Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1286: Fast-paced first stage

"Ranking Name Points

1. Dawn Sky 53

2. Hai Lei Jin 10

3. Moshangren 9

4. Kerry 8

5. Huayue 8

6. Black Flag Cirrus 6



Only ten seconds later, the leaderboard went from being empty to a lot of names. It also meant that at this very little time, hundreds of contestants were eliminated, which is simply scary.

Of course, the initial ranking did not have that much gold content, because there may be many masters like Yi Shuihan who did not appear in the crowd at the beginning, and there is no way to get points.

"Dawn Xitian? It should be a personal thing."

The only name that Yi Shuihan remembered a little was Chen Xitian, who was the first one, able to kill 53 contestants in seconds. His strength was certainly not weak, but even so, this name only stayed in Yi Shuihan's heart for a short time.

Yi Shuihan's strength is definitely not afraid of being eliminated, unless he never meets contestants, that possibility is almost impossible.

The real strong will not be in a hurry. Now the points are low, but in the future, as long as you just kill a few, the points are not going up. Now you get one point for killing one, and it is estimated that it will be dozens or even hundreds of points later.

Yi Shuihan was constantly moving in the regional battlefield, and his speed was not very fast. After all, he could only see with the naked eye, and he also needed more time to see the surrounding scenes.

About ten minutes later, Yi Shuihan finally met the contestants, and just saw more than ten contestants nervously confronting an indifferent youth.

"Mo Xiu, don't deceive people too much. With so many people here, although your strength is strong, if you really do it, we won't make you feel better even if we blew up."

The young man wearing wooden leather armor said sternly, and the other contestants beside him stared straight at the indifferent young man named Mo Xiu.

To be honest, these dozens of contestants are not weak, the worst is of the level of Wordsworth, and there are 4 equivalents of the virtual battlefield king rank, the speaker is the strongest among them, but it is more accurate. The emperor is only so close.

It’s a pity that they are facing stronger enemies. Mo Xiu is obviously a quasi-emperor. He belongs to the upper level in this area of ​​the battlefield. It is easy to enter the next stage. Even if nothing happens, he should be you. Entering the final fifth stage.

Mo Xiu's eyes didn't change because of the threat, but his footsteps stopped because of this.

Just when the contestants on the opposite side thought that Mo Xiu would let them go, Mo Xiu suddenly made a move and drew his sword. He only heard a low, inaudible whisper, and everything was over.

"what have you done?"

The Mu Jia youth asked Mo Xiu with a change of expression. He didn't notice anything wrong, but he also knew that Mo Xiu should have taken action just now.

Mo Xiu took a faint look at the wooden armored youth, then moved his eyes away, as if he no longer had any interest in him.

"Did he let us go?"

The young man with wooden armor had just begun to think about it, and he felt his consciousness began to blur.

With continuous thumping sounds, more than a dozen contestants, including the wooden armor youth, without exception, entered a special vision of resurrection.

The resurrection is not immediate, otherwise the resurrection will be meaningless. If the resurrection is immediate, others can kill it again.

You can decide whether to resurrect immediately according to your own will. There is an hour to choose, and the place where you choose to appear after the resurrection will not be the location of the corpse, so as to avoid the end of the corpse.

Yi Shuihan and Mo Xiu looked at each other, the invisible aura began to collide, and the earth shook because of this, and the sand and rocks on the ground floated against gravity.

After a while, both sides put away their aura, Mo Xiu didn't say a word, turned around and left.

"This is a recognition of my strength. I don't want to lose both sides at this time and be taken advantage of by other contestants?"

Looking at Mo Xiu's back, Yi Shuihan quickly guessed what the other person was thinking. To be honest, he actually wanted to kill Mo Xiu directly. In that case, the points he would get would definitely be double digits, but since Mo Xiu They all turned and left, and he couldn't make people stand still anymore.

"Fine, it just started anyway, don't worry."

Slightly deflected, Yi Shuihan continued on.

The next thing is to be more normal. I met some contestants from time to time along the way, and finally got a blood, and then started the journey of super god, and the five kills were soft.

A lightning strike killed a contestant. Yi Shuihan couldn't help but looked up at the sky. At this time, the sky had become a little dim, and it was not far from darkness. Yi Shuihan had the idea of ​​rest.

"Well, this ranking won't fall out of a thousand even if you rest for a night!"

During the daytime killing, Yi Shuihan now has over 100 points, 112, ranking 22nd. Of course, he has encountered so many 152 contestants, mainly because some of the contestants who killed have some points. On the body.

The number one ranked first is still Chen Xitian, with a full score of 323, which is more than two hundred more than Yi Shuihan, and the second one is also familiar with Yi Shuihan, who is the one he met. Mo Xiu's youth, points 291.

In fact, as long as you ensure that you get around 30 points, you should be able to enter the top 1,000. Yi Shuihan can wait until the end of the first stage.

More than ten thousand people keep one thousand, as long as you kill ten other contestants. Considering that there is a resurrection, everyone will have 2 points, so they will keep 30 points. Really wait until the end, maybe one thousand The score will be lower.

The night is not quieter than the daytime, because for the true sages like Yi Shuihan, the difference between day and night is not very big, and some even prefer to attack in the dark.

On the first night, Yi Shuihan encountered a total of 3 attacks. Of course, they were unsuccessful, but only provided 14 points for Yi Shuihan.

The next day during the day, Yi Shuihan still planned to continue hunting, but it didn't take long for him to hear a notification sound.

"More than nine thousand contestants have died once, and the countdown will enter the first stage. After 5 hours, the list of promotion will be determined according to the points ranking."

How can it be so fast? This was Yi Shuihan's first reaction when he heard the notice. ,, ..

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