Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 301: Be confessed

Without the manipulation of thousands of generations, those puppets also stopped immediately, just like a machine without a power source.

"So, you really shouldn't have come."

Yi Shuihan said in a frivolous tone, and Qiandai, who hadn't cared at all at this time, couldn't hear what he said.

"This is over?"

Jilai also stared at Yi Shuihan in a daze, that was a thousand generations! Just now he and Dashewan hadn't won the strongman for so long, but Yi Shuihan solved it with one move.

"Then what do you want? Look at me playing with her for a hundred and eighty rounds, the world is broken, the sun and the moon are dark, and finally the tricks erupt on both sides, shouting slogans of shame? In short, the rest is left to you. "

Yi Shuihan turned around and left, leaving Jilaiya with a dazed expression.

"What does he mean? It always feels amazing!"

"Let’s clean up the mess first! This time I am afraid that Sand Ninja Village is broken. I wonder if they will go directly to a full-scale war? What a headache."

Qiandai brought people to the camp, but the entire army was wiped out. I believe that as long as this incident is leaked out, it will have a great impact on the war pattern of the entire Ninja World.

Maybe any Konoha threat theory will come out, and it is possible that other countries will unite to resist Konoha.

Although other countries are enemies with Konoha, Konoha may not necessarily lose.

The power of Nine Tails can completely shake all other tail beasts. Nino, who is in his prime, and Sannin, Konoha, who is about to reach the peak, are not too strong.

"Is that guy so powerful?" Kato saw Yi Shuihan's back muttering with a kick in the camp, completely shocked.

Returning to Tsunade’s tent, Yi Shuihan has returned to the state of the boy next door before. It is not like he just killed more than a hundred ninjas. It is as if he went out for a meal and went shopping and came back. Up.

"How is the situation outside?" At this time, the battle was over, Tsunade also guessed that Konoha should have won, but he still wanted to know the answer from Yi Shuihan's mouth.

Yi Shuihan walked to Tsunade's side, picked her up, sat on her lap, and put her mouth close to Tsunade's ear and said, "With me, it's natural to be foolproof. No one ran, so I dare to disturb me. The cute Tsunade has no eyesight."

Tsunade's focus at this time was no longer the outside situation. Yi Shuihan's bold movements, as well as the breathing and heat coming from his ears, made Tsunade's mind blank and blurred.

How... how dare he do this? Obviously he should be pushed away now, but his body can't move, and my heart is more attached to this feeling.

I'm in love? Like him?

Tsunade finally realized his heart at this time. He had already fallen in love with Yi Shuihan before he knew it.

Tsunade was not the kind of mother-in-law. Now that he knew what he thought, he simply accepted it and expressed it directly.

"I like you! How about you being my boyfriend?"

Tsunade's eyes looked straight at Yi Shuihan, with a strong aura.

However, Yi Shuihan could see that Tsunade's strong surface was very nervous at this time. He could feel Tsunade's whole body tightening at this moment, the expectation and fear deep in his eyes.

If I don’t agree, I’m afraid I won’t even do anything with her in the future, right?

Actually being confessed, is it really the first experience in life?

Yi Shuihan thought about the matter, but Tsunade didn't immediately answer because of Yi Shuihan, his ruddy face turned pale, and his eyes also showed disappointment.

"Sorry, I was joking before!"

"I promised, I will be your man from now on."

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

"I don't care if you are joking or not, in short, I'm serious. If you don't agree to be my girlfriend, I will destroy Konoha and kill any man who comes close to you."

Yi Shuihan said word by word, making people no doubt his determination.

Tsunade's eyes slowly filled with tears, and her face was rosy again, and she nodded deeply and said, "I will not marry anyone except you."

Yi Shuihan showed a smile, and the relationship between the two was completely sublimated at this moment. Although it only confirmed the relationship between the boy and girl friends, in fact, even if Yi Shuihan directly proposed marriage now, Tsunade would not hesitate. promise.

The love in this world is much deeper than in Yi Shuihan’s original world. There is no need to worry about any betrayal. There is no such thing as a divorce. It is confirmed, as long as it is not extremely against the sky, such as the brother of the killer. Tsunade would not leave Yi Shuihan for things like trees.

After officially confirming the relationship, Yi Shuihan had no rules, and his hands slowly began to become dishonest, making Tsunade's blushing, but he did not stop him.

This greatly contributed to Yi Shuihan's arrogance, so what happened next... well, nothing beyond friendship happened. Yi Shuihan is not so anxious, of course, if it weren't for the reappearance of Zi Lai Ye and Da She Wan , I don’t know if this is still the case.

"What's the matter with you, don't you know this is the place of the wounded? Who will be responsible for disturbing Tsunade's recovery?" Yi Shuihan's face was obviously unhappy.

Tsunade is still recovering? Jilaida looked completely healthy, and Tsunade was still a little too healthy, and didn't know what to say.

At the same time, he was also shocked by Tsunade's recovery speed. Not long ago, he saw with his own eyes Tsunade's injuries that would cause ordinary people to lose immediately, and the tricky poison.

Jiraji did not speak, but Osamaru on the side had to say that he was more careful than Jiraji. Even though Tsunade had covered it up, he could still see that Tsunade’s state was wrong, and that it was obviously full. The sorted clothes revealed too much information.

Have they developed to this level? It's really not time to come!

The peripheral light of his eyes glanced at the hot springs on the ground, thinking of the news he had received, O She Maru had even speculated the truth that Tsunade was so fast because of hot springs.

"There is one thing I must tell you, Chiyo is gone!"

"I just ran away, what's the big deal, but also to notify me specifically?"

Looking at Yi Shuihan with a surprised look, Da She Wan felt that he came at an untimely time. ,, ..

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