Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1256: Strong strength

The behavior of the orcs has attracted attention. Many men look good at the show, and the women are the same, but what they think in their hearts is to let the orcs disturb the Meizu elite.

"Let him try this person's strength first. If it is a soft persimmon, I can't say that I will rescue this Meizu little sister myself. I rescued her. She promised to reciprocate with her body. It is logical."

"Let me see how capable you are, you can actually get the attention of Meizu elites."

"Unfamiliar face, there is no such a strong person in the school. He is not on the list that I can't afford. Unless he is the kind of genius that is rare in a million years, otherwise he will have bad luck today."

Facing the aggressive orc, Yi Shuihan didn't panic at all, his expression did not change a bit, completely ignoring the other's existence.

Ling'er in Yi Shuihan's arms also appeared to be calm. No matter what happened next, she recognized Yi Shuihan. She didn't think that this orc would have Yi Shuihan and more talent. If Yi Shuihan was defeated, She would choose to seek help from the clan to help Yi Shuihan tide over the difficulties.

"If it's really not an opponent, if I help, maybe I can leave more impressions in his heart!"

Thinking of this, Linger looked forward to it.

The orc walked towards Yi Shuihan step by step, as if deliberately showing off his strength, every step he took made the ground vibrate, and the movement of a 3 meter body was no smaller than the movement of a hill.

When he walked in front of Yi Shuihan, he looked condescendingly at Yi Shuihan, his eyes were full of contempt. For the little man Yi Shuihan, he didn't think that there could be any waves in his hands. In his consciousness, Yi Shuihan Shui Han is a little bug that he can knead.

"It's so beautiful, as expected, only this kind of beauty can match me."

Looking at Ling'er, the orc's eyes were full of flames, and a burst of steam rose from his head, very vivid.

Without even saying threats, he grabbed Yi Shuihan from the depths and wanted to get rid of Yi Shuihan directly. Considering that this was inside the school, the orcs didn't dare to really kill him.

Facing a big hand that was large enough to grab a head, Yi Shuihan just slapped his backhand, as if he was swatting a fly, he slapped the orc's hand flying, and even made the orc involuntarily back up a few steps. A stagger fell directly to the ground.

As he fell to the ground, his hands knocked over a small table, and the drinks on the table fluttered, making him all over.

"What a strong power, the orcs are known for their power, and the humans are actually stronger than the orcs."

"It seems that the kid is not a simple stuff! The orcs won't let it go from now on."

"The orcs are all simple-minded goods, and now they are probably burned with anger and sanity!"

The students around expressed their opinions.

The orc on the ground was stunned for a moment, the feeling of wetness on his body made him feel uncomfortable, and he wiped his hands with various colors of liquid.

"Drew is angry."

The roar came from the beast population, which caused waves of sound waves. The surrounding tables, chairs and benches were all fluttering. Fortunately, none of the people on the scene were ordinary, and they could be easily solved in the face of things that flew over. There was no injury. Class event.

A fist slammed the ground, and with the help of the earth's counter-shock force Drew the orc jumped up, and a large circular pit appeared in the place where he was bombarded, which was very conspicuous.

You must know that this Ten Thousand Worlds United College is a special field. Even true saints generally cannot cause too much damage. Being able to bombard the floor with one punch to cause a big hole is already very scary. This punch can be considered as a general true saint. Extremely heavy.

"I am going to kill you."

The orc came to Yi Shuihan again, this time it was no longer with grasping, but with fists, and the strength was not comparable to that before. Just listening to the sound can reveal the gap.

This time, he really didn't keep his hand, and his fist was directly directed at Yi Shuihan's head.

After all, Linger's strength is just reaching the standard for entering the school. The orc's fist seems to her to be too strong. Even if the target of the fist is not her, she still exclaimed in shock, her eyes closed subconsciously, like a Like a frightened little cat.

Obviously, Ling'er was already a little flustered at this time. She didn't expect things to develop so extreme that Drew the Orc was too impulsive.

Facing this violent punch, Yi Shuihan also slammed a punch, but he shook his fist too fast, and no one in the room saw the specific action, only the afterimage formed by the fist. .

Orc Drew is very strong, he has broken through the 5th floor of Tongtian Tower, and he is a golden rank in the virtual battlefield, but he has encountered a stronger Yi Shuihan.

Drew flew out at a very fast speed, and hit the viewing lake not far away, splashing waves of water.

"It's so fast, but the fundamental response is too fast."

"This kid is not easy. I am afraid that the strength is really higher than Drew, I don't know where the character came out."

"Fortunately, that guy Drew got on first, otherwise I'm ashamed of it now."

The students who saw this scene looked at Yi Shuihan with dread. Among the students present, Drew the Orc was already considered the first echelon. Although there were others stronger than him, they were definitely not much stronger. Even Drew was Yi Shuihan can solve them so easily, which means that Yi Shuihan can also solve them easily.

"Wow! So handsome."

When women saw Yi Shuihan’s strength, they also looked at Yi Shuihan with admiration, each of them showed extremely interested eyes, as if the big bad wolf saw the sheep, and wanted to eat it, if not because Linger was still there. There, they had already taken the initiative to come forward and come from the pillow seat.

Just think about the women who came to this Meizu Carnival Conference to know what they are, so even if they come to Yi Shuihan, they will not accept it, not to mention that there is still a Yu in his arms that makes him very satisfied. Things!

Ling'er opened her eyes slowly and saw Yi Shuihan's gentle smile, her heart was captured all at once, staring at Yi Shuihan blankly.

"Unexpectedly, this is really the best prey. It's a pity that Linger's little Nizi is cheaper. If he is not a cleanliness, it would be nice."

The Meizu female who introduced Ling'er from a short distance has not left. After seeing the development of the whole process, she finally said with emotion. ,, ..

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