Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 384: Invalid other gods

"Uchiha Itachi, please, Mr. Danzo."

In the training ground, Yi Shuihan didn't come over. Uchiha Itachi was doing daily practice. Since becoming a disciple of Yi Shuihan, his strength has improved rapidly. Because of this, he practiced even harder.

"The root man?"

Uchiha Itachi frowned, and the roots in front of him were weak people that he could defeat at will, but the people behind them couldn't help him not paying attention.

Danzo is a fierce existence even in other countries, and people in Konoha fear him more than they fear Hokage.

"No time, I still have to practice."

He replied coldly, Uchiha Itachi did not intend to meet Danzo. If he was not so confident before, but with the master Yi Shuihan, he can do many things according to his own mood. Up.

"Dare to disobey Master Danzang's order."


"Is the Uchiha clan all like you without respect?"

The two Anbu continued to insult, but they saw a pair of deterrent eyes.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes have turned into a kaleidoscope, and the dark part that he is staring at only feels as if he is bound by some kind of power. A strong sense of fear is born in the bottom of his heart, even if he has become the root of a dead man for a while shocked.

Seeing that his deterrence had played a role, Uchiha Itachi did not continue to embarrass the two of them, and continued his practice without anyone else.

"Uchiha Shisui, don't you want to see Uchiha Shisui?"

"What? Brother Zhishui!! He... how is he?"

"Uchiha Shisui is at Danzo. There is nothing wrong now, but if you don't go, you won't know."

Uchiha Itachi's complexion changed and he finally made the decision to see Danzo, thinking that with his current strength, even if there was an accident, he could protect himself.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Not long after Uchiha Itachi went to see Danzo, something unusual happened at the hot spring.

"You mean that a Kuan Wu suddenly shot in from the outside with a letter on it, that's it." Yi Shuihan opened the letter and asked Matt Dai.

"Yes, I remember that I burst into full youth at the time, and was about to break my record of the fastest one-hour push-up speed, when Kuwu suddenly flew in."

Matt Dai seemed a little annoyed that his record had not been broken because of an accident, and looked a little unhappy.


Seeing what was written in the letter, Yi Shuihan gave a soft voice, and his expression quickly became serious.

"Uchiha Itachi is in my hands. If you want to survive, come xxx."

Is it a prank? still is……

Too lazy to think, Yi Shuihan immediately released his spirit, covering the entire Konoha, and it is still spreading.

I found Uchiha Itachi in an instant, and realized that it was all because of Danzo.

"court death!"

With a violent shout, Yi Shuihan immediately disappeared in front of Matt Dai.

"Quite soon, where is the boss."

Matt Dai looked confused, and did not realize how shocking what would happen next.

In the back mountain, Uchiha Itachi was completely unconscious on the ground. Next to him were two members of the root guarding him. Not far away, about 10 meters away, Danzo stood alone.

The gauze has been completely removed to reveal Tuan Zang's gloomy face. He closed his eyes, waiting for Yi Shuihan to arrive.

Uchiha Shisui’s eyes have all been transplanted to Danzo, but because the eyes are not his, they cannot switch the state of the eyes freely like ordinary Sharonyan owners. Of course, it does not mean that it cannot be switched, it is just switched. Compared with the writing wheel eye, it is much slower, which will become a big weakness in battle.

Immediately dealing with Yi Shuihan, Danzo would naturally not switch his eyes during the battle, so he kept a kaleidoscope, and the reason for closing his eyes was to relieve the pressure caused by opening his eyes.

On the surface, there are only Danzo, two root ninjas, and 4 Uchiha Itachi, but secretly, there are already nearly a hundred ninjas hidden around them.

As the assassination department, these root ninjas have their own concealment methods. In addition to the perception-type ninja, even the owner of Danzo must carefully observe to discover any clues.

This lineup, even if it comes from three generations, can only be a life of nine deaths, plus Uchiha Shisui's other gods, it is a perfect layout.

"Danzo! Is your coffin ready?"

Yi Shuihan's voice was very cold. He really hid the killing intent against Tuan Zang. He had already let Tuan Zang off once, and even dared to fight against himself and die by himself. Yi Shuihan did not intend to get used to him.

"Do it!"

Danzo shouted loudly, banging sounds kept ringing, dense ninjas appeared, and immediately after throwing out kunai, senbon, and shuriken, the seal was quickly sealed.

"Art fire escape **** fireball"

"Wind Escape Breakthrough"

"Art fire escape **** fireball"

"Water escape water bomb"

"Lei Dun Lei Rob"


Nearly a hundred ninjutsu is a scene of endless endless roar, the ground vibrates like an earthquake.

The bombing lasted for nearly a minute before it gradually calmed down.

The smoke dissipated, but Yi Shuihan stood unharmed.

"I thought it would be OK..."

Yi Shuihan was about to ridicule a few words, but saw Danzang's pair of kaleidoscopes, and his eyes were full of fanaticism instead of panic.

What the hell?

"Yes, such a powerful person is qualified to bear this technique!"

"From now on, become my shadow and contribute to my great cause! Don't be a god!"

With a loud shout, the kaleidoscope began to spin rapidly, and the pupil power was consumed wildly, turning into strange energy to erode Yi Shuihan.

"Surrender, surrender! Your master is Danzo, and you are Danzo's most loyal servant. You can dedicate everything for Lord Danzo. What Danzo says is the truth, and everything depends on Lord Danzo's will."

Such thoughts kept coming up in Yi Shuihan's mind, making Yi Shuihan feel very annoying.

"Did you make it?"

One of Danzang's eyes has been closed. The other gods are only 10 years old to use the pupil technique, which consumes a lot of money. In order to ensure the success of other gods, Danzang used the other gods at the same time for the left and right eyes, and lost the blood.

"What did you succeed? It was Danzo, did you become my most loyal servant?"

Yi Shuihan opened his mouth with a chuckle, and Tuan Zang's complexion changed greatly.

"Impossible, how could other gods fail."

At this moment, Tuan Zang's heart was collapsed, and he did not expect that other gods would have no effect on Yi Shuihan. ,, ..

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