Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 310: Intend to be the forerunner

"Since you want to learn, it's not impossible, but I hope you promise me not to give up halfway."

Kakashi wants to learn national martial arts, and Yi Shuihan naturally agrees, after all, he has the task of carrying forward national martial arts.

"Really? Great."

Kakashi didn't expect Yi Shuihan to agree so happily. He was overjoyed and called out excitedly.

Don't blame Kakashi for the excitement, after all, the national martial arts belong to the kind of advanced physical martial arts, and generally speaking, such physical martial arts are secrets that are not passed on, and no one can easily teach others.

"I will definitely practice the national martial arts." Kakashi promised, thinking so in his heart.

Yi Shuihan was the same as the previous Metkay. He told Kakashi about the cultivation method from the national skill to the Mingjin, and also said the method to break through to the Ajin, and asked him to come to him for the next practice method when he reached the Ajin. .

When Kakashi was gone, Yi Shuihan was thoughtful.

"Perhaps I should try to practice the national martial arts myself, or else I won't know how to teach others?" Once such thoughts arise, they will never go away.

Because Yi Shuihan himself has reached a very high level, unless he has reached the final state of practicing national martial arts, it will not increase his strength much, so he has never thought of practicing national martial arts, but this time he seems to be wrong. Reasons to practice impossibility.

A forerunner in the national martial arts is still very important. After all, the national martial arts system he has obtained will not have a specific method of practice after Huajin. He can only realize by himself. In this way, if he wants to break through to Baodan, and even Yu Poxu was too difficult.

And if Yi Shuihan first cultivates to hold the pill, and is teaching his own experience, others will not break through immediately, but at least it will be of great help.

The so-called true transmission of one sentence, false transmission of thousands of books, is precisely the truth.


"Is there a problem?"

"I don't know if I can practice this national skill."

Matt Dai learned about Kakashi from his son, and he was interested in national arts, so he found Yi Shuihan, hoping that he could also practice national arts.

"If you want to learn, you can find your son by yourself. In fact, I don't mind the spread of this stuff. On the contrary, the more people learn, the better."

The more people learn, the better? Yi Shuihan's words made Matt Dai very strange. Which one in the Ninja world had obtained a precious technique was not carefully preserved, for fear that others would know that there is something like Yi Shuihan who wants others to practice instead.

Especially for some techniques, the less people know, the more they have an advantage in battle. After all, if you don’t know the details of the technique, you don’t know how to crack it, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the battle.

After Kakashi's practice of national martial arts was spread, it seemed to trigger a series of continuous reactions, and then from time to time, someone came to ask for the practice of national martial arts.

In the end, Yi Shuihan became impatient, so he simply wrote down the training methods from the beginning to Huajin and threw it to the third generation, letting the third generation figure it out.

Three generations were very grateful for one move, and completely regarded Yi Shuihan as his own person.

Even Tsunade has treated Yi Shuihan a lot better these days. That is because Yi Shuihan said, "Since it is the village founded by Grandpa Tsunade, I should make some contributions. "

The courage of the three generations is still great, and they directly passed Ming Jin's cultivation methods directly to the Ninja School. As a required course for the students of the Ninja School, it can be considered as Yi Shuihan's intention.

At the same time that the national martial art was spreading at Konoha, Yi Shuihan's national martial art progress was so fast that he reached the peak of dark energy, and almost entered Huajin.

In the hot spring field, the bronze hot spring, Yi Shuihan and Tsunade are standing on the hot spring and are practicing opposite each other.

Neither of them used ninjutsu, or to be more precise, they both used national skills, and Tsunade also entered the realm of dark power under the teaching of Yi Shuihan, although it was only the first time.

The fight between the two is not like a ninja at all, but you come and go like two martial arts masters, and even the aftermath of the fight is not as big as a ninja fight. It doesn't look great, it seems to be faster than ordinary people.

But if you really think so, it would be completely wrong. When you reach Anjin, you can already fully control your own energy. At the moment of fighting, you can penetrate your own energy into your body, and at the same time explode several strengths. .

It can be said that Anjin's attack can be invisible on the surface, but in fact, the inside has been completely destroyed.

If the dark power is strong and the non dark power is strong, it can destroy the inside of the opponent's body without knowing it, leaving hidden wounds that the enemy cannot detect.

10 minutes later,

"Huhu..." Tsunade panted, and his body was completely wet with sweat. The bath towel was so tightly attached, she looked like a wet body, perfectly exposing her figure to Yi Shuihan's eyes.

Seeing Yi Shuihan staring at herself blankly, Tsunade was ashamed, but also very happy. He didn't cover him, but instead tried to show his figure so that Yi Shuihan could see more clearly. .

Seeing this, Yi Shuihan walked in front of Tsunade and made no secret of it.

"Are you about to break through to Huajin?" Tsunade asked Yi Shuihan's mischief.

"Yes, I have a clue, I can start to break through in a few days."

"What a monster, I just broke through to Anjin."

"You dare to say that your husband I am a monster. See if I don't punish you."

Naturally, the second alternative battle between the two began.

At this time, it was only half a month since Yi Shuihan cultivated the national skill. Other people's national skill had little access to Mingjin, and Yi Shuihan had already begun to make a breakthrough in Huajin. This is because Yi Shuihan slowed down his practice. , Otherwise he would have been energized.

After all, the realm is too high, so there is no bottleneck in the practice in the early stage of Chinese martial arts. ,, ..

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