Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1295: Start first

The nobles all brought their own actor-level acting skills. After the incident of Viscount Blue Rose, they continued to play very happily, one by one, as if nothing had happened before. As for the death of a person, what is that? No one has a few lives these days!

This world does not advocate equality for everyone. The power of nobles is even greater than that of ancient emperors. For ordinary people, they kill as they want. There is no reason for it. At most, they pay a little money afterwards. That's it.

After Viscount Blue Rose left, the other viscounts also left clean, so Yi Shuihan finally had time to experience the noble banquet.

Because of the identity of Yi Shuihan, he is very popular among aristocratic ladies. His powerful strength makes people who have other thoughts about him afraid of him, but for those who want to rely on him, it is like the most delicious honey. , Can't help but taste the sweetness.

It's a pity that there are a lot of high-quality girls in Yi Shuihan's house. They don't have much interest in these little ladies and ladies. After experiencing and coping with them for a while, they left the banquet hall.

"My son, don't you like to have banquets? Remember that you liked banquets very much before, and you were excited to attend every banquet?"

Hill has some doubts about Yi Shuihan's changes during this period. The school doesn't even know the character of the students, and naturally they will not arrange them all together without a sense of violation. It would be terrible to do that.

"Is that so? People will always become. Besides, I am not in the mood to participate in the banquet now. The Viscount Blue Rose still needs to be considered."

"Sorry, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, that kind of thing wouldn't happen."

The topic was successfully transferred. Hill has actually been blaming herself until now. At the time, she saw Viscount Lan Rose’s seduction of Yi Shuihan. However, she didn’t think about that much at once. In fact, she regretted it after saying it. Up.

While blaming and regretting herself, Hill felt warm for Yi Shuihan's maintenance of her. Even if she died for Yi Shuihan, she felt very happy.

"I was the one who slapped the face and I was the one who killed. You did not make a mistake, and since it has happened, what we should do next is face it, that's all."

"Otherwise, let's do it first! While Viscount Blue Rose is still preparing, we will call the door first, and her men will assassinate the son. Fortunately, the son is okay. We will hit her first and no one will say anything."

Originally thought it was a romantic drama, it suddenly became a war movie. Hill's words made Yi Shuihan look at her strangely.

"I didn't expect this little Nizi to be very decisive!"

Being embarrassed by Yi Shuihan, Hill lowered his head and whispered, "That son, don't you think I'm too fierce? I'm actually very approachable, mainly because things are like this now. You can do it first. Reduce some losses!"

"Not fierce, not fierce at all, I think you are better than Yue Xiong."

In the end, Yi Shuihan's gaze looked at the upper body of Hill Na and Ma Pingchuan, with a pity in his eyes.

Hill is not an old driver, but it is so obvious that the new driver can also see it, and immediately raised his hands to block him, with a bad expression on your face.

While Yi Shuihan was joking with the little maid, in another place, the four viscounts who had left the banquet gathered together again.

"That kid Yi Shuihan really deceived people too much. He didn't put me in the eyes. I was also a viscount. He didn't give me any face. It's horrible. I will kill you and kill you... .."

Viscount Blue Rose was grumbling, but at the same time he used a thorny iron whip to slap people who didn't know where he was looking for. The people had been fainted and his body was covered with blood.

"Have you played enough? Stop and talk if you have enough."

After a while, Viscount Caddy said solemnly.

When Viscount Caddy spoke, Blue Rose's body trembled. After all, she did not continue to fight. It was obvious that she was very jealous of Viscount Caddy.

"Everyone is now in the same boat. Earl Ruen has already spoken. After taking the territory of Yi Shuihan, we can divide it freely. As long as we support the Earl to become a king later, the Earl will help us withstand other aspects. pressure."

"Old man, I couldn't bear to kill them all, but that kid Yi Shuihan didn't put us in sight at all. If he let it go, maybe he can kill my house next time. It's better to get rid of this kind of person early. ."

"Don't be afraid to tell the truth, his father was actually killed by the earl. Now everyone knows the secret. If you don't cooperate, then prepare to meet the earl's anger!"

"Then, things will be settled like this, with a three-day schedule, and unified action after three days, when the time comes..."

A conspiracy against Yi Shuihan is gradually perfected.

However, no one thought that before 3 days, Yi Shuihan directly killed the next day. The 4 viscounts were destroyed one by one, and the entire army was wiped out in less than 3 days, and most of the time was still spent on the road. , The real fighting time does not exceed 1 hour.

With the absolute strength gap, Yi Shuihan didn't even encounter decent resistance every time.

Originally, Yi Shuihan wanted to wait for Viscount Blue Rose and the others to fight over. Because of Hill’s words, he changed it to take the initiative. As for why he played with the other three viscounts, the main reason was that Viscount Blue Rose, the woman didn’t Reconciled, said this too, saying that he was waiting for Yi Shuihan in hell.

Different from the last time, this time Yi Shuihan's active invasion behavior made some nobles uncomfortable. They were all secretly saying that Yi Shuihan was wrong, and encountered obstacles like this when accepting the Viscount Blue Rose.

Even if Yi Shuihan wins, there are still messages saying that Yi Shuihan is seeking his own way, breaking the rules of the nobility and cannot last long.

Count Ruen sent someone to tell Yi Shuihan that if Yi Shuihan abandons Viscount Blue Rose and their territory, this matter will pass, otherwise he will wait for his sanction.

In the past, Yi Shuihan and the others had a better line, or the earl who covered his father said that Yi Shuihan surrendered the territory of the other three viscounts except Blue Rose Viscount, and he settled the matter.

In the end, Yi Shuihan didn't agree to any of them, and went to the earl's mansion that had opinions about him single-handedly, and talked about the "reason", but the matter didn't stop. ,, ..

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