Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 891: Reversing cause and effect

Below I saw Yi Shuihan injured Aphrodite no longer calm before, especially when Zeus took out the small sword again, she became even more worried, wishing to replace herself with Yi Shuihan, the injured was Herself.

"No, even if he might blame me afterwards, or even don't want me, I have to help."

The decision was made, and Gangneil, who had been put away, appeared again in her hands.

Hera, who had been paying attention to her, changed slightly, subconsciously trying to prevent Aphrodite from leaving.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't mind killing you first."

The tip of the gun was pointed at Hera, her expression was extremely cold, and Aphrodite was now in a state of madness. No one could predict what the goddess would do.

Hera was embarrassed. To be honest, she didn't want to face Aphrodite in this state, but she didn't really want Aphrodite to help Yi Shuihan deal with Zeus.

"Aphrodite how did you talk to the Queen of God."

A slightly majestic voice sounded, Hera breathed a sigh of relief and Aphrodite's expression was a bit ugly, Apollo did not know when he came here.

Compared to Zeus, Apollo undoubtedly wanted Yi Shuihan to die even more for Yi Shuihan, who had mastered his secrets. For this reason, he chose to stand on Zeus's side.

Faced with any one of them before, Aphrodite was also very nervous. Although Gangneil was very strong, she had not really verified it. Faced with Hera and Apo. Luo, she was a little sweaty holding Gangneil's hand.

"I think it's better for Meishen to stay."

Hermes also came here. As Zeus’s dogleg, he stood firmly on the side of the **** queen. After the previous golden lotus snatch, he also reached 9 silver stars. Although the pressure on Aphrodite was not as good as Hera It is big with Apollo, but it cannot be ignored.

At this time, Aphrodite, who was going to fight for it, was desperate, not only the three gods in front of her, but also the way she noticed that other main gods were also faintly surrounding her.

"At this point, it's only up to the man you choose."

Artemis is the only one who thinks of Aphrodite, and although he doesn't show his attitude to help her, he will definitely not fall into trouble.

"Come on, Brother Yi."

Xiaojie and other fighters who have just become silver all looked at the sky nervously, possessing silver strength, they can still see the battlefield clearly, and under the silver, there is no way of fighting from above.

"Simon, what should we do if he loses? Are you afraid of Zeus?"

Lu Xiaofeng's four eyebrows were beating at the same time.

"My sword can cut all things, and Zeus needs a sword from me."

"My throwing knife also wants to add one."

"Crazy, crazy, do you really think that your strength is strong enough to deal with existences like Zeus? It's all looking for death, but why do I want to add one in my heart? I have not been turned into a regular one. If he does not die this time, I must ask him to correct me."

As coming from the ancient world, Lu Xiaofeng and the others can pay to death for their friends, even if they seem to be extremely timid at the moment when Sikong picks up the stars, they have revealed their true temperament. If Yi Shuihan notices this scene It would be very gratifying.

Although the other fighters didn't speak, their expressions already represented everything. Yi Shuihan's selection method was still up to the standard, at least at this time he didn't say that anyone thought he would immediately surrender to the enemy.

Above the void, the time to decide victory or defeat finally arrived. Zeus threw the small sword for the third time, thinking that he was already imagining that he would kill Yi Shuihan and seize the blood of heaven, and then step onto the peak of the life of God.

Yi Shuihan didn't panic at all, even if he looked a little embarrassed, he gave people a feeling that everything was under control.

Did not make a defensive posture, even did not open the time-stationary domain, Yi Shuihan smiled and spoke quietly.

"I said, what I have seen is false."

This voice seemed to resound in the ears of sentient beings, and it seemed to be the truth coming from the depths of their souls.

The little sword disappeared, disappeared out of thin air, and disappeared without warning when Yi Shuihan finished speaking.

Some people might wonder that Yi Jian's speed should have already attacked Yi Shuihan when Yi Shuihan spoke.

The fact is the same, it's just that Yi Shuihan's skills erased that possibility after he was attacked, which reversed time and the small sword was destroyed.

Just like the treasure of someone in the fate world, the Piercing Death Spike, it has the ability to reverse cause and effect, and reverse the cause and effect. The "effect" with the heart as the front topic determines the "cause" of wielding a spear. Because the result is doomed, general defense and avoidance are meaningless no matter what you do.

In the same way, Yi Shuihan's skills are more advanced. As long as the result cannot cause mortal damage to Yi Shuihan, then he can use this skill to erase the cause.

Because it was a small sword, and this small sword of Zeus naturally couldn't cause a mortal ending to Yi Shuihan, and had multiple injuries, so after using the skill, because it was gone, he also turned the time back.

"Sure enough, it is a magical skill, but unfortunately it only has one permission to use it."

In my heart, I was extremely satisfied with the skills recommended by the system. Looking at Zeus's dumbfounded look, Yi Shuihan felt that the 10,000 cultivation points spent was not so wasteful.

Sample, compare with me, I will kill you with the practice points.

"Are there any tricks? If you have any, take it out quickly, otherwise don't say I didn't give you a chance."

A pair of Lao Tzu is as if no one is afraid of being powerful, his whole body is full of strong light.

Zeus looked at Yi Shuihan, with a flustered look in his eyes for the first time. He knew the origin of that small sword best. He also got 5 in total, and one of them was used a long time ago, killing one more than him. There is also a much stronger presence.

Besides the small sword, Zeus can be said to be invincible, even if Yi Shuihan behaves strangely, he did not really think that Yi Shuihan could defeat him, and the two small swords just now proved all this.

However, things have changed now. Just now Yi Shuihan actually said a word, and then his little sword inexplicably lost its function and disappeared out of thin air.

Zeus still had a small sword but he didn't dare to take it out. If he repeats the previous situation again, he really has no hole cards.

"Is this guy my nemesis?",,..

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