Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1278: Director Tie's reminder

Come to a very spacious room, why is it very spacious? Because there is nothing inside, it looks very spacious.

Tuoba just lay on the ground lazily, looking very intoxicated.

"You find a place to sit anywhere, it's all the same."

It is indeed the same, because there is nothing everywhere.

Director Tie had anticipated this a long time ago. He took out a chair from the storage space and sat on it naturally. A Chaos Emperor who carried the chair with him was quite weird.

Yi Shuihan is not inferior to Director Tie. His portable world is not for nothing, he has everything in it, and the daily necessities are completely trivial.

Taking out a sofa and sitting on it, he saw Qingfeng looking at him dumbfounded, and Yi Shuihan was about to take out another one when he saw that Qingfeng had already learned Tuoba lying on the ground.

"Your kid has a good understanding, knowing that you can better understand the way of life. The two of them don't understand at all. It was a waste of such a good environment."

Tuoba's words made Yi Shuihan's mouth twitch, but he also gave up his plan to get a sofa for Qingfeng. It might be better now!

"Which one of them wants treatment?"

"Can't you tell?"

"I think all of them need treatment. What needs treatment here is physical, and what you and him need treatment is mental."

Tuoba said of course that he completely regarded Yi Shuihan and Director Tie as unhealthy.

If it weren't for Tuoba, no one would want to talk to him.

"We don't need it anymore, you just need to treat the one next to you."

"Please keep a look, I am hurt..."

Qingfeng looked at Tuoba with a worried expression, for fear that the other party would say something like it would not be cured or could not be cured.

"This little injury, there is no problem at all, as long as I take it personally, I will ensure that nothing is wrong."

Tuoba glanced at Qingfeng's broken arm, and then felt the power of the evil demon at the broken arm with his hand, indicating that it would not be difficult for him.

It can be cured. This is good news, but it is not completely assured. The next step is the topic, what conditions are needed to be treated.

"One yard is one yard. Although I admire you very much, the cost of treatment is still indispensable. How about 10,000 cut-off points?"

"Why don't you grab it? Ten thousand points, if you want to make a move, it takes only a few days to get 10,000 points. We are old friends. In this way, it is a symbol of one thousand points. Just click?"

Before Tuoba could speak, Director Tie began to yell first, looking like he was slaughtered for business and then bargained.

"If you can cure it, you can do it yourself. My charge is low enough."

Tuoba said lightly, as a chaos emperor, the shot cost of 10,000 points is really not particularly expensive, he has indeed been merciful.

As for the treatment of the injury is simple for him, the argument that a few days of work is not worth the 10,000 cut-off point is even more untenable. If according to this argument, this kind of injury can be cured in an instant. Wouldn't it be even No fees are charged.

10,000 boundary points were not a total desperate number for Tuoba. He had more than 10,000 boundary points at his peak, but now! The boundary point on his body is only in his early 2000s, and the other boundary points have been used by him to increase his strength. After all, the boundary point is of no use, and the best way is to turn it into his own strength.

Looking at Yi Shuihan asking for help, Qingfeng's mouth opened and closed. He was a little hard to say. After all, the nearly eight thousand boundary points he wanted to borrow from Yi Shuihan were not a small number.

"Could you lend me the 7981 boundary point, I will pay it back later, if you want interest."

In the end, Qingfeng still spoke, and his face turned red after speaking, obviously embarrassed.

"Of course you can. The interest will be ignored. I will pay it back if you have it in the future."

If Qingfeng didn't speak, Yi Shuihan might still help him pay for it, but after Qingfeng's treatment, they would not owe each other, and Yi Shuihan would treat each other as a stranger.

Yi Shuihan’s help to Qingfeng is a sentiment, not his responsibility. If Qingfeng is still unconscious in this situation and thinks that Yi Shuihan should be owed to him, then Qingfeng himself has a problem and is not worthy of Yi Shuihan. Its pay.

Ten thousand points, even if Yi Shuihan’s current financial resources are a relatively large number, although he is sure that this number will become relatively small when he becomes the Emperor of Chaos, he should not use this Way to pay.

Qingfeng took the initiative to speak. It seemed to him that it would take millions of years to change the debt. For Yi Shuihan, he would become the Chaos Emperor before Qingfeng had paid the debt. This is more than debt relief.

At that time, Qingfeng could still be close to Yi Shuihan in the name of paying off his debts. It would be a huge profit. Qingfeng didn't know this now when he was in a heavy mood.

"You seem to have a lot of boundaries!"

Tuoba looked at Yi Shuihan in surprise. Originally, he thought that Director Tie might have to pay for this point. After all, Director Tie brought the people.

"Not much, really not much."

Tuoba's eyes were a bit weird, and Yi Shuihan quickly said that he didn't want to be stared at by Tuoba.

"Don't hit his attention, otherwise I won't help you when he comes to avenge him, even now he can bring you some trouble."

Director Tie spoke from the side, as a reminder to Tuoba.

"Vengeance? Him!"

This time Tuoba was really surprised. Director Tie didn’t seem to be joking. In other words, in his opinion, Yi Shuihan really had the strength to take revenge. This was very surprising to Tuoba. After all, Yi Shuihan was still true. Saint, if you want to avenge you, you must be the Chaos Emperor, not the Chaos Emperor who can barely break through. His Tuoba is also considered to be a better Chaos Emperor, and the Chaos Emperor can't help him.

"In other words, is the talent of this little guy really strong enough to amaze you?"

Tuoba asked with his eyes and got an accurate answer. This made Tuoba's heart instantly lift Yi Shuihan's position infinitely higher. If Yi Shuihan was just a passerby in his eyes before, he could even decide according to his mood. Ignored, Yi Shuihan now has the qualifications to make him face it. ,, ..

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