Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 334: Comprehensive Ninjutsu Encyclopedia

"What's the matter with you, why are you absent-minded?" Tsunade was talking to Yi Shuihan, but found that he had been talking for a long time. Yi Shuihan was just a drink of "um", and he pushed Yi Shuihan dissatisfiedly.

At this time, most of Yi Shuihan's energy was on the ninjutsu explanation of the Six Dao Immortals, and naturally he couldn't help but ignore Tsunade's side.

"Don't make trouble, I'm listening now!" Yi Shuihan said in a daze.

"Listen?" Tsunade looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, suddenly his complexion changed, and put his hand on Yi Shuihan's forehead.

"Why? There is no fever! How can I talk nonsense." Kai Lailai Yi Shuihan in Tsunade now has a physical problem. After all, there is no one around Yi Shuihan in her eyes.

Is it a dream? He is not sleeping like this!

While feeling puzzled, the aura clone who was listening to the explanation of the Six Dao Immortals also suddenly moved.

"Did something happen?" Six Dao Immortals still had extremely keen perception, and immediately listened and asked.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Yi Shuihan's face, "It's nothing, you can always continue."

However, the Six Dao Immortals seemed to have seen something through, and in his arms, he took out a book and handed it to Yi Shuihan.

The six characters of "Comprehensive Ninjutsu Encyclopedia" are impressive.

"Why didn't you say that there is such a good thing?" Yi Shuihan grabbed it with bright eyes, opened it, and it turned out to be broad and profound. The six immortals have said before here, and there are many that have not been mentioned. .

"Is there any more?"


The Six Dao Immortal shook his head like a rattle, and said angrily, "This is a summary of my thousand years. If you don't want it, you can return it to me."

"Hehe, when I didn't say anything before." He didn't mention anything to return at all.

He threw the book into the portable space. With this space ability, the six immortals who watched also raised their brows slightly.

"Then there is nothing else you want to say, if not, I'm going back to cook."

"Your kid is really ungrateful! He was so enthusiastic just now, and now he has become so cold." The Liudao Immortal was also a little dazed by Yi Shuihan's indifferent attitude.

When Haoxuan waited for the incarnation of Yi Shuihan to disperse, the Six Dao Immortals thought of something and quickly said, "I hope you can take care of my two sons."

"Your two sons? Are they still alive?"

Yi Shuihan said subconsciously, and then came to a sudden reaction. The two sons of the Six Dao Immortals were indeed dead, but their wills were still there. They were Uzumaki Naruto and Sasuke who had not yet been born.

The six immortals were full of black lines, but they also understood that what Yi Shuihan said was true, so he couldn't find any rebuttal.

"I know, I'll take care of it properly, but you know that you have the ability, so it's really troublesome to find me."

Yi Shuihan's spiritual energy clone disappeared completely, but the words still echoed in this space.

"This kid" Six Dao Immortal smiled, but then his breath began to deepen, motionless, before sighing for a long time, "I always feel that things will not be that simple."

"What are you touching on me?"

Yi Shuihan looked at Tsunade in amazement. He didn't feel that his consciousness was scattered before, but now that after returning to his consciousness, after being touched all over by Tsunade, Yi Shuihan finally had a man's normal reaction.

But at this moment Tsunade's hand happened to touch a certain stick, his pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and he quickly removed his hand in a panic.

"I'm an old husband and wife, don't be shy! Go ahead! I suddenly feel that your massage is very good."

"Who is going to give you a massage?" Tsunade said not poorly, and then asked with a straight face, "What the **** was going on just now, it feels like you have lost your soul."

Yi Shuihan didn't reply, but fixedly looking at Tsunade, a strong atmosphere was created.

"Do you...really want to know?"

This kind of performance scared Tsunade, thinking it was something serious, and immediately sank in his heart, "You tell me! No matter what it is, I will take it with you."

"Actually," Yi Shuihan paused slightly, and then said very fast. "Actually, I saw the Six Dao Immortals before and talked to him about national martial arts. He also explained the mysteries of ninjutsu, and finally gave me a copy of Ninjutsu. Those who come to the art encyclopedia."

Tsunade looked at Yi Shuihan stupidly, and then shouted in anger into anger, "Yi...Shui...Han..."

Tsunade rushed to Yi Shuihan and said fiercely, "Let you tease me, let you tease me."

"There are still six immortals, I don't know if I lie and write drafts!" With increased strength in his hands, Yi Shuihan's head dented deeply.

"Also call you ninjutsu, and send you the ninjutsu encyclopedia?"

"Let go, I'm going to be out of breath." Yi Shuihan's voice seemed painful, but Tsunade didn't let him go, but tried harder.

In places where Tsunade could not see, Yi Shuihan was full of enjoyment. He pretended to breathe everything he could not breathe. Oxygen or something was not a problem for him, let alone he could breathe all over Even if there is no oxygen in the outside air, it doesn't matter if you lose him. In some ways, he is completely out of the realm of human beings.

Tsunade was also short of breath, or not paying attention, so he didn't notice Yi Shuihan.

A few minutes later, the two of them still maintained the same posture, and at this time Tsunade was flushed with red, and he was no longer domineering before, with spring water in his eyes, and a look of excessive force.

Tsunade had already reacted, but it was too late. Now she had no strength to push Yi Shuihan out, so she could only let Yi Shuihan be at his mercy.

Besides, it's still a problem that Tsuna palm is reluctant to push Yi Shuihan out!

"Boss? Tsunade-sama, this is..."

As soon as Matt Dai said the words, he felt bad, a horrible feeling came, and then he saw Tsunade and Yi Shuihan two pairs of eyes that were so fierce as to kill.

"Then what? I didn't see anything, I'm leaving now."

Matt Daishi displayed a speed comparable to that of Eight Door Dunjia opening the door, and disappeared from the spot. ,, ..

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