Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1234: Go to company headquarters

"Why are you back? The time has not come yet!"

Murphy looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously. He faintly felt that something was wrong. The Yi Shuihan in front of him gave him a familiar feeling, but he hadn't remembered it for a while.

"I don't want to stay in that world anymore, I will come back naturally."

Looking at Murphy, Yi Shuihan was in a good mood. In other words, it was the guy in front of him who led him to the path of transcendence. Even if he was susceptible to pitting him at first, it turned out that he really got a great opportunity.

"Don't want to stay in that world? Then you left, you..."

Are you kidding me, can this kind of thing be so arbitrary? If he leaves before the full time, he has to pay a fine. Does he not know about this?

"Oh, what should I say to you? Let's go! I'll help you figure out how to make up for the fine. Since you don't like to sell systems, you can honestly continue to work in the system experiment department."

Murphy's words made Yi Shuihan startled slightly, his eyes softened a lot when he looked at Murphy, and he didn't expect Murphy to be so good to him. 100,000 contribution points are estimated to be a large amount for Murphy. , Maybe people will go bankrupt.

In the past, Yi Shuihan knew that Murphy still cared about him, but now I know that Murphy is really too caring. If he didn't realize that Murphy was just taking care of his younger generations, Yi Shuihan would doubt whether Murphy was wrong. Think about it.

"Don't be grateful to me. You are the one I discovered. I don't help you. I am optimistic about you. As long as you can climb to a high position, I will repay a lot. I have to pay it back. I will stare at you and don't want to go wrong."

When he said this, Murphy looked at Yi Shuihan with a threatening look, but from Yi Shuihan's eyes, he felt particularly cordial.

"Actually I don't need to pay a fine."

"If you don’t pay the fine? That’s not OK. If you don’t pay the fine, the company’s punishment is very serious, and you will be thrown into a black jail for 100,000 years. In that place, if you go in under the real saint, the longest insistence is only 10,000 years. When it comes out, it's either crazy or useless."

"Isn't it the company's rule that you don't have to hand it in if you break through the true saint?"

"Break through the true sage, because you thought it out, you still want to pretend to be the true sage, the true sage is..."

Murphy stared at Yi Shuihan blankly, and finally remembered why he felt familiar when he saw Yi Shuihan. Isn't the Dao Yun on this body exactly the same Dao Yun that he saw at the headquarters?

"You actually broke through to the true saint? How is this possible, in such a short time."

This news is too incredible for Murphy. You must know that it is the true saint, that is, it will take at least several hundred thousand years for him to become the true saint, and even millions of years later, he may not be able to break through.

Yi Shuihan grew up as Murphy watched. From a mortal little guy at the beginning, he became stronger step by step. The speed before was normal. After all, there is a system, and it is not a problem to become gold in a short time. With a system, this speed is still too fast

"Good boy, you really gave me a huge surprise. The speed of your cultivation is comparable to those of the evildoers in the company a while ago, but they have the Emperor of Chaos as the backstage."

For a long time Murphy still accepted the fact that Yi Shuihan became a true sage, and his joy was expressed. He used to be Yi Shuihan’s boss and backer, but now it has been reversed. Yi Shuihan’s cultivation base only needs to be reported to the company and become The head of a department is easy, and he can enjoy the cool under the big tree.

For this, Murphy is also very grateful for his previous attitude. If he gave up helping Yi Shuihan just now, even if Yi Shuihan doesn’t care, his life will not be better after it spreads out. Some people try to please Yi Shuihan. Against him.

Yi Shuihan did not have much reaction to someone in the company whose cultivation speed was not worse than his own. The heavens and myriad worlds are so big, and it is not normal for a few people to practice fast. Besides, he is not only as simple as cultivating to the true sage, but the most important thing. The body of chaos has been condensed, and he believes that he should at least be a Tianjiao standing at the highest level of the heavens and the world.

Regarding the Chaos Body, Yi Shuihan would naturally not tell Murphy that becoming a true saint is enough to make him valued. As for the Chaos Body, it may happen that unexpected things happen too much, and jealousy is the original sin.

With systematic assistance, as long as Yi Shuihan does not show up, even the Emperor of Chaos will not be able to find that Yi Shuihan has condensed the body of Chaos. As for the Emperor of the Dao, it is not what he can see currently, maybe even the Emperor of Chaos. The reader will not pay too much attention to him.

There is a big threshold under the True Sage and the True Sage, and the threshold of the True Sage to the Emperor of Chaos is even greater. Even if the Emperor of Chaos knows his cultivation speed, he can take a look at it at most, and then forget it in a blink of an eye.

After staying with Murphy for a month, Yi Shuihan set foot on the ultra-long-distance teleportation array with Murphy and went to the mysterious company headquarters together.

This is also the reason why Yi Shuihan came to Murphy first, mainly because he didn't know how to get to the company headquarters, and even if he knew he had to be with Murphy, it would save a lot of trouble.

Murphy is not without people in the company. Yi Shuihan can also open up some joints with him. If he is alone, there is no good reason. It is not good to be regarded as a white-eyed wolf. Between these people Still have to communicate, and don't be too arrogant until there is no absolute strength.

If there are not a few factions in a big power, it is absolutely abnormal. Therefore, there are many factions in the company. There are competitions for resources, but in general it is a healthy competition. If it is not healthy, the top bosses We will intervene.

"This is the headquarters!? That's an exaggeration!"

"It's spectacular! The first time I came, I was much worse than you. It took a long time to come back to my senses."

Murphy said with emotion, and his face was also full of pride. With such a headquarters, he is naturally extremely proud of being a member of the company.

The scene presented in front of Yi Shuihan could not be fully described in terms of science fiction, magical fantasy, and fairy illusion. It was too spectacular, even if Yi Shuihan had been prepared for it, he was shocked. ,, ..

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