Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 908: The Perfect Namek

The little Namek star with a height of about 1 meter looked at the strange uncle in front of him with a vigilant look. Yes, in his eyes, Yi Shuihan is the strange uncle. Not only the skin is not green, but he doesn't even have any good-looking tentacles.

"How can he survive without tentacles?"

Thinking like this in his little head, Bimen suddenly felt that the strange uncle in front of him was so pitiful.

The Namekians can be said to be a perfect race. They are born with powerful powers. They also have clairvoyance and smooth ears. They transform into daily necessities, regenerate their bodies, enlarge their arms, fly, move objects out of thin air, and make clothes and weapons out of thin air. Wait, the ability to make Dragon Balls is simply the darling of the heavens, so powerful.

Not only that, the Namekians do not need to eat, they only need to drink a little water every day to survive. The tentacles on their heads can react like photosynthesis, providing them with energy, just like a humanoid plant.

If you want to list the most satisfying works of Chuangshi Shen, then there is no doubt that Meike Xing must belong to one of them.

That's because the Namekians love peace and don't like fighting, otherwise, with their abilities, there might be nothing about Frieza.

Think carefully about other people's Namekians can also assimilate, assimilating a tribe's combat power directly soars dozens of times, this ability is more powerful than Super Saiyan transformation.

The name of this world is called Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball is something that can only be made by Namek, and Namek is actually more suitable for the protagonist.

Yi Shuihan noticed the pity in Bimen's eyes, a black line suddenly appeared, could it be said that I looked pitiful?

What is really pitiful is whether you are good or not. You obviously have such a powerful force, but you live a life like an ascetic, and your whole body is green, and your gender is asexual. There is no need to create human beings to reproduce offspring, and you can directly use eggs in the offspring Squirt it out and finish it.

"Looking so green, is it because you are worried about wearing a green hat so you use this method of reproduction?"

Yi Shuihan's affirmation of this idea as soon as it appeared, so the look in Bimen's eyes was also compassionate.

Oh, poor baby! Becoming a Namek is destined to not be able to enjoy the beauty of the world. If you stay in Namek, you can only plant trees, drink water, and grow old in that life. It is no better than a leaf.

"Hello, little friend, I am Yi Shuihan, a traveler from time and space, is this a namek star, are you a namek star?"

Yi Shuihan came here with a friendly attitude, and he spoke very politely naturally.

"This is Namek, I'm Bimen, and your name is Yi Shuihan? It's weird. What is the time traveler you are talking about?"

Feeling kindness from Yi Shuihan, Bimen also let go of his guard against Yi Shuihan. After all, their Mekstar people belong to the kind of pure-minded people who are easy to believe in others. Of course, this is not to say that they are very It is easy to be deceived, because they are pure in mind, so it is easier to feel whether other people are sincere.

Besides, you can only deceive the Namekians for a while. Think about people’s clairvoyance. As long as you show a little flaw, you will not be found out. People are pure and not fake, but it does not mean stupid. On the contrary, they are all. Very smart, otherwise there will not be so many abilities.

"You can think of it as a kind of profession, for example, your Meksters have a warrior type, a medical type and a smart type.

"So it's like this"

Bimen nodded faintly.

"Do you know how to read minds?"

Suddenly asked Bimen.

Yi Shuihan was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't understand why Bimen asked that way.

"I can read mind, but I can't see what is thinking in your heart, so you can also read mind, because only in this way, I can't see what is thinking in your heart."

Bimen said to himself, letting Yi Shuihan understand why he would ask if he could read mind.

"I don't... I can read mind."

Originally I wanted to say no, but Yi Shuihan suddenly thought that if he wanted to, it would be easy to know what the other party was thinking for an existence that was far lower than him, and it could be said that he could read mind.

"Are there many mind-readers among you Mekker?"

"It's not a lot. About one of three talents can learn mind reading! I'm a young genius."

Bimen said with some pride.

One of three, that's not much! ?

Yi Shuihan had no idea what Bimen thought.

After chatting with Bimen for a while, Yi Shuihan almost figured out the situation where Namek star wanted to be, and understood that Namek star now has 6 tribes, and each tribe has an elder, they are responsible for guarding the dragon ball, and then Responsible for leading everyone's lives.

The great elder stayed alone, protected by Neru, the strongest combat-type Namek of Namek. Now the great elder rarely appears in front of everyone because he is too old and the elder is very difficult to move. .

According to Bimen, if Yi Shuihan wanted Dragon Ball, he had to get the consent of the Grand Elder. Otherwise, even if he got the Dragon Ball, he would not be able to make a wish.

Yi Shuihan was a little surprised at this, because he used Namek to communicate with Bimen, which means that it is not a problem to summon Namek Dragon Ball and make a wish, but Bimen still said that there is no great elder. Acknowledge that he can't make a wish.

Either Bimen is lying, or the Great Elder really has that kind of control over Dragon Ball, and obviously the latter is more likely.

After all, Dragon Ball was created by the Great Elder. Although he cannot do too much interference, some small influences are still possible, such as allowing Dragon Ball to recover early from the recovery period. This is reflected in the original work. The **** of the earth It once saved the Earth Dragon Ball’s one-year slumber, allowing it to be used again by itself.

Time can be saved, and the dragon ball in the recovery period can naturally fall asleep, and the condition of being unable to use the dragon ball to make a wish is achieved.

"Then you take me to see the Great Elder! I believe he should agree to my use of Dragon Ball."

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