Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 865: Don't know each other if you don't fight?

"Aphrodite, your man is amazing! He has a good vision this time!"

"It's you, Artemis, you don't want to stay in your den, what else are you doing here."

Aphrodite was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Artemis, and said angrily. Listening to them, he knew that their relationship was not very good.

"I came to see your man."

Artemis said frivolously. She wore a medieval lady's armor, showing most of the spring light. Compared with Aphrodite, who is known as the **** of beauty, she has its own advantages. It is less enchanting and more charming. The perseverance of the strong women's temperament is shown to the full.

Although Artemis showed no less than Aphrodite, people would never think about **** when they first saw her.

As the goddess of moonlight and hunting, Artemis is also more on the side of combat, with a stable strength of 9 silver stars, and is also superior among the twelve lord gods, even Hades, the Hades, respects her.

"Envy! You can find such one if you have the ability."

In other conveniences, it is completely inferior to the other party, and Aphrodite can only use Yi Shuihan as an example.

Artemis didn’t react much to this kind of low-level show-off. He glanced at Aphrodite, then opened his red lips lightly, and said with a smile on his face, "I think you’re good, you said How about he grabbed it."

Aphrodite's complexion changed. She was very confident in her body. If she was a pure goddess like Artemis, and there was no scandal in the outside world, she felt that Artemis could not compete with herself. , It’s just that the situation is different now. She felt a huge crisis, and she was a little afraid of what Artemis said would actually happen.

Seeing Aphrodite's silence, Artemis was a little surprised. In the past, Aphrodite was directly asked to seduce Aphrodite in this situation, but this time he did not speak abnormally.

"Isn't it really tempted?"

As soon as this thought came up, Artemis himself was taken aback, and then looked at Aphrodite with surprise.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen me!"

As if being discovered a little secret, Aphrodite said a little shamelessly.

"I have never seen you like this."

Nodding, Artemis said solemnly.


Pointing to Artemis, our goddess of beauty was also rendered speechless for a while, and finally gave a cold snort and simply ignored Artemis.

Yi Shuihan, who was fighting, had no idea that two women had quarreled for him, and fighting against Hades was really nothing.

Even the deity doesn’t know how the clone feels at this time. The clone who is completely plunged into the battle feels a burst of refreshment, as if drinking a glass of iced drink on a cold summer day, and as if the soul is dried up when the new one is absorbed. spring.

If you can, the clone even hopes that this battle will last a long time, rather than end early because of accidents of this kind.

This is absolutely hypocritical and pretending to other people, but in fact the reason why he feels like this is completely normal.

As the saying goes, "If you don’t fight, you don’t know each other." Yi Shuihan wouldn’t be able to become friends with Hades after a fight, but even if he doesn’t like Hades, he must admit that he is a good opponent in terms of combat. Even if the opponent fights so hard, the reason may be to prevent his body from being injured.

For the clone, this is the first time to fight with a person of comparable strength in this realm. The battle is not so crushed, and you can gain a lot of combat experience. His combat ability can be seen in the battle with Hades. The speed is increasing rapidly.

Just as the effect of force is mutual, Yi Shuihan is improving here, and Hades's promotion is not slow, otherwise he would have already lost, and Yi Shuihan would not recognize his opponent.

Almost every moment Hades and Yi Shuihan collide tens of thousands of times, and their moves change countless times in an instant. Every time the angle and force change, the speed increases and slows down, the result will be different.

At this moment, Yi Shuihan and Hades didn’t have to think about any tactics at all. They were completely handed over to the fighting instinct. They came with a sense of vain and vagueness. They really waited until they thought about how to shoot. Hands up.

The momentum of the battle is slowly increasing, and the feeling of depression for everyone is getting stronger. Danathus is just watching the battle, and sweat is already on his forehead. This is normal for an ordinary person, but it is changed to Danadu. Si, a second-class god, is completely different. You must know that even if a dozen golden saints are in front of him, he won't shed a single drop of sweat when he solves all of them.

In Sanctuary, a group of gold stands together, feeling this battle beyond their countless dimensions, all of them are pale.

"Hades is so strong, how did we beat him before?"

"Aiolia, don't raise the ambition of others to destroy your own prestige. No matter how strong Hades is, the battle with us Saint Seiya has not been won."

"Under the leadership of the goddess Athena, our Saint Seiya is an unbeatable team, no matter who the opponent is."

"Big Brother Yi is so strong, he can fight that Hades like this. I really hope that Big Brother Yi will win in the end. In that case, we will win the battle for the origin."

"Yeah! If Big Brother Yi wins, it will be fine."

The golds all hope that Yi Shuihan can win, and silently cheer on Yi Shuihan in their hearts.

"Is this breath his? God! How strong!"

Next to a lake, Nitro looked at the darkness in the sky and said with emotion

"This gap is really desperate."

Xiaojie's father, Jin, is wearing a quilt and is fishing. It's just that he is destined to be unable to catch fish. It's not that there are no fish. It's just that under the circumstances of two master god-level powerhouses fighting like this, these fish are all raging under the water. Shaking, they don't even have a look at the bait, even if the bait is in the mouth, they won't open their mouths to eat.

If the battle between Yi Shuihan and Hades continued in this way, these fishes might remain motionless until starved to death. ,, ..

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