Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 652: Successful separation

The power of a nuclear energy explosion can razor a city to the ground, and they can't be sure whether Ronnie and Martin can exist after the explosion, so the atmosphere is very dull.

Knowing the plot, Yi Shuihan seemed very relaxed. Although the inspection was a nuclear explosion, it eventually exploded, but there was no nuclear radiation after the explosion, and the two were separated because of this. In fact, there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, because after they separated, Ronnie and Martin lost their ability and couldn't incarnate as a fireman. Due to reality, they would be caught and studied without strong ability. In the end, the two chose to rejoin together, and the ending was not particularly beautiful.

"Don't worry, everyone will be fine."

As soon as Yi Shuihan finished speaking, Caitlin looked at him with excitement and shouted while resting on his shoulders.

"You have a way! You must have a way to save Ronnie, right? Please, you must save Ronnie."

Caitlin in this state really made Yi Shuihan somehow unable to parry.

"They don’t need me to save them. They will separate after the nuclear explosion, and there will be no accidents, and there will be no nuclear radiation. We can wait. Of course, if necessary, I can speed up the process and separate even if there is no explosion. ."

Because the Burning Man was found in advance, Ronnie and Martin's current rejection has not reached a limit, and it will take a long time before they explode.

Although everyone didn't know what method Yi Shuihan could use to achieve separation, they directly believed him.


A smile appeared on Caitlin's face.

Martin, who dominates Ronnie’s body, did not understand why Caitlin and the others would trust Yi Shuihan so simply. They believed Yi Shuihan’s rhetoric so simply, but he also chose to believe in Yi Shuihan because he wanted to believe , I hope I can have a good ending.

"So, do you want to wait for the automatic separation, or let me help you? The right to decide is in your hands, after all, you are the party involved."

Yi Shuihan asked.

"I choose to separate immediately."

This answer to Yi Shuihan is not surprising. Although Ronnie’s body is far stronger than Martin’s, and he has the super power of fire, Martin has long wanted to return to his original body so that he can interact with him. Reunited with his wife.

"Do you need to prepare?"

"You use it, you just need to watch it quietly."

Yi Shuihan shook his head and walked in front of Huo Ren.

"Don't be nervous, it will end soon."

Pointing out at an extremely fast speed, an invisible wave instantly enveloped the Burning Man.

The appearance of the Burning Man began to change for a while, and then suddenly, a person separated from it, Professor Martin.

"this is……"

Martin fought and looked at his own hands, then looked at Ronnie with surprise on his face.


Caitlin looked at Ronnie who was still a little dazed, screamed in surprise, and then hugged him directly.

"In the end what happened?"

The eyes under Wells's glasses were blank for a while. What Yi Shuihan did was really incomprehensible to him, and this incomprehension turned into awe. Awe of the unknown is the instinct of all creatures.

In fact, despite Yi Shuihan’s simple solution, the things that are very complicated for Wells and the others are solved. In fact, what Yi Shuihan did is not simple, that is, a master like Yi Shuihan, this will make things happen. It seems simple.

If Wells and the others use the same method to display the things involved, I am afraid it will be impossible for a lifetime.

"Although I don't want to say disappointing words at this time, I still want to remind you that the matter is not completely over."

Yi Shuihan's words once again attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone looked at Yi Shuihan questioningly, in their opinion the current situation was the best.

"They are indeed separated, but the connection has not disappeared, and your superpowers are unusable in this state."

"He was right, the connection did not disappear."

Professor Martin said that he can clearly feel that an emotion that does not belong to him is brewing in his body. As for Yi Shuihan’s ability, it is not his concern. For him, whether he has ability or not is the same. The focus is on recovery. The original appearance.

After a series of inspections, it is finally determined that if Yi Shuihan is in contact with each other, in addition to the two thoughts, they can actually be regarded as one person. One person is injured, and the other person will also feel pain. If someone dies, another person may also die.

This kind of thing is an area that Wells cannot solve at all, and the things involved are beyond the reach of existing science in a short time.

The problem now is actually this. The two of them seem to have separated their bodies, but they are not separate. The two bodies belong to the same individual.

According to Yi Shuihan’s solution, you only need to extract Martin or Ronnie’s soul from it, and then find a new body for him. In this way, they become two independent individuals, and one of them will also Keep the super power of fire.

Although it could be done, Yi Shuihan didn't mention it in the end. The main reason was that he didn't want to do it. Ronnie and Martin didn't have a good relationship with him. It could even be said that they were in the stranger stage.

Knowing that Ronnie is not dead is enough for Caitlin, isn't it?

As for what will happen later, it is obviously not something Yi Shuihan needs to care about.

Yi Shuihan would not admit that he didn't want Ronnie and Caitlin to be together again.

The time was postponed for a few days. Relying on Yi Shuihan's collection of picking up girls, Barry successfully broke off the order and officially became a boyfriend and girlfriend.

For this, Barry is very grateful to Yi Shuihan. It can be said that he has a very good attitude towards Yi Shuihan. It is estimated that Yi Shuihan can be the fourth in his heart. The first three are Aries, his adoptive father, and his true father.

"Barry, there is a saying in our hometown that rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of their nest. I didn't expect that you would not abide by the rules. Even the sister who grew up together would not let it go. It's really a beast."

Barry did not understand the meaning of Yi Shuihan’s saying that rabbits don’t eat grass around their nests, but the latter words made him a little embarrassed. Indeed, there are indeed some things in his situation, although it is ethically acceptable. , But most people probably can’t do it. ,, ..

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