Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 303: Go to school to find friends and girls!

"You have nothing to love with you, as if you were **** by a female archer, what's the matter? I don't remember that I did something like that!"

Yi Shuihan was a little puzzled. The realization of this Hanzo is too exaggerated. They are all leaders of a country, and they are at this level. It shouldn't be!


Hanzo's swallowing voice sounded, and he turned his head hard and looked at Yi Shuihan's indifferent expression, as if it was just an expression of a very ordinary thing happening, and he realized something.

"Monster, no, it's an evildoer, I actually got into such an existence, do I still have a way to survive?"

At this moment, Hanzo regretted it, very regretful that he shot Tsunade. From the appearance of Yi Shuihan, he could guess that Yi Shuihan came only for Tsunade. If he didn't hit Tsunade, he would not draw Yi. Shui Han is a monster.

"Has something happened to Hanzo-sama?"

The guard outside the door also found something wrong and shouted outside.

Hanzo instinctively wanted to say that someone had attacked, but when he thought of Yi Shuihan's strength, he stopped when he reached his lips. Even he had no resistance in Yi Shuihan's hands, and the others had nothing to do. Worked.

"Master Hanzo? Master Hanzo? If we don't answer again, we will come in."

Just when the people outside were about to force in, the silent Hanzo finally said, "I have nothing here, don't worry."


"Asshole, don't you listen to what I said? Stay in your post and don't move."


After watching this episode throughout, Yi Shuihan was a little better on Hanzo's senses, but this was not enough for him to change his attention.

"So, you just accept your fate!"

In Hanzo's horrified eyes, Yi Shuihan casually touched him directly, and then Hanzo realized that he couldn't move. He couldn't even move his eyes or make a sound.

Not only that, Hanzo even felt that the chakra in his body had stopped flowing, he just could still think.

Naturally, Yi Shuihan used the fixation technique. Although this kind of magic was only effective for creatures whose strength was far lower than his own, it was just right now.

"Hey, ready to be punished."

When he said that he didn't react to Hanzo at all, he pulled out a device from the void that Hanzo didn't recognize.

Even if he didn't know him, Hanzo still felt the creeps in his heart, and bad feelings filled his heart. In addition to being unable to move, his fear was infinitely amplified.

In the next time, Hanzo personally felt what real pain is. Even as a ninja, he has seen a lot of methods of interrogation and torture, but facing the two worlds of Yi Shuihan, the torture instrument is almost broken, or said It has collapsed several times and was finally rescued.

The medicine that makes people fall into the illusion that they least want to see when they smell it, the silver needle that can magnify pain a hundred times, the medicine that is as strong as one milligram and kills people, Yi Shuihan directly gave him a bottle.

Like this, anyway, as long as you think Yi Shuihan can give Hanzo again.

If you can beg for mercy, or even say that you can commit suicide, I am afraid Hanzo would have killed himself directly. Where can he endure this kind of pain, but he can't do it at all.

Hanzo's consciousness fainted and awakened. I don't know how many times. In short, Hanzo's eyes had completely lost hope, and he looked desperate for the world.

Except for Yi Shuihan and Hanzo himself, no one knows what happened that night, but Hanzo has completely changed since that night.

Become extremely irritable and irritable, and often anxious male ninjas to do some shameful things in his room.

"What should be done has already been done. There shouldn't be any accidents this time. If it wasn't for Tsunade's revenge, I would have accepted Hanzo's life."

Yi Shuihan returned to Konoha, still in front of his hot spring boss, every day is very leisurely, except for the daily practice of teasing Kakashi and Uzumaki Kushina, he basically didn't care about this second war of Ninja World , In addition to often find time and Tsunade tryst.

As time passed, Tsunade and the others also received the title of Sannin, but this time Hanzo died directly in their hands. It was the title given to them when he was dying. The title of Sannin was even higher than the original. A lot of it.

Before he died, Hanzo's expression that seemed to be finally freed became an unknown mystery.

Sakumo Hagiki has finally become Konoha's white teeth, and other celebrities have also risen one after another. It can be said that Konoha has completely made a name, and the status of the leader of the ninja world can no longer be shaken.

Finally, without Yi Shui Han's interference, World War II came to an end, and Konoha ended the war as a winner.

Of course, this is only on the surface, and it is still surging in the dark, but for Konoha, it is about to enter a smooth matter until the beginning of the three wars.

"Brother Yi, I am going to the Ninja School tomorrow, but I don't want to go." Kakashi said distressedly.

As for the reason for not wanting to go, it is very simple. At this time, he is already a ninja, and he does not want to play with a group of little friends who have not yet become ninjas.

"Why don't you want to go?"

"I'm already a ninja, although I haven't gotten the forehead protection yet."

"Going to a ninja school has nothing to do with your strength. If you go, you can make some friends, such as good friends! As the saying goes, a life without a friend is not a complete life. It is said that a ninja school There are many more girls! You have to train your marriage partner from an early age, you have already missed so much time, this time the Ninja School must be caught!"

Yi Shuihan spoke earnestly, but Kakashi listened ignorantly, but felt extremely reasonable.

"Big Brother Yi is right. I want to revitalize my family. I must find my true love in the ninja school and also find my good friends."

Another pure child was taken crooked.

Kakashi didn't understand the true meaning of Jiyou. He once asked Yi Shuihan, who directly turned his Jiyou into a good brother. ,, ..

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