seconds would hit Yi Shuihan, these two attacks still passed by Yi Shuihan. It was not that Yi Shuihan dodged. The reason was that the two attacks were issued. The man forcibly changed the trajectory of the attack.

Although not fighting at all, in this case forcibly changing the attack trajectory still caused a little damage to Tu Ba and Bing Lan, especially Bing Lan. As a mecha division, his attacks are more difficult to control, and he is changing the attack. After the orbit, almost a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Bing Lan was better just a groan, and his face became a little pale.

"Don't make it! Fight like that."

A look of astonishment flashed across his face, and Yi Shuihan was a little dumbfounded. This was obviously a deep defense against him, and he had been underestimated before.

I would rather be injured than be willing to suffer from watery and cold occasions, this is simply...

The saints who watched the battlefield situation in Honghuang were also speechless. What they can be sure of is that if Yi Shuihan is replaced by them, this attack will definitely not deviate by the slightest. Maybe they will blame you for some reason. Run in and get them at the same time.

"Which one of you are making trouble?"

Yi Shuihan's voice was transmitted to Tu Ba and Bing Lan's ears through a special shock.

"We are undoubtedly the enemy of the shopkeeper, so the shopkeeper is also asked not to interfere in our battle."

"Yes, the owner should stay away and don't get hurt by mistake."

"Otherwise, we can continue further away."

Having said that, the posture can be said to have been low and can't be lower, if it weren't for Yi Shuihan's heart, he would have left the battlefield a long time ago.

"In fact, I took the mission. The Heavenly Dao of the Primordial World announced the mission to investigate the reasons for your fight. Can you let me complete each mission first?"

Yi Shuihan's tone is also very calm when he reaches out his hand without hitting the smiley face.

"What? Is there something unspeakable?"

Seeing that Tu Ba and Bing Lan hadn't spoken for a long time, Yi Shuihan asked again.

"Ahem, this is actually the case. You also know that our two worlds are actually in a state of hostility. This war is actually for a break. Those who lose will withdraw their troops from the other's world. The reason why the battlefield is chosen here is like Hong Huang showing his strength. After all, Hong Huang has only produced 4 saints!"

"Yes, that's how it is."

There is still some truth to this, but Yi Shuihan can see that they are lying completely. If this is the case, these people will not be able to fight with all their strength.

I am afraid that the reason for choosing the battlefield outside the primordial continent is that the control of the Heavenly Dao here is relatively weak. Even if the Heavenly Dao does not use all its strength, the probability is not high, and someone will definitely be sent to investigate.

If the person sent was not Yi Shuihan, but other saints, they were deliberately killed by mistake according to the situation until the last fish was drawn.

Yi Shuihan's appearance was also in their plan, so such a tacit understanding appeared.

"How much tolerance will they have for me? Would they not offend me even if they destroy this plan?"

This requires Yi Shuihan to continue to explore. ,, ..

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