Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1300: Fourth stage

Shi Fei is a character born in an ordinary small world, that world is equivalent to an ordinary martial arts world, the strongest is the innate strong, converted into a general realm, about 7 stars in black iron.

In such a world, Shi Fei had no chance to reach the present height, but she had great luck. A powerful person passed through that world, caught Shi Fei with a glance, and took Shi Fei away from the original world. The Mighty One is said to be a Chaos Emperor, but the specific information is not clear.

Shi Fei entered the Ten Thousand Realms United College five million years ago. Once he entered, he showed extraordinary strength and talent. In just two million years he became the quasi-emperor, and then reached a basic achievement of the chaos emperor in more than one million years. The speed of conditions has increased, reaching the peak of the quasi-emperor hundreds of thousands of years ago.

As a human being, the speed of cultivation is comparable to that of the gods and Shifei. In the Ten Thousand Realms United College, the name of the strongest human being is hidden, and there are many fans of other races, which can be said to be a role model for the majority of women. Goddess of the vast males.

Since it is so famous, why hasn't Yi Shuihan heard of it before? Naturally because they haven't been in school for hundreds of thousands of years, so the little cute new people like Yi Shuihan will naturally get no news.

In addition to Huang Ama and Shi Fei, who can be sure of reaching the peak of the quasi-emperor, there are more than ten contestants who are suspected of reaching the peak of the quasi-emperor.

Perhaps it has been suppressed for a long time. The number of geniuses that have appeared in thousands of years is much higher than before. As far as the top of Wanjie United College is concerned, they generally believe that the Emperor of Chaos should appear in the past few million years. One or more.

For this reason, the last few years of the school are better than what they have taken out. Shi Fei can grow to the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor in such a short period of time, and the reward of the big competition has also played a big role.

Yi Shuihan's previous strength was already at the quasi-emperor level, not the ordinary quasi-emperor, so after easily defeating his opponent in the second month, he was selected as the top ten thousand seed players.

After the third month, the contestants who were challenged because they saw Yi Shuihan were eye-catching. At the beginning, they challenged Yi Shuihan. They wanted to pull Yi Shuihan off his horse and entered the top ten thousand. They quickly gotten into the top ten thousand. After the victory, he never challenged him again.

"Brother Yi didn't expect you to hide so deep, even this young and old would smash into the sand in the third stage. You can actually enter the fourth stage, and you are still the seed to enter directly. Tsk tsk, you deserve to be the deputy gang leader I think. what!"

In front of Yi Shuihan, Tyrannical Soul looked at Yi Shuihan with a look of a strange animal, and kept turning around Yi Shuihan. Behind him was the group of attendants, all watching with extremely admiring eyes. Yi Shui Han.

It can be seen that the Tyrant Soul didn’t care too much about his not entering the fourth stage. His ability to rank in the top 100,000 is considered to have reached his goal, just a newcomer who has only entered the school for more than 100,000 years. In fact, he has done quite well.

"Let's talk! If you have anything to do with me, don't bother me if it's okay. The fourth stage is about to begin."

"It's like this. There are a few brothers here who don't believe you are the deputy leader of our Tyrannical Gang. I will take them to see. Their strength is not bad. I met when I was in the competition. The charm of the self is influenced. Decided to join our Deceptive Gang."

"Is it determined now?"

"You few come over, come and meet the deputy leader."

With a roar of the Tyrant Soul, he saw 6 contestants who had no worse aura than the Tyrant Soul approaching, looking at Yi Shuihan a little excited.

"Hello, I am......"


After some self-introduction, the Tyrant Gang had a few more elders, and Yi Shuihan left with a black face.

This is obviously the Tyrant Soul using his name to recruit gang members. Yi Shuihan actually wants to say that he is not of the Tyrant Gang, but considering the harassment of the Tyrant Soul, he decided that more is worse than less. One thing.

Coming to the Great Hall of the Big Bi, compared with the beginning, there are less than one percent of the remaining contestants. It looks a lot more empty, but it does not give people a sense of desertedness. Compared with the first, the current hall The atmosphere is more serious, with a game atmosphere.

After all, those who can stay are the real powerhouses in the school, and most of them are the strength of the sixth floor of the Tongtian Tower. As long as they go further, they will reach the basic conditions that can impact the Chaos Emperor, and there are hundreds of nearly thousands of Quasi Emperors. All of them exuded the aura that strangers should not enter, and they have not officially started. The air is already filled with amazing murderousness, forming an invisible field.

When Yi Shuihan came, he attracted the attention of thousands of contestants. His strength made most of the remaining contestants feel pressured. They were afraid of Yi Shuihan. The only ones who ignored Yi Shuihan were those old brands. The prospective emperors.

Finding a place to stand, Yi Shuihan began to close his eyes and get up, wondering in his heart how the fourth stage will be carried out. Will the ring match continue?

In the third stage, thousands of participants died. It can be said that the casualties are relatively heavy. After all, these thousands are thousands of the strongest 100,000 students in the school.

Why did so many die in the third stage? For good seedlings, shouldn't the school pay more attention to protection?

The answer is to give birth to stronger people. It is because they are stronger that the restrictions are relaxed, and a stronger person is born in the real horror of life and death.

In the past, if a large number of people died, it was just a meaningless death. No matter how many people died, they couldn't have a catalytic effect. It was like a giant killing ants. No matter how much they killed, it was useless. On the contrary, many students who had the opportunity to grow lost their opportunities.

In the third stage, those who are not too far apart are killed. When the opponent is killed, they will be blessed by some strange powers, similar to the power of luck, and build up their self-confidence, which is a breakthrough for future growth. There are also certain benefits.

Of course, if there is a genius who is considered by the referee to have great potential, the referee will definitely take action at a critical time.

A quasi-emperor of 6 million years, killing a quasi-emperor of 9 million years, and killing it, may give this quasi-emperor of 7 million years a chance to break through to the chaos emperor; A quasi-emperor of ten thousand years who wants to kill a six-million-year-old quasi-emperor will definitely be stopped at a critical time.

As for the fact that even the quasi-emperor has not even been a quasi-emperor after five million years of cultivation, there is no need for special attention. ,, ..

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