Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 673: Paradise Island

"League of Legends? Can you add me."

Batman and Superman’s expressions changed at the same time. They had never noticed anyone else coming. If someone could approach them so quietly, unless the other party’s hidden skills are excellent, or the strength is far above them, no matter what Anything is enough to make people value it.

Wonder Woman Diana's costume amazes Batman and Superman. They are used to modern professional suits and all kinds of beautiful skirts. Diana's warrior costume gives people an eye-catching feeling.

For Batman and Superman, delicate women are worthy of love. Diana, a powerful and beautiful woman, is worthy of the government. In an environment where there are generally more men than women in the hero circle, Diana is even more intimate.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that Diana is a hero, and Batman and Superman are still not sure about this.

"You look like you, are you planning to participate in a medieval war? A hero is not so easy to be a hero." Diana scared Batman, so he was not very polite.

Our good husband, Superman, looks much more generous. Although he was also frightened, he still looked at Diana with soft eyes.

"I don't think so. My sword is much more useful than an airplane against the big guy just now." Diana waved her sword casually, and then saw a few meters long sword marks appear on the ground, Batman. They clearly saw that the sword did not touch the ground.

There is no doubt that with this hand, Diana can already be regarded as stepping into the realm of inhumanity. Even with a gun, I am afraid that the general power is not so great. This is still the random waving of the opponent. If it really starts to fight, it must have How strong.

"How come some non-humans have popped up everywhere recently, first Superman, then Yi Shuihan, the monster just now, and now there is another medieval female warrior. This world is changing so fast."

Batman felt a bit bitter in his heart, and he really felt tired.

"Young man, you are still so young, but don’t have decadent thoughts. As a hero, the most important thing is not strength, but a heart as a hero. If you get lost, just think about why you wanted to be a hero in the first place. hero."

A chicken soup for the soul makes Batman wake up instantly,

Indeed, whether a person is a hero or not has little to do with his power. No matter how strong he is, he cannot be called a hero without the heart to help others.

Batman wouldn't admit that he was touched at this moment, although even if Diana didn't say it, he would definitely wake up in the future. Now that Diana said it would save him some time for certainty.

"Young man? Do you mean you are very old? I can be the father of a little girl like you at my age."

Calmly exposed the young, Batman, a veteran hero, who has now entered middle age and is about to enter the stage of old age.

"I was like this when you were not born. Who do you think we are older?"

Diana said faintly, a touch of vicissitudes flashed in her eyes. The outside world is indeed very easy for people to grow up. In the days on Paradise Island, she had not seen as many as she had seen outside in a few years, and came to the United States In the past few decades, it can be said that she has reshaped her whole person. She is no longer the innocent **** Paradise Island.

Batman heard that the woman in front of him did not lie. Based on his years of experience, he can tell from the expression and some details of the speaker whether the other person is lying. At present, apart from the clown, no mistakes have been made.

So many things have happened in the past year, and Batman’s heart has grown stronger, and his ability to accept is stronger than before. I don’t know how much. After all, even aliens exist. Now it’s not a big deal to be immortal again. .

So you can accept it calmly? Accept... a ghost!

This is immortality, a magical power that has been continuously pursued since the birth of civilization.

There was no language for a long time, Batman looked at Diana sluggishly, his head was blank.

When Superman listened to Diana's words, he secretly smacked his tongue. He actually thought that Diana was at most about the same size as him, or even smaller. Who knew that the other party would be enough to be his own grandmother.

With their efforts to say these few words, Yi Shuihan finally flew back. In fact, he originally wanted to go straight away, but thinking that his potion seemed to be in Metropolis, he planned to ask Batman if there was any release. problem.

This time I saw Diana for the first time. The familiar dress Yi Shuihan would naturally not recognize the wrong person. He immediately understood the identity of the other person. The appearance of a big beauty must make people feel good. Although the scenery has been completely destroyed because of the battle, when you are in such an environment with a beautiful woman, you have a special taste.

"Is this new fighter from the Amazon Paradise Island?"

Neither Superman nor Batman recognized Diana's identity before, but now Yi Shuihan tells her where she came from, which naturally amazes her. The feeling of Yi Shuihan is different from that of Superman and the others.

"Paradise Island is my hometown."

Admit it generously, because there is nothing to hide.

"Paradise Island is a good place. It is said that it is full of peace. People live and work in peace and contentment, like a paradise. I have long wanted to see it, but unfortunately there is no guide."

He really wants to see what magic the island named after paradise has. The island is full of women, which is a bit like the daughter island of Pirate World, but all the people on it are immortal and youthful. I am not old, smart, and possess great power. This is too exaggerated, and I don't know if it is true.

"When I go home to visit relatives, I can take you with me and promise to open your eyes."

Diana smiled and said, Yi Shuihan's exaggeration made her feel extremely comfortable.

"How does he always know everything."

Batman and Superman had this idea at the same time, because when they met Yi Shuihan, they felt that Yi Shuihan knew them well. They thought it was an illusion, but now they find a familiar scene, naturally there are other things. Thoughts. ,, ..

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