Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 873: Pluto clone

In normal times, these main gods might not mind always using their divine power to bless the underworld. After all, it was only 10 years, and it was just a flash for them.

The current situation is different. The world can be promoted at any time, not to mention spending 10 years here, even if it takes 1 year, they will not be willing.

"Yi Shuihan, can you send these souls into your underworld?"

Athena asked Yi Shuihan, and other main gods also looked over.


He shook his head decisively.

"Why? Could it be that you lied to me before?"

"The area of ​​the underworld is not big enough to hold so much. At most, it will take away the souls with spiritual wisdom. As for these, even the spiritual wisdom has been wiped out..."

Yi Shuihan didn't say the following, but everyone knew what was going on.

"Is there no other way?"

Athena was not reconciled.


Yi Shuihan just wanted to answer no, but suddenly stopped because the system sent him a very unexpected message.

"In fact, there are still some, but it depends on whether you are willing."

As soon as the conversation turned, Yi Shuihan looked at the gods mysteriously and said.

The gods also felt strange about Yi Shuihan's attitude, and suddenly felt that something big would happen next.

"Let's talk about it, if there is any request, we can help for the universe."

Even Zeus was interested, he really couldn't figure out what Yi Shuihan could do in this situation.

Under the gaze of the gods, Yi Shuihan slowly said, "As long as you admit that I inherited the identity of the Hades, I can restore the Hades."

"Don't tell me if you killed Hades, you still want to become Pluto? You did it originally. If you don't solve it, even if you still make this request, are you going to take advantage of the fire?"

The anger on her face of the **** queen Hera unabashedly released her killing intent.

"If you don't give us an explanation today, you will be buried with this underworld. The big deal is that I will wait tens of thousands of years to build another underworld."

Zeus was angry, and the scepter representing the authority of the gods emerged from nothingness. At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into the sky, representing the entire world.

Yi Shuihan only felt that the surrounding air had become heavier, as if the gravity had suddenly increased hundreds of times. Not only this space, but also a constant sense of rejection, as if to banish him to the unknown void.

The **** king and his wife put pressure on Yi Shuihan, and most of the other main gods are like you want to give us an explanation. If one is not good, it is estimated that Athena may have shot against Yi Shuihan.

Although Poseidon did not want to break out of a war, he also showed his attitude at this time and stood on the side of the gods.

The only exception is estimated to be Aphrodite. Other gods took action. She didn't say to help Yi Shuihan against the enemy, at least not against Yi Shuihan.

"It's just an identity, don't need such a big reaction! All I need is your verbal confession, a Pluto is like I care more. First of all, you have to be clear, Hades, I did not kill for no reason, it was him. I came to fight me first. I just defended myself. As a victor, it’s not normal to inherit from the defeated? Or is it that you are all unreasonable, helping your relatives and unreasonable. If so, then Just go to war, I don't care."

The three clones were all indifferent, unreservedly released, and attacked the gods in the past, and they were in a posture of fighting against each other.

This kind of tough posture made Zeus a little bit undecided, and he didn't launch an attack in the first place.

"If you can restore the underworld, I can admit that you are the new underworld."

Aphrodite was unwilling to really break out of battle, and said quickly.

"I admit it too."

It was Artemis who spoke, but what Yi Shuihan looked over was still, she winked playfully at Yi Shuihan.

Athena was the third opening to support, then Poseidon.

At this time, the tension of swords disappeared in an instant, and Zeus thought about it and said that he recognized Yi Shuihan's identity as the Hades.

When Zeus wanted to come, he only confessed his identity verbally, and it was not true that Yi Shuihan would take charge of the underworld in the future. It depends on what Yi Shuihan had. If he was just playing with them, all the main gods would not be able to do it later Yi Shuihan keeps his hands.

"It's done."

When the 11 main gods all verbally recognized the identity of the Underworld King Yi Shuihan, a smile appeared on Yi Shuihan's face.

At this moment, Yi Shuihan felt that he had obtained the approval of the will of this world and replaced Hades, the king of the world.

Without seeing Yi Shuihan's actions, the underworld suddenly ceased to collapse. Not only that, everything in the underworld seemed to be reverting back in time. The land that disappeared in the unknown space reappeared, the river flowed backwards, and the cracks in the ground began. Decrease until completely smoothed.

The gods were stunned as they watched the underworld from its collapse to the complete restoration of its former appearance, all of them were completely blank in their minds, completely unable to understand what was going on.

Only Yi Shuihan understood the reason for all this.

This world attaches great importance to the underworld. I don’t want to see it and disappear like this. After all, Yi Shuihan’s underworld is not under its jurisdiction. Who knows when Yi Shuihan will leave.

In order for the underworld to exist, the will of the world needs a new Pluto. It has such a need. The system can naturally take advantage of it. A mission was released just now. As long as Yi Shuihan can get the approval of the remaining main gods, even if only verbally Yes, even if the task is completed, then the reward is to inherit everything from Hades.

The reward is not issued by the system, but by the world will of this world. It rebuilds a body with a small universe that Hades can think of, and the perception of various tricks. A body was born, and this body’s Consciousness is Yi Shui Han, which is equivalent to an alternative clone.

Yi Shuihan turned this new clone into the clone of Pluto. Except for the appearance of the clone of Pluto, it was different from Hades. The other clones were actually no different from Hades, whether it was combat experience, power perception, and realm.

Even the Underworld was originally born because of Hades, and Hades died, it will be destroyed. Now because of the appearance of the Pluto clone, it thinks that the Pluto clone is Hades, so it recovers again.

"The only drawback is that this Pluto clone cannot travel through the world, and must stay in this world forever."

Some insatiable thinking. ,, ..

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