Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1264: Treasure Hunt in the Desert

"Obviously it's an online game, so it feels like a stand-alone game."

It has been 10 months since entering the secret realm. Yi Shuihan still hasn't encountered other new students, and his luck seems to have run out after encountering the Monument of Hengmie and the Black Grass Tree.

At this time, Yi Shuihan was in a desert. He had walked in the desert for 2 months and still hadn't reached the end.

The desert heat during the day is amazing, even the steel can be melted here, and the desert at night is extremely indifferent, like entering the ice age.

In such bad weather, ordinary creatures can't survive at all. Yi Shuihan witnessed the special creatures born in this desert.

One is a small beast that appears only during the day and is translucent and resembles a lizard. There is also a small beast that only appears at night and has the whiteness of ice crystals and resembles a snake.

There is another creature with only one day's life. It is born during the day and dies at night. A short day and night is a whole life. Life is so short that Yi Shuihan can feel its completeness and no regrets.

"Only one day's life can still live happily. Our life is so long, how can we not always be grateful?"

As he walked in the desert, a sense of enlightenment hit, Yi Shuihan actually fell into a state similar to semi-enlightenment, and made amazing progress in life.

If anyone watched Yi Shuihan’s state, he would find that his body was filled with astonishing breath of life. If an ordinary person could stay beside Yi Shuihan, it would not be impossible to prolong his life by just breathing this breath of life. Now Yi Shuihan is completely stronger than ginseng fruit and flat peach.

"Hurry up. This thing must be broken before dark, otherwise it will recover at night, and our efforts will be wasted."

This is in the middle of the desert. A group of freshmen from Wanjie United College are surrounding a strange building. A crystal white mask in front of them blocks the way forward.

The attacks continued to bombard the mask, causing waves of waves.

If this is not a secret realm, with the strength of these new students, this mask would have long been unable to stop it, but now this mask has become a not-so-big problem.

In the beginning, two new students discovered this place at the same time, but they were unable to break the mask, because the mask was strange. If it could not be broken during the day, it would recover at night.

Later, two freshmen continued to find freshmen to come and help. Until now, the number of freshmen here has reached more than 300, one-tenth of all freshmen.

The bombardment of three hundred new students, of which dozens of true saints, would scare a large group of people to death if this scene were placed in the worlds of the prehistoric.

"Damn it! Still no good?"

Seeing that the sky is going to be dark soon, the mask is crumbling, but it is not broken. The new students in this scene are extremely depressed. If there is no hope at all, it is clear that hope is in front of you, and I feel that I only need to exert a little force It can be achieved, but it is always impossible to achieve it. This feeling of panic is very uncomfortable.

"It's just a little bit short, if only there is another new student."

A freshman said regretfully.

"Huh? There seems to be a new student over there!"

"Yes, he is still a human race. Call him here quickly."

"I go."

Yi Shuihan woke up from his sentiment and looked at the people in front of him with some surprise. At the same time, he was surprised when he saw the hundreds of new students not far away.

When I didn’t meet them, I met them all.

"There is no time to explain. This is part of my memory. See it for yourself!"

A little fluorescent light floated from his fingers to Yi Shuihan. Yi Shuihan hesitated slightly, and finally reached out his hand to touch the fluorescent light, and suddenly a pair of effects appeared in his mind like a documentary.

After a few breaths, Yi Shuihan finally understood the cause and effect, as well as the reason why the person in front of him was so anxious.

"How about it! I think you shouldn't mind doing a bit of effort! The contents inside will be our destiny after we got in."

"I can do nothing."

With the addition of Yi Shuihan, the mask finally broke before dark.

Of course, except for Yi Shuihan, what all the new students don’t know is that, in fact, looking at the mask, it seems that if you just add a new student, it will break. In fact, the mask is still very hard. The component of force broke the mask.

What is the concept of Yi Shuihan's 6-point force? It is estimated that a hundred new students will work together.

After the mask was broken, the freshmen took the opportunity to rush towards the building. At this time, they didn't look like they had worked together before. If they hadn't seen the real treasure, they might have killed each other.

Yi Shuihan is only a few of the freshmen who are not in a hurry. He walks towards the building unconsciously or slowly.

"Those who go first are indeed the first to get the benefits, but they are more likely to be the cannon fodder for pathfinders, and even if they get things, they have to be able to keep them. The students here are not good at talking."

As long as it is not the kind of treasure that can take effect immediately, the difference between going first and going second is actually not that big.

When Yi Shuihan came to the interior of the building, he saw several corpses lying on the ground, one of Human Race, and a few of other races.

"This is a treasure trove?"

What you can see is a pile of treasures, exuding amazing treasures. It is a pity that these treasures still have a crystal white mask on the outside, which seems to be the same as the outermost large mask.

A group of new students are now looking at the treasures inside the mask frantically, and it seems a pity that it will not be effective in a short time.

No one proposed to break the mask together, because it is not easy to divide, although there are many treasures here, there is not enough for each new student, and everyone is too unwilling to share.

Yi Shuihan came to a mask. He saw the treasure in the mask. It was an ancient compass style thing. The compass was also inlaid with two beads, black and white. Although the mask blocked the breath, Yi Shuihan still felt that it must be extraordinary.

"This thing our brothers are interested in, you can go to other places!"

At this moment, the three freshmen blocked Yi Shuihan's cold mouth. ,, ..

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