Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 696: Exploration Jewels Serious

"Thank you." Fang Qing said quietly, seeing Yi Shuihan's eyes full of surprises.

Nodded, Yi Shuihan turned his gaze to Li Xia. At this moment, Li Xia was sitting on the ground, his complexion was blue, and his eyes were blank, which seemed to give people a miserable feeling.


Suddenly frowned, because Yi Shuihan found that Li Xia's vitality was rapidly weakening. If this continues, he will die soon.

People die like a lamp, and the burning of the lamp is oil. For Li Xia, revenge and revitalization are oil. Now that the oil is exhausted, he is surrounded by great despair, and he has aspirations for life and death.

You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and the same person you want to die, no matter how good your medical skills are, you can't be saved.

Allow Li Xia to die in front of him, which Yi Shuihan couldn't do.

He immediately walked in front of Li Xia and pressed his hand lightly on his shoulder. The special technique closed Li Xia's eyes and instantly lay down. At the same time, the weakness of his life aura suddenly stopped.

"Go to sleep! When you wake up, you will find that everything is developing in a good place."

The lost vitality can no longer be supplemented naturally, and Yi Shuihan is also powerless to do so. Fortunately, he also has a way to prolong his life. This is just a small matter for him.

"Is the head okay?"

At this time, Fang Qing asked with a worried look, she was still very concerned about the head who had been taking care of her.

"It's okay, when he wakes up you give her this to drink, and then we will go back. Of course, if you don't plan to go back, I won't force it."

"No, I want to go back. Although it's good here, it's not where I should stay. Pure Yuanpai is my home."

Fang Qing's expression was serious when she spoke, and Yi Shuihan was so moved. This child was in a good mood, and Li Xia finally found a qualified successor for the Pure Yuan faction.

"Has Yang Xuan already left?"

"Well, on the day you went to Zhoutian School, he met his colleagues, and then stayed with them. By the way, he asked me to say thank you on his behalf."

"Do you even have to say thank you? I'm so terrible,"

"Of course not, you are the gentlest, most handsome, and most..."

Fang Qing seemed to be able to keep talking, but when she found that Yi Shuihan had left the room, she stopped, looked at Li Xia on the ground, thought about it, and finally carefully helped Li Xia up. The bed, just start to stay silently.

When Yi Shuihan saw Li Xia again, he still looked the same, with a weakened breath of life, and Yi Shuihan doubted whether he would die immediately.

"Did you not drink what I gave you?"

"You mean this?" Li Xia took out the dragon's blood, and then smiled.

"Don't return it to me. Since they are all sent out, I don't plan to put it away. Use it as you like. Its function is to extend the life of an ordinary person for 20 years."

Li Xia was taken aback for a moment, his eyes full of gratitude when he looked at Yi Shuihan, he carefully put the things away.

On the same day, the three of them set off on the return trip again. Well, in fact, it was mainly Yi Shuihan who wanted to protect the two of them. Otherwise, at the speed of Yi Shuihan, if he wanted to go back, he would really be very fast.

What Yi Shuihan didn’t know was that when the group of them set foot on the misty forest, at the same moment, the Zhoutian faction was also having a major event. The star barrier was restarted, and the biting sky opened his journey through the barrier. The star master is about to be born.


"If you go back like this, it seems a bit too awkward!"

After leaving the East, Yi Shuihan didn't immediately return to Star City. The main reason was that his original mission was to find a helper, but now he has found nothing. Even though no one would gossip when he went back, he felt a little inappropriate.

"Then make a few small things first, and there are reasons to explain this."

Immediately decided to make some space magic props needed by the Justice League, as a practice of magic.

"By the way, maybe I can also study what that gem is?"

Take out the gem brought from Amazon from the portable space, and carefully look at it in the palm of your hand.

The gem is half the size of a fist, and there is no light at this time, as if it is really just an ordinary gem, but Yi Shuihan, who clearly remembers the original scene, would not look that way.

"Try it with Xianqi."

I entered a little fairy gas carefully, but I didn't get any response. Obviously, this is not what interests the gem.

"How about the power of time?"

He entered the state instantly, letting the power of time envelop the gem, this time it had a little effect, and the gem quivered gently in his palm.

"This feeling seems to be dissatisfaction, it is repelling this force."

This discovery made Yi Shuihan's spirits shocked, not afraid of your reaction, just fear that you would not respond.

"It can fight the power of time. The origin of this gem may be really extraordinary. Try the magic again."

A trace of magic power enters the gemstone, and then is instantly absorbed. Yes, it is absorbed, not as if there is no response the first time, and the second rejection.

"There is a play, I see how much you can absorb."

The output of magic power was increased, but it was a pity that gems did not reject those who came to magic power, but that was just the case, and no further changes took place.

After 5 minutes of transporting, Yi Shuihan consumed nearly half of the magic power of his whole body, but it still remained unchanged. Yi Shuihan finally realized that this was useless and gave up the transmission of magic power.

"Yes, this world also has magic. Amazonians can do magic. If the magic is really effective, they will not fail to discover the effect of this gem."

Yi Shuihan was a little bit overwhelmed with a slight breath and full output of magic power.

"Now I want to know your true face more and more. Immortal energy, power of time, and magic are not what you want, so what do you need?"

According to the change that the gem saw at the beginning, the only thing that is certain is that it must resonate with a certain point in Yi Shuihan's body, and it is absolutely impossible to change for no reason. ,, ..

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