Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 681: Elders' guidance

Not long after, a group of dozens of people came to Yi Shuihan. Among them, a leading old man, a middle-aged person beside the old man, and a woman with crow's feet on her face caught his attention.

These three people are the strongest that Yi Shuihan perceives, and among them, this leader is the strongest.

Based on his position, Yi Shuihan knew that this old man was probably the head of the Pure Yuan Sect.

The reason why a group of people is close to the entire high-level power of the Pure Yuan Sect, they came out because of one person, except for the situation described by Liu Wu of Yi Shuihan, that is, they have been in hiding for too long and have not seen outsiders for a long time. Well, now it’s hard for someone to come, so I naturally want to see it.

At this time, Yi Shuihan was wearing a Taoist robe. It was precisely because of this outfit that Fang Qing believed that Yi Shuihan was not an outsider, but belonged to the sect. Of course, the initial display of strength was also a factor. .

"Old man Li Xia is the head of the Pure Yuan Sect. I don't know where the little friend comes from?"

Seeing that so many people on his side were still not surprised, this tolerance made Li Xia secretly praised Yi Shuihan's origin, and he immediately became polite.

"Yi Shuihan, a passing practitioner."

Yi Shuihan said concisely.


Li Xia looked at Yi Shuihan with some confusion, as if he didn't understand the meaning of this word.

"The reason why I found this place was also by chance. In fact, I didn't come to you, I just found it by accident, so I plan to take a look."

Yi Shuihan continued.

"just looking around?"

This reason is obviously unsatisfactory, and Yi Shuihan's tone is not very respectful, and there is a sense of superiority, which immediately aroused some people's dissatisfaction.

As one of the three innate members of the Pure Yuan Sect and at the same time the next head, Zhang Yuan has always been arrogant and arrogant. Seeing Yi Shuihan's attitude, he could not help but shout out.

"Boldly, the younger generation educated by someone's family actually asked me to wait for this reason. Didn't your elders tell you that the first thing to respect the master when going to someone else's site?"

"Is this person taking gunpowder?"

Looking at Zhang Yuan inexplicably, Yi Shuihan was a little surprised.

Not only Yi Shuihan, but everyone else looked at Zhang Yuan with a little surprise. They didn’t seem to understand why Zhang Yuan had such a big temper. Although Zhang Yuan is usually arrogant, he is not so outrageous. It's not particularly good, but it's not bad. You can get along well. Whatever you say, the contradiction will not end.

"It’s true that the younger generation respects the elders, but I don’t think that I am your younger generation, and respecting the owner of the site is even more joking. If you don’t say this, even this planet, the entire multiverse, strictly speaking, is the owner. Not a human being, you have the face to call yourself a master, I can't believe you have such a terrible thought."

Others are not welcome, and Yi Shuihan will naturally not be merciful, and what he said is actually true.

As an outsider, if God said this to him, Yi Shuihan would definitely accept it without any rebuttal, and a few ordinary people who even lacked ants in his eyes would say that, then hehe.

Even though Yi Shuihan was telling the truth, it would be very unpleasant in the eyes of other people. It can be said that except Fang Qing, everyone at the scene immediately reduced their friendship with Yi Shuihan by 30, which became a negative number.

As Zhang Yuan, who was targeted by the Lord, looked at Yi Shuihan angrily, his aura exploded, making people no doubt that he would use force in the next moment.

Originally intended to give the Chunyuan Sect a good fortune, Yi Shuihan also hoped that the future earth and the mysterious kingdom of the East would have a place instead of relying on heroes like Superman.

Now that it has evolved into this, Yi Shuihan's heart has not changed, but this guy who is tantrums at himself will definitely not benefit him.

These people can still understand the planets Yi Shuihan said before. Although they live in deep mountains and old forests, they are not completely antique. They just don’t understand something like the multiverse. They just feel Yi Shui Han is becoming more and more mysterious.

"I'm not from your sect, but since you treat me as an elder, I will educate you well and come out! I will give you some pointers."

Pointing at Zhang Yuan with one finger, he said unceremoniously.

When are you an elder?

Yi Shuihan's appearance is too deceptive. It would be okay if he was really gray-haired to say this. The current words are completely insulting Zhang Yuan in the eyes of others.

"Zhang Yuan, don't you..."

It was too late for Li Xia to stop, and Zhang Yuan rushed crazy after Yi Shuihan finished talking.

After all, the innate realm is detached from the mundane. Others just saw a dark shadow and couldn't see Zhang Yuan's movements at all.

"Are you really angry?"

The blue Qi Jin broke out from Zhang Yuan's body, wrapped his fist, and looked very bluffing.

Before the innate, internal power cannot be separated, so the lethality is limited, but in the innate, the true qi can be separated, and it can explode beyond Superman's power. With the bonus of true qi, the powerful military function can be used as a bomb. Although Zhang Yuan is not so powerful, it is not much worse.

It is a pity that the enemy he is facing now is Yi Shuihan, an existence that is big enough to make him desperate.

Without even moving, Yi Shuihan just released a little momentum.

Everyone found that in front of Yushi, Zhang Yuan knelt down on the ground profusely, and the marble on the ground was cracked by him.

"Although I am an elder, in fact, you don't need to kneel down on me. Hey, why don't you kowtow? This is impossible. Get up quickly.

With that being said, Yi Shuihan's expression didn't look embarrassing at all.

The other members of the Pure Yuan faction were stunned. They didn't know what happened. They thought that Zhang Yuan did this on purpose. They looked at Zhang Yuan with strange eyes.

Zhang Yuan was not in the mood to pay attention to the thoughts of other people of the Pure Yuan School. At this time, his whole person was about to collapse. He actually knelt for a junior who had just met, and kowtow, and the junior still kept him up.

You let me get up! I can't bear such a lot of pressure.

The pressure from the bones made Zhang Yuan understand that if he continues, his whole person may be destroyed. Thinking of this terrible result, where he dare to have other thoughts, his mind is slowly begging for mercy.

"Please... forgive..."

A faint voice came from Zhang Yuan's mouth, and under the tremendous pressure, it was extremely difficult for him to speak.

"Ah? What did you say, you have to continue to kneel, it was your fault just now, you have to kneel down until I forgive you?"

Yi Shuihan said loudly, this was meant for others.

Anyone who is a little smarter can see that something is wrong, but no one stands up to speak for Zhang Yuan. Yi Shuihan is too weird. ,, ..

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