Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 363: Mask Man Appears

"Somehow, there is an ominous premonition! Master."

Ye Gucheng has also grown from a teenager to a handsome young man. At this time, he is already a cultivation base of Baodan, and he has no pressure on ordinary movies. Even if he fights with Bofeng Shuimen, he belongs to the winner. One side.

Even though Yi Shuihan's original intention was to train an apprentice who specializes in national arts, only occasional guidance has allowed Ye Gucheng to make great progress in swordsmanship and ninjutsu beyond national arts.

In terms of swordsmanship, Ye Gucheng is now comparable to the realm of Jianhao, and his sword aura is trivial. In terms of ninjutsu, he is also proficient in a lot of ninjutsu, Shenma Ying clone, Helix pills and the like are all proficient.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Gucheng's comprehensive combat power is above the wave wind water gate. It is necessary to know that the water gate at this time is the peak of the power of the national arts, and is in a state of breaking through at any time. The ninja system is always a shadow under normal conditions. Flying Thunder God, a proper Shadow-level invincible.

Changed to a general level, at this time Bofeng Water Gate has 8 stars for Black Iron, which can compete with 9 stars for Black Iron.

It's just that Bofeng Shuimen lacks a wide range of skills. If Kyuubi appears, although he is not afraid, even Kyuubi can only be beaten, but it cannot prevent Kyuubi from being destroyed.

Nine Tails have thick skin and thick flesh, even if Bo Feng Shui Men fights, it is impossible for Bo Feng Shui Men to lose their combat effectiveness in a short time.

"With me, do you think there will be any injustice?"

Opening his eyes, Yi Shuihan said lightly like Ye Gucheng.

Ye Gucheng also relaxed when he heard this. He was extremely confident in Yi Shuihan. Even if he is now hundreds of times stronger than before, he also feels unfathomable against Yi Shuihan, as if his own strength. The promotion did not bring the two sides closer.

I came here precisely because of this. Uzumaki Kushina is a good person, knowing that the other party may die, so I can’t leave it alone!

The guy Bo Feng Shuimen has been crippled by three generations, and he has become a man who does everything for Konoha. If the original work really appears, even if his strength is far superior to the original, he will make the same choice. Take his wife to death.

Another period of time passed, and finally at a certain moment, Yi Shuihan felt the fluctuation of space.

"come yet?"

While talking, a vortex began to form beside Uzumaki Kushina, and that space was stirred as if it had turned into a lake.

"who are you?"

Uzumaki Jiuxina was exhausted from the pain of giving birth. Even an ordinary person could completely control her. In the face of the sudden crisis, she struggled to stand up, but it was only in vain.

When the midwife looked for the masked man to appear, she only screamed in time, but was solved by one of the tricks and fell to the ground to death.

"Nu Xinnai!"

Hearing the movement of Bofeng Shuimen, without the slightest hesitation, a Flying Thunder God disappeared in place.

"I will help too."

Ye Gucheng and the Bofeng Shuimen couple had a good relationship, seeing this, they rushed to the location of the whirlpool Jiuxinai.

"One or two are so anxious, don't you know that the more critical the moment, the more calm you have to be?"

Looking at Ye Gucheng's back, Yi Shuihan slowly got up and walked towards the point of the incident step by step.

The protagonist always shows up at the critical moment, right?

Before Nine Tails appeared, neither Bo Feng Shuimen nor his wife was in danger of life.

And as long as Yi Shuihan thought, he could stop all this at any time.

The screen goes to the masked man,

When the mask man performed the technique to release the seal, the Bo Feng Shuimen appeared on the scene just right and organized the mask man.

"Those eyes! Are you from the Uchiha clan? Who are you?"

Bo Feng Shuimen recognized the obvious characteristics of writing round eyes.

"It's okay! Jiuxinai."

Blocking in front of the vortex Jiuxina, the Bofeng Water Gate is like a copper wall and iron wall, giving people an incomparable sense of security.

"Well, you have to be careful...ah!"

Reluctantly said a word, Uzumaki Jiuxinai began to scream in pain again, no matter how strong he is, he cannot be immune to the pain of giving birth.

Facing Bo Feng Shuimen's question, the masked man did not respond at all, but instead rushed straight forward.

"It won't let you hurt a single hair of Jiuxinai."

Bo Feng Shuimen threw a kunai, and when Kunai skipped behind the masked man's head, his figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared just behind the masked man.

Holding Kuwu stab at the masked man, there is no time for people to react in this flashing room.

Originally, even if it could not hurt the mask man, it would definitely interrupt the mask man's movements, but this time it was different...

Out of the sight of Bofeng Shuimen, the exposed eyes of the masked man have turned into a kaleidoscope.

"What..." Kumo passed directly through the masked man's body, and Bo Feng Shuimen's pupils suddenly tightened.

The face under the mask was already smiling.

The Flying Thunder God of Bofeng Shuimen had already been in his expectation. Unfortunately, he just wanted to take advantage of this.

"It's done!"

Under Uzumaki Jiuxina's horrified gaze, the masked man was about to break her seal, and her head was blank at this moment.

The light of Bo Feng Shuimen's eyes saw all this, but there was no way to stop it, pain and helplessness appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that I came in time!"

With a bang, the masked male body flew back, disappeared in the void, and then appeared 10 meters away without warning.

"Thanks to you."

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Ye Gucheng gratefully, and was ecstatic. Just now he thought that the seal of the vortex Jiuxina would be broken this time, and then Jiuxina would be greatly injured by the breaking of the nine tails, saying that he would not be a dead body. Two lives.

The thought of his wife and son were almost gone, Storm Water Gate was a moment of fear. After fear, the eyes of the masked man were full of murderous intent.


The sound of footsteps remembered that Yi Shuihan's figure appeared in the sight of everyone at this time.

"It's him?"

Uchiha looked at Yi Shuihan with the soil and looked very surprised. He knew a lot about Yi Shuihan, the legendary Konoha, and the more he knew, the more he was afraid of Yi Shuihan.

"Oh, it seems that I don't need to take action anymore."

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