Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 395: Shady?

"What happened here?"

"Should there be strong men fighting here, is it such a big meteorite?"

"This is the footprint of a psychic beast. There should have been dozens of powerful psychic beasts."

"At least it is a battle above the shadow level."

The ninjas with Konoha come to survey and make analysis constantly, and even the fourth generation of Naruto Hafeng Mizumon came here to take a look.

When all this happened, Yi Shuihan and Tsunade were working on a plan to create people, and they didn't care about the outside world.

A month later,

"Zhong Ren exam? No wonder I have met many people from other villages recently."

Yi Shuihan got the news from Hinata that the joint Zhongren examination was about to be held in Konoha and became interested.

A peculiar idea was formed in Yi Shuihan's heart, the Ninja crash plan, yes, it was not Konoha crash plan but Ninja crash plan.

Taking advantage of the Zhongnin exam period, the martial arts martial artist should also brush up on his presence.

Oshemaru just collapsed a Konoha, so I'll be a little bigger and just collapse the ninja.

Of course, it was a collapse, but Yi Shuihan didn't intend to attack Ninja Village or anything. He just planned to let the martial arts fighters issue a fair challenge to the ninja during the exam.

Of course, it can't be a one-on-one battle. In one-on-one situations, the martial arts martial artist is indeed not the opponent of the ninja of the same level, at least before Huajin.

However, the number of martial arts martial artists far exceeds the number of ninjas. As far as Yi Shuihan knows, the total number of ninjas in the five major countries is tens of thousands, and there are hundreds of thousands of martial arts martial artists who have reached Ming Jin. The number is ten times that of ninjas, and the gap will continue to widen if not unexpectedly in the future.

Such a big gap must be used! One-to-one is not good, then one-to-two, and one-to-two is not good, then one to three.

Yi Shuihan thought about this question carefully, and finally found that unless the ninjas are all brain-handicapped, they would never agree if they refused.

Unless it is to start a war, otherwise, it is really not easy for Yi Shuihan to think more and less in a fair situation.

"Maybe this way..."

While Yi Shuihan was acting secretly, time finally came to the day when the Zhongren exam started.

It stands to reason that Yi Shuihan's identity is not an examiner, or even a ninja. It is impossible to enter the examination room to see the specific situation of the exam, but that is an ordinary situation and is not applicable to Yi Shuihan.

Well, now he entered the examination room as the examiner's master.

The examiner in charge of the first test was Itachi Uchiha, and the first test was not a written test.

Early in the morning, the candidates were taken to the examination room.

"I don't know what the first test is going to be?"

"I'm nervous, I hope it won't be a written test."

"Written test? It should be impossible. It is obviously not suitable for written test."

"makes sense."

Just as the candidates were curiously looking at the fit around, in a hidden corner, Uchiha Itachi looked at his master with embarrassment.

"Master, do you really want to do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"But, this..."

It is forbidden for Uchiha Itachi to hesitate. As the person in charge of the first test, his idea was actually to take a written test to see the examinee's investigative ability, but Yi Shuihan found him and proposed another plan that embarrassed him.

Uchiha Itachi originally refused, but Yi Shuihan's request was not easy for him to resist, and finally he agreed.

"Hello everyone, I am the examiner in the first game, Itachi Uchiha."

Uchiha Itachi walked to the center of many candidates and said lightly.

"Are you from the Uchiha clan? It's a forbearance at such a young age, really amazing."

"Brother is actually an examiner?"

"Uchiha Itachi, isn't that guy's apprentice?"

Maybe Uchiha Itachi didn't look cold, but some kind of relationship. The candidates below seemed very relaxed and talked a lot.

"Please be quiet, I'm going to announce the exam questions next."

Uchiha Itachi whispered softly, but these words rang clearly in every examinee's ear.

With this hand, all the candidates were calmed instantly, and they stopped talking, pricked their ears, and waited for Uchiha Itachi to continue speaking.

What exactly are the exam questions? These candidates are still extremely curious, and everyone is good at different fields, so they all hope that the exam questions are related to what they are good at.

With a sigh of relief, Uchiha Itachi's eyes couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Yi Shuihan, and finally made up his mind under the threat of Yi Shuihan's eyes.

"The first test question is to bring back to the hot springs. Groups of three people will receive three empty bottles. Then go to Wanjie Hot Springs to use bottles to pack the hot springs. The limit is 3 days. When that time comes back, bring one bottle of hot springs. Water can pass one person, snatching is prohibited, and if snatching is found, the qualifications for the exam will be directly deprived."

"So simple? Just bring back some hot spring water!"

As soon as Uchiha Itachi's words fell, many candidates thought this way, and only a few were thoughtful.

Konoha's 12 Xiaoqiang, especially those who have the qualifications to soak in hot springs without limit, all smiled, as if the first exam had already been taken.

"The difficulty of the assessment this time should be how to get the quota. After all, the daily quota of the hot spring field is limited. Only by getting the quota can you enter the hot spring."

Someone pointed out the difficulty of the assessment under normal circumstances, which was recognized by many candidates.

As Uchiha Itachi announced the start of the exam, the candidates immediately used the fastest speed to rush to the Ten Thousand World Hot Springs. At this time, it was obvious that those who arrived first had an advantage.

Is it really that simple?

"Let's go in, we want to soak in the hot springs."

"Today's quota is gone? You should leave!"

"How come? Then can I reserve a place for tomorrow."

"Sorry, the quota for tomorrow is gone, not only tomorrow, but the quota for the last 3 days is gone."

Matt Dai's words made the incoming candidates dumbfounded and looked at Matt Dai in disbelief.

"How is it possible that there are not a single place? Or it happens to be a few days of this exam, then wouldn't it mean that none of them can pass the first session."

"Could it be that we want to fight in and grab the hot springs?"

Just when many candidates were thinking about whether to forcefully break through the barriers, suddenly the candidates shouted

"Why can they get in? Didn't it mean that there are no places?"

When everyone looked around, they found that Hina Tian had entered the hot spring, and then they found that Sasuke and Naruto were also preparing to enter, but Matdai did not stop him.

"Could it be shady? They are all Konoha's ninjas.", ..

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