Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 910: Shenlong Polenga

"Where are your wives? I can have someone bring them over."

The elder asked.

"No trouble, they will come right away."

When talking with the great elder, Yi Shuihan was already distracted and went to the world to tell Zhongmei about the great elder here. They all showed great interest in developing potential.

A door appeared beside Yi Shuihan, and then beautiful women appeared from it, Aphrodite, Robin, Tsunade, Cai Yan...

They all wore different styles of clothes, showing the beauty of various styles, coming out of the door as if they were walking a fashion show.

Under normal circumstances, Yi Shuihan will let outsiders see this scene. He is a little stingy in this respect, but it is different from Namek. Others reproduce asexually and have different aesthetics.

Not to mention the great elder's distracting eyes, it is that Neilu was indifferent when he saw Cai Yan and the others, but was a little dissatisfied with Yi Shuihan's expression, because so many people meant that the great elder consumed more.

"Which one of you will come first?"

"Husband, can I try it first?"

Diao Chan said lively. When other people saw Diao Chan open their mouths, they didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence.

At this time, Yi Shuihan naturally didn't have any opinions, so the Great Elder placed one hand on Diao Chan's head and began to exercise.

Diao Chan didn't like to practice very much. Even with Yi Shuihan's nourishment, she was only Silver 3 stars at this time. Of course, this kind of strength was already considered against the sky in Namek, and it was completely possible to slap the entire Namek.

After the great elder performed the power, the aura on Diao Chan's body rapidly increased, and it doubled in a short moment.

"Did you break through to 4 stars? It saved a lot of effort!"

The Grand Elder's hand has been removed from Diaochan's head, and Diaochan is very happy when she feels her progress.

Others saw the effect so obvious, they were all eager to try, but Yi Shuihan saw the big elder panting and punched a celestial force towards him, and the big elder instantly became alive again.

Feeling the power of his body that constantly nourishes his own body, the great elder was surprised to see Yi Shuihan, he could feel the high level of Xianli, far more high-end than ordinary Qi.

Next, every time the great elder developed his potential, Yi Shuihan gave him an immortal power. After the last one had developed his potential, the great elder was not only not tired, but also had much better energy than before, and his face was red. , A look glowing with the second spring.

Yi Shuihan is close to Da Luo Jinxian’s immortal power quality, possessing all kinds of incredible effects, which are more precious than those thousand years of dragon blood. Even if most of them are used to restore the spirit and physical strength of the elder, the rest will at least let Da The body of the elder is 10 years younger.

In this way, the great elder not only harmed the body because of the development of potential, but also obtained the promise of Yi Shuihan to protect Namek, and at the same time gained considerable benefits.

With the order of the great elder, other tribes quickly sent the dragon **** they guarded to the great elder, and all the dragon **** were gathered in less than 20 minutes.

Yi Shuihan and the girls surrounded the dragon ball, they were curiously touching the dragon ball. They couldn't see enough of this kind of thing that can summon the dragon to make a wish after collecting seven of them.

"It's amazing, can this thing really realize any wish?"

"Any wish is naturally impossible. I can only say that most of the wishes are okay. At least he should not be able to let me directly break into the Daluo Jinxian. The ability of the Dragon Ball is directly proportional to the maker. The stronger the maker, the dragon summoned. The stronger the ability."

"Husband, are you planning to ask Shenlong how to break through?"

Cai Yan's words woke up Yi Shuihan. In his original plan, he didn't directly ask Shenlong how to break through. Now it is more convenient to ask directly.

After kissing Cai Yan's cheek fiercely, after making Cai Yan's face flushed, Yi Shuihan recited the spell to summon the dragon.

The seven dragon **** bloomed with dazzling light, and the sky of Namek Star instantly became pitch black.

The huge Shenlong Polunga appeared above the dragon ball, exuding endless majesty, and the scene at this time looked quite shocking.

"It's so big! But it's a bit ugly."

"I also think it's a bit ugly, shouldn't Shenlong be Eastern Shenlong?"

"En, I also think that my sisters are right."

Hearing the words of a group of girls, Yi Shuihan felt the same. He felt that although the power of the dragon on earth was a little smaller, the appearance was in line with Yi Shuihan's heart.

"Hurry up and say what you wish! Only three wishes can be made."

Yi Shuihan felt that Polunga seemed to be a little unhappy, but she could understand that, after all, Polunga was not completely witty, as said by the girls, it was pretty good that she hadn't lost her temper yet.

"The first wish, let me know the star maps of all 12 universes."

Polunga was silent for a moment and said

"I can't do this request."

Yi Shuihan frowned slightly and said

"Then you can let me know the star maps of the universe at most?"

"Is this your first wish?"

"No, then, you let me know all the star maps you can tell me."

Such a wish is not very specific, but after Polunga’s red eyes looked at Yi Shuihan for a few seconds, he slowly spoke.

"It's easy."

The red light in Polunga's eyes skyrocketed, and then Yi Shuihan's mind showed the stars of the sixth and seventh universes where they were.

Although it was far from the 12 Universes that Yi Shuihan had imagined, Yi Shuihan could only barely recognize it. Who would let this wave of Lungga be inadequate.

"If you have any more wishes, please tell me."

Polunga spoke again.

"Let me break through to Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Sorry, this wish is beyond my ability."

"Then tell me, how should I break through to break through?"

"Sorry, this wish is beyond my ability."


Yi Shuihan was completely disappointed with this Polunga. From here, he almost understood the limits of Polunga's ability, and it was extremely limited to Yi Shuihan's level.

"The super dragon is estimated to be more reliable than this wave, let's find a way to find the super dragon to make a wish!", ....

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