Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 337: Have you been kicked by Thunder?

"Old man, if you don't go, I'll go, Tsunade is still there!" When everyone was silent, Jiraji said loudly, "Oshemaru, what do you say?"

Da Shemaru's eyes flickered, and finally said in a hoarse, magnetic voice, "It's better to go and see. If something happens, there is time to stop it."

"Although I hate you very much, I can still live reliably at the critical moment!"

Oshemaru's words also seemed to make Sandai made up his mind. He stopped the peeping ninjutsu, and slowly exhaled, "Let's go! Anyway, at least Yi Shuihan's life must be guaranteed."

"Why? An outsider, is it worth our confrontation with the other three Ninja Villages for this? I don't agree to take care of this." Danzo said indifferently.

His words resonated with the other two consultants and nodded.

"For the hot springs, everything is worth it." The three generations did not give in, a power of Hokage exuded, directly crushing the dark aura of Danzo. "And now I am Hokage."

The statements of the three generations caused Danzo to stagnate, but in the face of such a strong three generations, Danzo was helpless and could only express his dissatisfaction with a cold snort.

"My roots won't be involved in this matter, the others, just you." Danzo left the office directly.

And when the three generations of Hokage brought people to the hot springs, the fighting in the hot springs did not stop because of this, but intensified.

"Even the **** stab was used. The third generation of Raikage seems to be really moving." Onoki stared at the two fighting not far away, and he was surprised in his heart. Both are shadows. He couldn't understand better than Yi Shuihan's strength. Even if Yi Shuihan was replaced by him, he couldn't be as relaxed as Yi Shuihan thought.

That's right, it's easy. In such a fierce battle, Yi Shuihan performed well, and even to be precise, he was the one who had the upper hand.

The three generations of Raikage have shown the power of Lei Dun to the extreme. The powerful chakra wave is comparable to the tail beast. The whole person looks like a human-shaped tail beast. If this battle was carried out outside the hot spring field, it would have been Several streets were ruined.

And now, if it weren't for the amazing power and power that could be clearly felt, I would still think that this is just a battle with this light and shadow effect, just a big momentum.

"What the **** is going on?" Three generations of Fengying keenly noticed this, but didn't know why.

At some point, a person appeared next to Matt Dai. This person appeared extremely abrupt. Apart from Tsunade, even Matt Dai himself discovered it because he was too close.

Konoha White Fang, Haaki Sakumo, now with the same identity as Matt Dai, appearing here is not surprising, and the silent appearance of the shadow-level powerhouse is enough to show his strength, the sword is not old!

"Your strength is more than that, right?" Yi Shuihan's voice faintly sounded, but he no longer had the thought of continuing to play with the third generation of Lei Ying.

For others, the battle was fierce to life and death, and for Yi Shuihan, it was indeed just for fun. He didn't even resort to a decent attack, but the three generations of Raiking were helpless.

"Don't underestimate me, my true strength has just begun."

"Hell Spike"

The speed of the third generation of Lei Ying has skyrocketed by a few points. A needle-like spur on the tip of his right index finger followed the wave of his hand, piercing the thunder outside Yi Shuihan, and it was about to really hurt Yi Shui. cold.

At this moment, Yi Shuihan moved and kicked out at a speed much faster than the third generation of Raikage.

"Have you been kicked by Thunder?"

The excitement in the eyes of the three generations of Lei Ying has not dissipated, and the scene of Yi Shuihan being seriously injured by himself has appeared in his eyes first, and then he found that at a certain moment, the distance between himself and Yi Shuihan is constantly increasing.

"How come? Did he retreat? The speed is so fast." The first thought of the third generation of Lei Ying was the fact that the huge force in his abdomen immediately let him know.


Lei Ying was directly shot out of the Lei Dun Chakra mode and rolled on the ground several times before stopping because of the wall.

"What happened at that moment?" It was obviously that the three generations of Raikage were about to attack Yi Shuihan, how could he be suddenly beaten back?

Not to mention Mu Ying and Feng Ying, even Tsunade didn’t see Yi Shuihan’s move. Naturally, it was the same for Metkai who did not open the door. As for Hagi Sakuma, his mouth was slightly opened at this moment, and he was obviously surprised. Others are small.

Of course, as an excellent ninja, judging what happened based on the situation is simply so easy, but they themselves don't want to believe the answer in their mind.

Three generations of Lei Ying's coat had turned into fly ash, and a huge footprint on his upper body was as obvious as an engraving.

Struggling to stand up, the three generations of Lei Ying's eyes towards Yi Shuihan have completely changed. If he had underestimated Yi Shuihan because of the relationship between the two sides, now he has completely regarded Yi Shuihan as He has the same level and even stronger existence.

In the face of people who are stronger than yourself, status is no longer a gap. In the final analysis, status is guaranteed by strength!

"I underestimated you! Konoha actually has a monster like you, and the hiding is really deep." The third generation of Raikage is a stupid man with a stupid brain, and at this moment he has to say.

"Master Raikage actually lost, how is this possible?"

"That Raikage-sama..."

As the shadow of a village, naturally it would not be a person who came to Konoha alone, but someone who came with him, not with him, and had been not far away before, watching this battle.

The people brought by Raikage couldn’t imagine that Raikage, who can suppress even the eight tails, would lose, and it was as simple as losing. It wasn’t the kind of fierce battle that was finally defeated, but was easily defeated by the enemy. , The enemy didn't even seem to have much effort at all.

"Yi Shuihan, where is it sacred? This strength has already surpassed the shadow!"

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