Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1247: Team battle on the virtual battlefield

"How long is this brain circuit? Shouldn't you be your own Destroyer Gang leader at this time? Why do you point out my imaginary deputy gang leader? Speaking of it, I never admitted that I wanted to join the so-called Tyrant Gang from beginning to end. God's help!"

This mental activity was invisible to other people. In their eyes, Yi Shuihan had no expression on his face, and his eyes were somewhat ruthless (stupefied), as if he was really angry.

"Unexpectedly, he was the deputy head of the Despot Gang."

Wordsworth was a little surprised, because Yi Shuihan hadn't shown any closeness to the Tyrant Soul all the time, and he even felt that Yi Shuihan was deliberately keeping a distance from the Tyrant Soul.

With so many people watching, especially the look in the eyes of the Tyrant Soul, Yi Shuihan is really hard to say that he is not a member of the Tyrant Gang.

"To tell the truth, I guess the Tyrant Soul will have to tell me the last few days and nights after this matter has passed. That's all, this time he has temporarily complied with his wishes, and this Kontantine is indeed a bit too much. "

After a while, Yi Shuihan made a decision. This matter can come to an end. The so-called elder brother of Kantandin who is about to be promoted to the emperor rank, Yi Shuihan is not afraid at all. If he wants to, just expose the body of chaos. You can hang and hit each other at will.

"Since it is our group of new students, it is better to just go to the virtual battlefield and come to a group battle. It is too boring to compare the number of passes through the Tongtian Tower."

Yi Shuihan's words made the Tyrant Soul's eyes brighten, and Wordsworth also moved his mind slightly. Indeed, compared to Kantandin's proposal, this virtual battlefield team has a greater chance of winning against their side.

"If it is compared to the number of people who have passed through the 4th floor, we only have 3 on our side. As long as they show up 4, they can win. If it is a real battle, the 5th floor can be maintained for so long with the Overlord Soul. At that time, it played a much larger role than the 4th floor of a pure Tongtian Pagoda, and it might still play a decisive role."

Not only Wordsworth thinks so, but Yi Shuihan’s classmates have also become a little eager to try. They are all young people (relative to their realm), who have just entered the Ten Thousand Realms United College, thinking about breaking into a new world. The water chestnut hadn't been smoothed, and they felt a little depressed in the face of Kantandin's aggressiveness. They couldn't get in before, and now they have the opportunity to naturally don't want to let it go.

"Do you dare to compare with us?"

Tyrant Soul yelled at the group of people behind Kantandin.

"Compared, but we also have the conditions. We each get 1 point to win the prize, and the seniors and their gambling agreement will not change. Which party loses will get 50 points."

"Wait first."

Kantandin said and called the new student who was shouting aside.

"Are you sure? If you lose, it's not a small amount."

"Don't worry, half of us can break through the fourth floor of the Tongtian Tower at first. If I have all my cards, even the strength of the fifth floor of the Tongtian Tower will be able to resist, and I can win more than 90%."


"Let's do it! I'll give you the 50 points if you really lose, you will count if you win, and we will count if you lose, how about?"

"How embarrassed then!"

Seeing the figure of Kanantin leaving, a flash of sarcasm flashed in the eyes of the new student who had spoken to Kanantin before.

"Was, there is no problem on my side, the virtual battlefield is the virtual battlefield."

Kantandin said confidently.

"Would you like to wait for you to break through the Tongtian Tower?"

Wordsworth was naturally not well-intentioned. He wanted to take advantage of this time to give himself some tips and talk about how to fight on the virtual battlefield to increase his winning rate.

"No, it's the same for the virtual battlefield first, the Tongtian Tower waits to come back and then enter."

Kantandine is not stupid, knowing it shouldn't be too late.

Two groups of people left the Tongtian Pavilion, found a relatively quiet environment, and entered the virtual battlefield at the same time.


"Brother Han! Where are you? Why didn't I see you."

After Yi Shuihan entered the virtual battlefield, he heard the voice of Tyrant Soul screaming from his private channel. Because Yi Shuihan had been in the virtual battlefield, he went online to the place where he went offline last time. Freshmen are in the initial position.

As for why Yi Shuihan has changed his name, Tyrant Soul can still be private, it is completely in the virtual battlefield that there is a direct ID number to find someone, Yi Shuihan’s ID number, Tyrant Soul happens to know because of him and Yi Shui Han's ID cards were issued together, and the ID numbers were also linked together.

"You wait where you are, and I will come right away."

"How long will it be soon, you..."

Before Tyrant Soul finished speaking, he saw Yi Shuihan's familiar face appear in front of him.


Shrugging, Yi Shuihan still feels very happy with the Tyrant Soul's reaction. This teleport function is one of his privileges to become a king in the virtual battlefield. Most parts of the virtual battlefield can be teleported at any time.

In comparison, Wordsworth, a golden-ranked master, had to push harder, and more than 10 minutes had passed by the time he rushed over.

Maybe it was because they were all new students, so they didn't realize how weird Yi Shuihan could teleport. They didn't think that they were both new students, and Yi Shuihan was in the king's rank.

"Everyone is here, so good, just do what I said, first set up a temporary team, then open a room and set a challenge code."

The stage for the team battle was quickly arranged. The two teams combined with No. 61 entered the battlefield. Wordsworth and Kontandin were in the audience. The virtual battlefield is allowed to watch. Of course, the parties can shut down if they don’t want to. Drop this feature.

The choice of the battlefield is a huge plain with a wide field of vision, which is fairly fair to both sides.

"Wait a moment, at first, brother Han and I were in front of you. You will see the situation in the back. Don't worry, I'll be there. It's safe to win.

The Tyrant Soul consciously regarded himself as the captain, and the other freshmen had no opinion. After all, this one passed through the 4th floor of the Tongtian Tower, and his strength lies there, and there is also Yi Shuihan who also passed the 4th floor of the Tongtian Tower. Layer of helper.

The only thing the class could say was Xiu, but he had no intention of grabbing a position, and stood there quietly without saying a word. ,, ..

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