Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 918: God language control reached

With a few words of effort to explain his intention, Yi Shuihan waited for the Northern Realm King to speak God's words.

"You want to hear God's words, I can do it, but why should I help you?"


Okay, Yi Shuihan didn't expect that the King of the Northern Realm would say this at this time, but he could understand it. After all, it was indeed too difficult for him to come over so suddenly to ask people to speak God's words. Even if they didn't agree, it was normal. of.

How can you ask others to do things if you are not someone else's father?

"How about this, I will help your planet expand 10 times. As a reward, you will tell me a word of God."

Yi Shuihan could force the King of the North Realm to speak God's words, but he still chose this softer way, mainly because he was not the kind of completely evil person, but also reasonable, and the King of the North didn't. To mess with him, he came to ask for help again.

"Really? You can help my planet expand tenfold."

Hearing the conditions given by Yi Shuihan, the King of the Northern Realm was instantly excited. His planet was actually not that small at the beginning, just because some unprovoked guy became angry, and then it shrank countless times. Now every time this happened, he would tell a joke to paralyze himself, and he couldn't offend that person!

"I can help you expand the planet first, and then you are talking about God."

"If you can really do it, don't speak God's words, I can teach you even if you want to learn the world's king boxing."

Is there no vitality bomb? Sure enough, the King of the Northern Realm still hid his hand, and this vitality bullet in the original work was not taught by anyone except Monkey King.

"Then it's settled, you see."

Yi Shuihan pointed out that a whirlpool appeared in the void, and it was all mud. After the soil was injected into the world king star, the world king star expanded rapidly as if illuminated by a magnifying glass.

The mud naturally came from Yi Shuihan's personal world. He only decomposed a mountain and took out the most basic material into mud.

It is also that the world king star is originally small, and it is ten times the size of a mountain. Yi Shuihan can do it so easily. With the world expanding at any time, it is estimated that this mountain will be added in the next second. came back.

If the world king star is really big, the conditions given by Yi Shuihan are not this, but other requirements, such as helping to eliminate Frieza or something.

In less than a minute, the entire Realm King has completely changed, not only has it expanded 10 times, but it has also been covered with flowers and some beautiful plants, all of which were provided by Yi Shuihan.

Looking at the newly born King Star, the King of the North has a smile on his face, and those who are satisfied can no longer be satisfied. Since his King Star has become smaller, he has never dared to let people come to visit or go out to see people. , I'm afraid of being mentioned about this matter, a real world king, who lives in such a small world king, is embarrassing!

Now he is finally well. Although Jiewangxing is smaller than he was at the beginning, he can barely take it out to meet people. Finally, he will not stay at home all the time and can go out for a little stroll.

"How about it, are you satisfied!"

"Satisfied, satisfied, amazing."

The Northern Realm King looked at Yi Shuihan very seriously for the second time. The first time was when he saw Yi Shuihan move instantaneously. At this time, he almost put Yi Shuihan on the same level as himself, even in his Yi Shuihan is a very pure mortal under perception.

The gods of this world, the unique dimensional realm of gods, as long as they are between gods, they can easily be perceived.

The King of the North really wanted to take out his car for dozens of laps at this time, but he still remembered his agreement with Yi Shuihan, and said a magic word on the spot.

"#!#~..7" At the moment when a series of languages ​​that Yi Shuihan didn't understand at all, Yi Shuihan understood the meaning, and the other words of the gods came to mind. Just one sentence completes all the magic words.

It can be said that Yi Shuihanhui now has more divine words than the Northern Realm King God.


After Yi Shuihan spit out a sigh that was more pure than the Northern Realm King, the Northern Realm King was stunned. He looked at Yi Shuihan with a strange expression. He didn't understand why Yi Shuihan would come to listen to him clearly. Speak godly.

"I said I didn't understand God's words before, do you believe it?"

"I believe, I used to...actually...don't understand...the word of God, hahahaha, it's so funny, hahaha...I can't help it, hahaha..."

The King of the North laughed loudly, and a black line appeared on Yi Shuihan's forehead.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, my goal has been achieved. If so, I will leave. Goodbye."

Using teleportation to rush away, Yi Shuihan worried that if he stayed here, he could not help ruining the realm king star under his feet. At this time, he finally understood why the realm king star of the northern realm king was so small. Eighty-nine is because the cold joke is too cold.

After Yi Shuihan left, the King of the North couldn't wait to take out his sports car and drove to the track to start a drive. Because it was a straight line, there was no need to hit the steering wheel, as long as it was sitting and letting it run.

Thinking of leaving Yi Shuihan, the Northern Realm King closed his eyes and began to explore his territory. He wanted to find Yi Shuihan's figure. After just contacting him, he became curious about Yi Shuihan.

"Found it, here, what is this...?"

The King of the Northern Realm was stunned when he saw the 7 planet-sized dragon balls. He knew about dragon balls, but he had never seen such a big one, and he didn't recognize it at all.

"The king of the north?"

Yi Shuihan noticed the peeping of the Northern Realm King and didn't care too much. His attention now was completely on summoning the dragon.

"Come out! Shenlong!"

With a divine word, Yi Shuihan waited for the world to change, but there was no change.

"It shouldn't be! I said it with godly language!"

He tried several times again, but the results all ended in failure to summon Shenlong.

After carefully observing the knowledge of God’s words in the memory, after a while, Yi Shuihan finally managed to find clues. After so many years, there have been small changes in God’s words. The pronunciation is more complicated.

I read the summoning language in the language of ancient gods, and the moment the voice finally fell, the whole world changed. ,, ..

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