Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 323: Kyuubi in shock

"This person is a bit strange! Where did he come from?" Only Yi Shuihan could regard an elite Shangren as a dragon.

Ye Shen Sanyue is barely the patriarch of a big family. The reason why he did not appear in the original book is not too low-key, because he was exterminated before the plot started. However, for this almost funny IQ, it should belong to the queen. The author.

Jump out without knowing anything, don't you see that no one else is talking?

The third generation's complexion sank, but it was not aimed at Yi Shuihan, but about the Ye God Sanyue. At this time, Ye Shen Sanyue didn't know it, thinking that the third generation was aimed at Yi Shuihan, and was looking at Yi Shui proudly. Cold, provocative fools can see it.

Hokage didn’t even speak, but Danzo, who had had a gap with Yi Shuihan, couldn’t bear to say, “I think the night **** Sanyue is right. He is not our Konoha at all, and he is not sure if he is the spy of the hostile village. , Shouldn't have been here."

Danzo’s abacus is still good, and even if you can’t move you on the face, you can say a few words to make you sick.

It's just that Danzo underestimated Yi Shuihan's temper. As soon as his voice fell, Yi Shuihan began to mutter, "Well, it suddenly occurred to me that I have to add an iron rule, as long as the root members are not allowed to enter."

Although it was muttering, the voices were clearly heard by those present. In an instant, Tuan Zang, who was still a little happy, looked stiff and his face turned pale.

Danzo understands the value of Yi Shuihan’s hot springs, and he has no less to send people inside. It is precisely because of this that his vitality can recover so quickly. Yi Shuihan’s opening such a way cut his way of cultivating talents. As a result, the blow to him is not trivial.

One sentence made Tuan Zang regret it, and only Yi Shuihan's hot spring had such power.

Others who knew the magic of the hot springs were secretly thankful that they didn't speak.

"What is he talking about? What hot spring field?" No matter how stupid, Ye Shen San Yue sensed something was wrong, but he didn't know the meaning of it.

For some families who rest on their laurels and don’t pay attention to external news, it’s not surprising that they don’t know the hot springs. After all, the daily quota also makes the verification of the hot springs a hassle. Knowing the benefits of the hot springs, as long as they don’t really have no money, they will do it every day. Come in line to occupy the spot.

Another thing is that Yagami Sanyue once heard about the hot springs, but I just ignored it because I didn't believe it. After all, the magic of the hot springs is not personally experienced. After all, it is hard to believe. This is also the hot springs that have not been used by other countries. One of the reasons for too much attention.

Danzo's deflation made the three generations of Hokage look dark in their hearts, but it was invisible on the surface.

"Awesome." Zi Lai also secretly gave Yi Shuihan a thumbs up, seeing Tuan Zang suffer, he loves to hear.

Seeing this, Da She Maru's eyes flickered slightly, but he who had originally planned to cooperate with Dan Zang began to hesitate. If Dan Zang knew that he would curse his mother.

Tsunade, who is closest to Yi Shuihan, smiled directly, turning Danzo's face into black and blue.

"Okay, now is the critical moment. Pay attention to it." The three generations came out to make a round, but without the slightest accusation of Yi Shuihan, you can see his own attitude.

Being able to cultivate to the elite level of forbearance, Ye Shen San Yue is not a fool, and he dare not continue seeing this.

"Tsunade, come sit and sit together, and you will be tired after standing!"

There was no sign behind Yi Shuihan, a sofa chair that could be used for two people. He did it first, and then took Tsunade's hand to force her to sit on it.

"Space Ninjutsu?"

Those who saw this scene had their pupils tightened, and the danger level of Yi Shuihan in their hearts rose by one level.

Everyone was standing, only oneself and Yi Shuihan were sitting, even Tsunade's somewhat careless temperament was a bit shy, his face was pink, but he didn't stand up.

"This kid!" The three generations of Hokage can't smile. How can a ninja get tired in such a short time? It's normal to lie in one place for a few days. Yi Shuihan is completely fine, but he still can't treat Yi Shuihan. How about, Yi Shuihan is not Konoha's ninja!

Now the atmosphere was completely destroyed, and the scene became a little weird.

As time passed, the sound of cursing was gradually heard in the room, accompanied by a vague roar, and the increasingly powerful Chakra fluctuations.

The evil Chakra belonging to Nine Tails is frightening. Many have just heard that Nine Tails are powerful, and this time I finally felt it personally.

"This endless chakra, Nine Tails are really so strong!"

"How is it possible? It's just Chakra that makes me lose the idea of ​​doing it."

"How is this monster subdued? It is also sealed in the human body, becoming a pillar of strength."

The whispered discussion began to sound, and unknowingly, he became afraid to look small to the Thousand Hands Clan, and the lost awe was picked up again.

"Is it the last juncture?" Tsunade looked at the direction of the room with some worry. The alternation of the Kujiruto is also related to her grandma. If it doesn't go well, her grandma may die on the spot. , If it goes well, her grandma may still live a few days.


"Finally, I will never be sealed again this time, old lady, go to death!"

The skyrocketing flames directly pierced the room, burning the room into nothingness in an instant, and the situation inside was immediately exposed to everyone's eyes.

Uzumaki Mito's face was pale as paper, and his entire spirit was languishing. The nine-tailed demon phantom, about 3 meters high in mid-air, was struggling constantly, and as the black chain that fettered it gradually cracked, it looked extremely bad. .

Uzumaki Kushina was lying on the ground in front of Uzumaki Mito, her eyes closed, seeming to be extremely painful, a chain on her stomach was linked to Kyuubi, as if she wanted to pull Kyuubi in.

"You must hold on! Master." The three generations' eyes showed anxious expression, but they also knew that no one could help now, only Uzumaki Mito himself.

"What rhythm is this? It's not right! Is it going to fail?" Yi Shuihan frowned. He thought that nothing unexpected would happen. How could this happen.

Suddenly feeling a huge force on his hand, he realized that Tsunade's face was full of anxiety and his whole person was in an extremely unstable state.

"It looks like it works."

Yi Shuihan's heart moved, and a powerful spiritual coercion belonging to the late stage of returning to Void immediately pressed against Nine Tails.

The originally arrogant Nine Tails immediately changed his complexion, his body seemed to be imprisoned, and his eyes were filled with blankness and confusion.

"This coercion, even the six immortals can't be so strong, who is it?" Kyuubi only felt that if it continued to resist, the owner of this coercion would take action, and the immortal, it would actually die at this moment. I was frightened all of a sudden. ,, ..

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