Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1254: Special customs

During this short period of time when the Meizu girl was away, there were a lot of beauties around Yi Shuihan, from all races, but there were no other Meizu girls, and I didn't know if they were marked or not noticed.

It’s a pity that none of these women, Yi Shuihan, has taken a fancy to them. In addition, they are really curious about the so-called Meizu in their hearts. They are neither lukewarm nor lukewarm for those who come to strike up a conversation. Naturally, those who come to strike up a conversation will not be bothered. He, after all, Yi Shuihan looked like an ordinary true sage, and everyone didn't know his true strength.

"Sister Ling'er, that's the one sitting over there. I'm looking for an object for you. Go and see! From my perspective, he is definitely not an ordinary true saint. The first time you give it to him, you won't Suffer."

It’s about a few hundred meters away from Yi Shuihan’s place. Yi Shuihan can see them as long as he turns his head. One of them is the Meizu girl in front of Yi Shuihan. She is talking, and the one next to her is What she called Ling'er was the Meizu elite she found for Yi Shuihan, a Meizu who had just reached Gold 1 star.

"Sister Hua, I believe your vision, but I still have to confirm it myself. No matter whether it is successful or not, I will remember your love."

"Of course, I know the importance of the first time. If you are not satisfied, let's look for it. Anyway, there are so many prey here."

"Then I will go, it is not good for people to wait."

Linger's service changed, and she walked towards Yi Shuihan with light steps.

She has not experienced personnel, but Ling'er's charm is not worse than those of Meizu girls who have been on the battlefield. She is shy but adds a bit of amorous feelings. She is half-covered and firmly attracted the eyes of the opposite **** present.

Like a big star on the stage, her appearance instantly made the surroundings a lot quieter.

"It's the Meizu elite. I don't know who she is attracted to. It is not comparable to ordinary Meizu to spend a night with a Meizu elite. Losing a few hundred years of cultivation is simply not a problem."

"She came to me. Did she like me? Yes, I'm so handsome, it's not a matter of course that I'm so handsome."

"Don't dream anymore. You are a fellow who hasn't reached the true sage. If you want to look at you, you will also see me. At least I have been the true sage for more than 100,000 years.

"Don't be narcissistic, she should be the one who is fond of me, only a genius like me deserves her."

Yi Shuihan also noticed the abnormalities around him, and immediately noticed the girl called Ling'er.

Even if there are countless women reading, Yi Shuihan is still surprised by this Ling'er. It is not because of her figure and appearance, but because of her seemingly talking eyes and a trace of purity in her cold beauty, but she is beautiful . Charming and enchanting.

Various temperaments that could not have appeared in the same individual, but appeared in front of Yi Shuihan, did not appear abrupt, and the various temperaments blended together perfectly and naturally. It is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle of the world.

"If the Meizu elites are of this level, no wonder they can develop, and they can't resist it with a true sage state of mind! Perhaps those high-level schools are so tempted and seduced, so they let Meizu hold this kind of school. General Assembly."

I couldn't help but have a little expectation in my heart, the girl in front of me, Yi Shuihan, really moved a little.

Ling'er walked up to Yi Shuihan and saw Yi Shuihan's eyes. She was a little satisfied. Although there was fire and heat, it remained within the normal range. It was not excessive, indicating that the concentration is good, but people with good concentration generally have other aspects. It wasn't much difference. Compared with the opposite **** whose eyes were about to come out nearby, Yi Shuihan's first impression on her was excellent.

After a little hesitation, Ling'er sat next to Yi Shuihan. The whole sitting process looked very pleasing to the eye, showing her good figure perfectly.

The distance between Yi Shuihan and Yi Shuihan was about the size of a slap, which was the distance between a very close person.

People have a safe distance. There is a distance scale between people in different relationships. If the safe distance is exceeded, it will instinctively produce some sense of unsuitability, just like a stranger is very close to you, you will involuntarily want to stay away other side.

The distance of a slap has surpassed a friend, and even the breath of the other person can be heard, and there is a burst of fragrance, which is simply envious of others.

Linger's body smells very good, it is pure natural, not the inferior products of perfume, and has the calming effect, although this effect is extremely weak for Yi Shuihan.

"You. Wu!"

There was a touch of admiration in his eyes, and it was undoubtedly a very enjoyable thing to stay with such a girl.

"You can call me Linger."

Ling'er whispered softly as she whispered in her mouth.

"Yi Shuihan, what's the name! You are free, I am curious, what is your full name?"

"Brother Yi, I don't have a full name! But if you can satisfy me, maybe I will be called Yi Ling in the future."

Yi Shuihan's face was unclear, so Linger who was watching pursed her lips and chuckled.

After laughing, Linger continued

"Because we Meizu have a custom that we don’t take full names by ourselves. Before we have our first opposite sex, we only have a nickname. The real name is given by the first opposite sex. Generally speaking, if the object is If it is a human race like you, your surname will be added before the nickname to form a real full name. In other words, if you take me today, I will be called Yi Ling or Yi Ling'er in the future."

After listening to Ling'er's explanation, Yi Shuihan had an impulse in his heart to let the girl in front of him be named Yi.

It has to be said that this custom of Meizu greatly satisfies the male chauvinism of men and is quite effective.

"It turns out that this is the case, I've heard of it for the first time."

"It's also the first time I explained this to others! It's the first time, I just don't know how many of my firsts you can win."

Such an obvious teasing, it is very difficult for a man to hold it, and it is almost fatal.

"Calm, I want to be calm, I can't be led by this little fairy."

It took a few seconds for Yi Shuihan to reassess his emotions.

Seeing Yi Shuihan who had recovered so quickly, Linger's eyes lit up, and Yi Shuihan's gaze was a little more satisfied. ,, ..

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