Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 340: Exposed strength

Yi Shuihan retired from the state of rebirth without phase, and his heart was also very uneasy. After this phaseless rebirth was really used, he found that the strength he could burst out far exceeded his imagination.

Even if he easily defeated the two shadows, he used less than one ten thousandth of his own power. It can even be said that even the energy used to deal with Raikage was far inferior.

In the phaseless reincarnation state, his attack power is greatly enhanced. If in the normal mode, if he uses a little attack energy to be one, he only needs one percent or even less energy to enter the phaseless reincarnation mode. Can make a little attack.

There was a reminder that he could submit the task in his mind, but Yi Shuihan ignored it. Anyway, he could submit the task at any time, and there was no need to worry about the task not being completed. The reward was based on the degree of completion, no more than a few hundred videos. He won't just submit tasks easily.

In fact, Yi Shuihan still has an idea. After defeating all the shadows, let them retire, and let the new shadows take on the forbearance. Wouldn't it be possible to continue to increase the degree of completion after such repetition.

But after thinking about it, he gave up the idea, the system won't let him have that kind of loophole.

A person who doesn't even have a shadow rank, even if he becomes a shadow, will the system recognize it?

Thinking about it this way, Yi Shuihan remembered that the system already had elementary intelligence, and might be able to answer his own questions, and immediately raise his own questions.

The system’s answer made him a little regretful. Just as he thought, the system would not recognize people who are not capable of shadow level as shadows, and besides the shadows of the five great nations, other shadows of Shinobu are not within the scope of this mission. within.

"In this way, is my idea of ​​cheating really unworkable?" Yi Shuihan felt regretful, but didn't think about it anymore. After all, the task rewards were not mentioned, and it was not that big for him. within Temptation.

If the system specifically stated the task rewards, according to the situation, Yi Shuihan said that he would not do his best to complete the task. For example, he would improve the strength of certain people, let them forcefully possess the strength of shadows, and forcibly score points.

A year's time is enough for Yi Shuihan to do a lot of things, isn't it?

After thinking so much, in reality, it is just a blink of an eye.

Because the mission was only to defeat, there was no mention of killing, and Yi Shuihan himself didn't plan to kill the two shadows directly, so Ohyemu and Fengying could survive.

At this moment, several masked people appeared in front of the two of them. It was the Anbe of Iwanin Village and Sand Ninja Village. Seeing the life and death of their own family, I couldn't help but jump up.

"Don't worry, it's a guest, how could I kill someone? I've been merciful." Yi Shuihan said lightly, but his words made the Anbu breathe a sigh of relief, and they were stunned.

Just this is the mercy of his men. That kind of attack hits people, even if the shadow-level powerhouse is dead, it is normal. If it weren't for the strong strength of the two shadows, it might not be able to sustain it anymore.

If Yi Shuihan knew their thoughts, he would definitely disdain to say that all of this was in my expectation.

"Sure enough, are there ninjas who are good at medical treatment? But it's normal, after all, they are the shadow of a village."

After a while, Ohnoki and Sandai Fengying woke up from their coma.

"I... this is..."

Onomu's eyes were still a little confused. He saw the dark part he was healing and Yi Shuihan, who had recovered to his usual appearance, and his memory quickly recovered.

After that, Oh Yemu's complexion was extremely complicated, and the horror in his heart was no longer enough to speak, even if he looked at Yi Shuihan with the mentality of an old fox, he couldn't help but become frightened.

Are you kidding me? It defeated me and the three generations of Fengying in one blow. Is his strength comparable to the original Naruto?

Or stronger.

He didn't dare to continue thinking, he was afraid that if he continued thinking, he would directly despair.

We must know that all countries have never stopped thinking about the country of fire. If Yi Shuihan is officially Konoha, they will have no hope at all. It is a desperate distance, comparable to the longest road in the world. , Routine.

Can you be more sincere and less routine.

The bitterness in Ohyemu's heart, even the spirit in his eyes has disappeared, his appearance has not changed, but his heart has a feeling of death.

The three generations of Fengying, speaking of strength, are a little lower than Ohyeki, and at this time they are in the same state as Ohyeki.

To become famous in World War I, it is conceivable that after today, Yi Shuihan's name will thoroughly resound through the Ninja World and become the most dangerous one on the unprovoked list.

"How is it? Your husband, I'm great!" Yi Shui walked up to Tsunade humbly, with a come and praise expression, and suddenly changed the style of painting.

Looking at so many people, Tsunade could only blush as her husband called Yi Shuihan, surprisingly without rebuttal, lowered his head and looked at his toes.

"What? Isn't it true? The Tsunade and Yi Shuihan and the others?" The one who reacted the most was Ji Lai. He couldn't believe it, and there was heartbreak in his eyes.

Even Jira had already noticed it a long time ago. He, who likes Tsunade, has always been deceiving himself and others, and he has completely realized this scene.

Of course, in the original work, Jilai is the kind of character that can be accepted as long as Tsunade is happy and unhappy, that is, if I feel sad now, I am afraid that I will also wisely and silently express blessings to Yi Shuihan and Tsunade.

On Konoha's side, other people didn’t know that they were surprised, but they knew, such as Sandai and Dashewan, they showed clear expressions. They were more concerned about Yi Shuihan’s strength. Just now, Yi Shuihan showed The strength, that kind of unresistible power, shocked them.

"We have discussed and discussed, should you come in for a cup of tea, as the host, I am not that kind of stingy person." Yi Shuihan said to Sanying.

"No, we will visit again at a later date."

"So are we."

"let's go."

After planting such a big somersault, the body is still not good, plus the Hokage on the side with a large number of ninjas, it would be strange if they can stay at ease.

Yi Shuihan didn't stop him, just let them leave.

"Three generations of adults, do you want?"

An Anbe beside Sandai had a weird tone. It was obviously an idea to keep the three shadows. Although it was a peaceful era, it did not mean that the hatred had disappeared.

Three generations shook their heads and said, "Konoha needs peace, not war."

In fact, he also had a momentary heartbeat, but suddenly he thought of Yi Shuihan, he did not adopt the opinions of his subordinates. At this time, Yi Shuihan's attitude is not clear. Come out, it's hard to say. ,, ..

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