Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 905: Inheritance of secret skills

It took Yi Shuihan 2 hours to reach Atlas. I have to say that this space jumper is really powerful.

"You came!"

Teleported directly in front of the Great Elder Atlas Star, the Great Elder seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said something unpredictable to Yi Shuihan.


Nodding lightly, and then Yi Shuihan did not follow. This was a completely different reaction from what he had expected, causing a flash of surprise in the eyes of the great elder of Atlas.

Shouldn't you ask me why I know you are coming at this time? Then I can pretend to be foolish and show off my tallness.

Yi Shuihan looked at the great elder in front of him with a funny heart, and didn't speak first, he was determined to pay attention to the other party if he didn't talk, he would be consumed with the other party.

The best way to deal with this kind of magic stick is to not follow the opponent's routine, otherwise the rhythm will be brought into the ditch by the opponent unknowingly.

Yi Shuihan didn't believe that the guy in front of him could count himself completely, at best he could see that he had an extraordinary background.

If this Atla Star Elder could see that Yi Shuihan had the power to instantly destroy their clan, he would naturally be very kind to Yi Shuihan, then Yi Shuihan's requirements would be easily fulfilled.

"If you want to learn the secret skills of our family, I can take you there."

After 3 minutes of persistence, Atlas took the lead to speak, and what he said directly hit the core point.

"How do you know my purpose is this?"

Asked a little surprised.

"Dear powerhouse, I think there is nothing worthy of your conspiracy in Atlas Star. Only my clan’s secret skills you may want to refer to. After all, my clan’s combat effectiveness is very low, but it is very good in studying secret skills. There is research, and some secret skills are also useful for strong people like you."

A small compliment to Yi Shuihan, but the elder was relieved. Judging from Yi Shuihan's attitude, he knew that Yi Shuihan was not that kind of villain.

The Great Elder actually had a foresight a few days ago, knowing that Atlas will come to a strong, the strong owner, Atlas, is completely irresistible, and the survival of Atlas lies with the opponent. in a moment,

If Yi Shuihan asked the time that the elder had predicted, he would know that that time was when he thought of Atlas.

Following the great elder, Yi Shuihan came to the place where the Atlas people stored secret skills. This is a cave with thousands of stone walls, each of which represents a secret skill.

These stone walls are all carved by the people who created the secret skills at the beginning. They generally only make the stone walls before they die, because making the stone walls requires injecting all their insights into the secret skills.

Even if they are the creators of secret skills, the effect of their secret skills will be greatly reduced after the stone walls are made.

And the descendants of the produced stone walls can even comprehend from it a mood that is higher than the creator's control of the secret skills. Of course, the premise is that the comprehension is high enough and the spiritual endurance is strong enough.

Even if it is an Atlas, there are only 5 secret skills that they can comprehend in their lifetime, and the average Atlas has only 3 secret skills.

Outsiders, it takes more stringent requirements to comprehend the secret skills of the Atlas. This is also in the original work, it took Sun Wukong a year or so to learn to teleport, and he did not even learn other secret skills, part of the reason is At that time, Frieza was about to attack the earth, but there was also a reason why he might not be able to learn other secret skills if he knew it.

Of course, all of this is not a problem for Yi Shuihan. His foundation is too good, his starting point is too high, and conditions that are difficult for others to achieve are as simple as eating and drinking water to him, just like It was a college student who suddenly came back to study math in elementary school.

"Except for the secret skills that only the elders of the past can pass on to each other, all the secret skills of our clan are here. You can learn it at will, but I suggest you choose only a few of them to learn."

Elder Atlas Star said.

"Where is the teleportation?"

"Is it teleportable? Please follow me."

The Great Elder brought Yi Shuihan to a stone wall that looked no different from other stone walls, pointed to the stone wall and said, "This is the teleportation you are looking for."

"The stone walls here are all the same. How can you tell the secret skill of each stone wall?"

"When the people of our clan choose a secret technique, they will judge whether the secret technique is suitable for them based on the breath of the stone wall. Only those who are suitable for them will practice. If they do not fit, it is very difficult to comprehend it, so we don’t need to know before choosing. What secret skill corresponds to the stone wall."

"Each generation of elders are in charge of this place, so they can know exactly what secret skill is on each stone wall. Of course, you can also use the method of touching the stone wall to judge the secret skill stored on the stone wall."

This is not a secret technique, but a secret technique! This idea came to Yi Shui Hanneng’s mind, but it felt normal, just as everyone is good at different things. Naturally, some things are easy to learn, while others are difficult. This is the principle of the Atlas people choosing secret skills. More aura to judge which secret technique is best for you.

"In fact, the most suitable secret skills are created for ourselves according to our own conditions. No matter how good the secret skills we understand, it is difficult to reach the level of the original secret skills creator."

The great elder continued.

Yi Shuihan also agrees with the great elder's point of view, after all, the things of others belong to others.

"How do I start to comprehend the secret skills?"

"Just put your hands on it and feel it with your heart. You don't need to worry, you can't be anxious. Generally speaking, even if it fits well, it will take a few days to get a complete inheritance from the stone wall."

"Oh? Then I will try."

Yi Shuihan put his hand on the stone wall with teleportation, his mind moved, and a piece of information flowed into his heart along the stone wall. The practice of teleportation and some experience in practice were all in it.

"Is there any problem? Is it because Shibi rejected you? This is also the case. Generally, it occurs when the secret skills are extremely incompatible with people. Shibi thinks that you have not learned the secret skills at all.

The great elder saw Yi Shuihan put his hand on the stone wall and then took it away. The whole process took less than 2 seconds, and said with some regret.

Yi Shuihan looked at the Great Elder strangely, he didn't know how to tell the Great Elder, would it be too shocking to say that the inheritance was completed. ,, ..

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