Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 656: I have special breathing techniques

"It's better for you not to be invisible!"

The black general said with a weird expression. He no longer has any curiosity about Yi Shuihan being a friend of Superman. This is obviously not an ordinary person.

As the most powerful force on the planet, they also know some of the secrets of the planet. It is not surprising that they know some magical things, and they are still very receptive.

After entering the base, there is a series of conversations between Superman and the base, which can also be said to be an exchange between Superman and human forces.

Obviously, this attitude of Superman still makes everyone feel more at ease, plus Superman's powerful power temporarily without leaving a trace, the military can only adopt a friendly attitude towards Superman at present.

General Zod’s spacecraft was not far from the earth, and Superman appeared so openly that he could not hide it from his eyes. Soon, the spacecraft that came to pick up Superman came outside the base.

Unlike Clark, a half native who has been on Earth for 33 years, these Kryptonian warriors are not yet able to adapt to the Earth’s atmosphere, so when they come out they wear full-body protective clothing, and their heads are completely covered in a transparent cover.

The one who came to greet Clark was General Zod’s top general, Fiona, a female Kryptonite, a warrior who abandoned moral feelings and developed his skills to the limit.

In the original book, the girl abused Superman by relying on her fighting skills.

"Karl El, I'm Fiora, Port Wisdom, and General Zod asked me to say hello on his behalf."

Clark and Fiora nodded at each other, then Fiora walked up to the general and spoke.

"Are you the highest officer here?"

"Yes, I am."

"General Zod asked me to tell you that the woman and the man next to her will follow us."

Fiora pointed to Louise and Yi Shuihan.

"Even me!"

A little surprised, Yi Shuihan can still understand. After all, Superman appeared in the base for Louise in the original work. Although he showed up on his own initiative this time, he brought Louise and Yi Shuihan, as long as they are not stupid. The relationship is not so simple, and Zod wants to make Yi Shuihan and Louise together.

"You originally only wanted the alien, but you didn't say you want our people."

The general did not speak, but the deputy next to him spoke angrily.

"Do I need to report to General Zod that you don't cooperate?"

Fiora looked cold.

"I don't care what you want to say to him."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified, with a rhythm of going to war.

"It's okay, I'll go."

Louise herself didn't want Clark to take risks, so she agreed very well, but the parties agreed and gave both sides a step down. The military actually didn't want to fall out immediately, and directly acquiesced.

As for Yi Shuihan, the military did not regard him as an ordinary person, and did not consider Yi Shuihan's feelings at all.

The three people boarded the alien spacecraft and then soared into the sky.

Inside the spacecraft, it seems that because of Yi Shuihan, Clark did not give the key to Louise.

"The air of our ships is not suitable for your humans. You need to wear respirators for the time being."

Fiora put a respirator on Louis Ribbon first, and then Yi Shuihan's turn.

"I don't need it anymore, I have special breathing techniques."

Yi Shuihan raised his hand to stop Fiora. As an earth fairy, even if he didn't breathe, he wouldn't wear that kind of silly respirator!

This respirator reminded Yi Shuihan of the bubbles of the Tianlongren.

Fiora didn't force Yi Shuihan to live or die. In fact, she didn't care. Since Yi Shuihan died, she would not stop it.

"Do you really need it? I think it's better to wear it."

Louise wanted to persuade Yi Shuihan.

"The power of the magician is far beyond your imagination. In fact, you don't need to wear it either."


Louise's eyes on Yi Shuihan showed a meaning, that's why you didn't say earlier, in fact, you can wear a respirator, and Louise doesn't want to wear it.

"Carl El, you don't know how long we have been looking for you."

"You are Zod."

"General Zod is our commander."

"It doesn't matter, Fiora, please forgive Karl for his rude behavior. He is not yet familiar with our etiquette. We should celebrate, not quarrel."

Zod is in a very good mood, because finding Clark means finding the code. As long as the earth is transformed into another krypton, relying on the code, the glory of the previous krypton can be fully reproduced, which is like an instant to him. It's the same as achieving a dream.

"I... don't feel right"

Clark lay directly on the ground, looking very painful.

"What's wrong with him? Clark, help him, help him."

"His body is repelling the air on the boat. He has spent his life adapting to the earth's environment but has never been used to our environment."

Zord explained slowly, not in a hurry. In fact, he had expected this a long time ago, and even knew that it would not cost Clark's life, but made him weak. Weak enough to be at the mercy of others, just as Zod wanted.

Seeing that Clark was about to fall into a coma on the spot, Yi Shuihan finally took action.

"Fresh air!"

A white light was injected into Superman's body, and Superman's pain was instantly reduced, and then he stood up easily.

And this situation is obviously beyond the expectation of General Zod and the other Kryptonians. They looked at Yi Shuihan with angry eyes, and the dangerous aura spread.

Yi Shuihan's magic didn't change the composition of the air in the spacecraft. It just accelerated and allowed Superman to adapt. Although he looked fine now, his strength had fallen by more than a hundred times compared to the earth. A single handcuff might make him unable to break free.

After all the battles, Zod keenly discovered this and stopped the other people's movements. After taking a deep look at Yi Shuihan, he spoke again.

"Carl, where is the code?"

"What do you need a code for?"

"Of course it is to rebuild Krypton! The mission of my birth is to make Krypton prosperous."

"Krypton has been destroyed."

"Then turn this place into a new Krypton, give me the code, and we will complete this glorious mission together."

"If this place becomes Krypton, what will happen to the people on earth?"

"Of course it was death, but they died well."

"No, I won't hand over the code to you.",,..

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