Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1236: Go to Wanjie United College

"The next Wanjie United College enrollment is ten years later. It is very near. You can stay at the headquarters at this time. Many people from the headquarters will be sent to enroll at that time. Of course, there are only 4 students who are exempted from the exam. "

So Yi Shuihan temporarily stayed at the company's headquarters.

The residence arranged by the company for Yi Shuihan is a planet. There is nothing wrong with it. It is a planet. The entire planet belonged to Yi Shuihan during his residence. It was originally equipped with many servants and guards. Yi Shuihan refused. He is someone who has a world with him, so he can call Hancock and the others directly, so that he doesn't seem lonely.

Ten years have passed and not long ago. For Yi Shuihan and the others, it was just a small matter, so Yi Shuihan did not ask to go directly, although the company would be satisfied if he offered to go early.

Wanjie United College only recruits students once every 10,000 years. After all, the main purpose is to cultivate the Emperor of Chaos. The entrance threshold is still one-star gold, and becoming one-star gold is extremely fast in ten thousand years.

If it is said that there are still thousands of years to recruit students, Yi Shuihan will not wait, ten years later, it is naturally within the acceptable range.

The practice environment at the company headquarters is very good, especially for those below the true sage. It also has a certain effect on the true sage of Yi Shuihan, but it is not particularly large, at least it will not allow Yi Shuihan to make rapid progress in a short time.

Hancock and the others have been promoted a lot because of their relationship with the world. With the exchange of resources for training, they are all at Quasi-Sage level. This is also because their talents are not particularly good, and their cultivation bases rely on resources. The piled up, otherwise they are now qualified to prepare for the breakthrough of the true sage.

With Yi Shuihan's support, Hancock and the others have at least a 10% probability of breaking through the true saints, but it is a bit difficult to continue to advance to the Chaos Emperor. Yi Shuihan has no way for the time being, only waiting for him to become Chaos Emperor or stronger.

After ten years, Yi Shuihan was very happy, and didn’t practice much. Most of the time I spent time with the girls. First, I had a good time on my own planet, and then I traveled around the mainland of the company headquarters. Features from the heavens and all realms.

There is also a loss for the teleportation array, otherwise the time to hurry will be more than ten years.

In the past few years, Yi Shuihan has seen over a hundred ethnic civilizations, gained a lot of knowledge, broadened his horizons, and bought a lot of interesting things.

However, even so, the place Yi Shuihan has traveled in the past ten years is only a small area in the mainland of the headquarters. Most of the area Yi Shuihan has not been to, not that he can't go, but there is no time to continue.

The headquarters of the mainland is really too big. Yi Shuihan estimated that the time required for him to play all of them would be tens of thousands of years. Of course, if he can become the Emperor of Chaos, this time will be greatly reduced, because only the Emperor of Chaos is in the headquarters. The mainland's strength will not be too limited.

"It's finally time to go to Wanjie United College. Speaking of going to school at my age, I think it's incredible!"

At the assembly point, Yi Shuihan stood in a corner and waited silently. There were several small groups not far from him, but not many belonged to the human race.

Most of these races maintain the appearance of humanoids. If not necessary, they will not show the body. Of course, even so, some body shadows can be seen from their bodies, such as the scales on the face and the spikes on the shoulders. of.

In the beginning, Yi Shuihan wondered why these races would get as close as possible to the human race, but now it is commonplace.

In fact, there is only one reason for these races to do this, that is, the great company is only a human race, even in the world, the human race is the top race, so other weak races will become themselves It's more like a human race, completely out of respect for that person.

Another part of the reason is that it is easier to understand the laws of heaven and earth when incarnate as a human race. The human race has the potential to become the only thing, which shows the superiority of this race, just like the prehistoric innate Taoist body. The reason why the monsters are transformed is because Only after the transformation will the speed of cultivation become faster and the understanding of Tao will be easier, and this is also for the same reason.

Yi Shuihan didn’t plan to have too much contact with these fellows who wanted to go to Wanjie United College with him. He didn’t think it was necessary. In his heart, these guys were not of the same grade as him. He went to Wanjie United College. , Yi Shuihan should be in contact with geniuses at the same level as him. Those who have not even reached or become a true saint but have only about 5 stars in talent have no value for him to actively communicate.

A lion will not stay with a sheep. Yi Shuihan is now that lion. As for who the sheep is, it is obvious.

Yi Shuihan's posture that no strangers should enter, and no one came to provoke him. Everyone is not a fool and cannot provoke an enemy who does not know the details. Therefore, Yi Shuihan is still very comfortable.

"Come, here, it's Daknis, it is said that he has a 7-star talent, a genius of the evildoer level."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, which caught Yi Shuihan's attention.

"7-star talent? Is this one of those who are exempted from the exam like me?"

Yi Shuihan looked at the man named Daknis, with fiery red hair, wearing knight armor, a fiery figure, and a very beautiful face, almost the same as a human, the only difference was hers. There are a pair of white wings behind.

"Wing Clan?"

As if noticing Yi Shuihan’s eyes, Daknis looked over, looking at each other, Yi Shuihan’s eyes were slightly appreciative, Daknis was a little surprised with a little curiosity, she was curious about Yi Shuihan’s Identity.

In the end, the two did not speak either, and Darkness took her two followers who were also Wing Clan to the other side.

After Daknis, two other existences who were also exempted from entrance examinations also entered the venue one after another, one was a man of the same human race as Yi Shuihan, and the other was a member of the elemental fire element race.

"Are they all here? If they are all together, let's go!",,..

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