Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 854: The trouble is coming

Yi Shuihan had no intention to provoke the gods, but the gods took the initiative to find the door, and it was not the powerful main gods who found the door, but the merchant **** Hermes.

Hermes' strength is also at the bottom of the twelve main gods, silver 8 stars, less than 9 stars, it is estimated that the combat power is similar to Aphrodite.

Compared with the one-to-two, especially Yi Shuihan, one of whom is Hades, Hermes is not worth mentioning.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Yi Shuihan looked at the young man with cunning eyes shining with interest, and Hermes in front of him was more like a businessman than a god.

"I know that your fighters are all aliens, and they are all origin carriers."

When Hermes said this, he paid close attention to Yi Shuihan's expression and found that Yi Shuihan was not touched at all, as if he didn't care about all of this. This reaction obviously surprised him.

After all, the underlying meaning of what he said was to remind Yi Shuihan that these fighters belonged to the items of the origin fighting for the main gods. Although Yi Shuihan's strength is strong, it is not the twelve main gods, so the main gods can unite to deal with Yi Shui Han, then divided up Xiaojie and the others.

"So what? Their first status is my fighter, and the others are secondary. If anyone wants to fight their attention, just fight with me. As long as they can beat me, everything It's all easy to say."

Slowly speaking, he directly expressed his attitude. He Yi Shuihan is not afraid of fighting.

"Can you tell me why you care about them so much? As far as I know, it took only a few months for you to accept them. Is it worth offending other gods for them? As long as you give them the right to belong I, I can help you introduce other main gods, and Hades can also help you resolve misunderstandings."

Hermes is a bit unable to understand Yi Shuihan. In his mind, God does not care too much about the existence under God. If we get along for a long time, such as tens of thousands of years, then it is better to say, But Yi Shuihan and Xiaojie had only been in contact for a few months.

Hermes will never know what kind of emotion Yi Shuihan has towards these people who once gave him joy. Of course, the most important thing is that Yi Shuihan himself is not the kind of person who likes to bow his head.

If what is in front of him today is a golden power that he can't resist at all, he might compromise. After all, the result is not what he can do. But now, facing the strongest **** who can fight, Yi Shuihan There is no need to compromise.

"They are my fighters, isn't this reason enough?"

He looked at Hermes in surprise, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

"They are really lucky to have you as a god."

Hermes fell into silence after saying this, mainly because Yi Shuihan's unreasonable card playing made his original plan impossible to implement.

Hermes knew that Yi Shuihan's strength was above him. Because of this, he couldn't use force to threaten him. In terms of language, Yi Shuihan's attitude would know that it would not be of any use.

"How come you come here for a visit, how about a treat? How about having a meal together?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yi Shuihan suggested that he did not put these main gods in his eyes, and he was not so stupid to offend them.

"Do you want to eat?" Hermes was taken aback. As the main god, he didn't need to eat. This is sometimes to satisfy the appetite, and Yi Shuihan, as long as he doesn't retreat, he eats three meals a day, or more People can be different.

In the end, Hermes agreed to have a meal with Yi Shuihan. In order to show his generosity, Yi Shuihan took out a standard treat set, instant noodles, mustard and porridge.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not ordinary instant noodles. The materials used are not ordinary. The noodles are made of a special kind of monster meat. The material used for mustard is also a special plant, which has undergone abnormal changes. The same is true for porridge. A grain of rice is as big as a grape.

Hermes didn't know that these were just the worst varieties of foods that were easy to cold. Before Hermes came, he had to eat a lot more per ton.

It's not that Yi Shuihan is stingy, but the landlord's surplus is not much! Besides, if Hermes has any acquaintances, inviting him to dinner is already a way of saving face. As for what to eat, there is no need to be so particular.

On the third day after Hermes left,

"Yi Shuihan, come out to see me."

Above Lushan, a luxurious chariot stayed in the void. It was pulled by four black dragons, a winged western dragon.

Not only that, beside the chariot, there are a dozen beautiful boys in delicate armor, each with a look of arrogance.

"Oh, rare guest, isn't this our great sun **** Apollo?"

Yi Shuihan lifted into the air, flying slightly higher than the chariot, looking down at the red-haired young man sitting on the chariot.

Apollo, the sun god, is quite sunny at first glance. He feels that it is the kind of existence that acts in an upright manner. He has a very good reputation and is the strongest under Zeus.

Yi Shuihan could see that the strength of this Apollo was actually about the same as Hades.

"Lend your fighter to me and return it to you after the battle for the origin is over."

Apollo spoke.

"If you don't, the fighter can still borrow it. I have never heard of it."

He shook his head and refused.

"Bold, you dare to violate the will of Master Apollo."

A young man with pink hair and phoenix eyes shouted to Yi Shuihan.

"Kara, don't be rude."

"Yes, my lord."

In this concert, it seems that Apollo really gave Yi Shuihan face, but in fact, he wanted to give Yi Shuihan a chance. Apollo's careless appearance, in fact, did not care about this matter at all, and even gave Jia. Luo a good look in your eyes.

"Apollo, ask you a question? Is God supreme? Can't be humiliated?"


Apollo answered without even thinking about it.

Yi Shuihan smiled slightly and said, "That's good."

"Those who disrespect God are a death penalty."

As soon as the voice fell, Na Jialuo screamed and his body exploded, and he could not die again.

"Yi Shuihan, you..."

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