Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 920: Apprentice

Facing Salama Yi Shuihan, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and even he didn't know if he could succeed if he chose to leave this world at this moment.

Fortunately, Salama was not malicious towards Yi Shuihan. Before, he found that Yi Shuihan's breath was incompatible with this world before proceeding to explore it. As for looking through the memory, he could only say that he had probed too far.

After exploring Yi Shuihan, I felt Yi Shuihan’s nervousness and the hostility in his eyes. Salama was also a bit embarrassed. If Yi Shuihan was a villain, he would definitely solve it directly, lest he be in this world. Leave a scourge.

However, after learning about Yi Shuihan’s memory, Dragon God discovered that although Yi Shuihan is not a good person, he is definitely not a wicked person. He belongs to that kind of both righteous and evil, and the company’s backing is even a little frightening for him. Yi Shuihan's status is infinitely elevated.

Under this situation, Salama felt a little sorry for Yi Shuihan, and her attitude suddenly became a lot softer.

"Do you want to find a way to break through the golden fairy? I can preach for you for one day for free. Although our system is different, it will be of great help to you. What do you think."

Salama wouldn't be able to apologize directly, so he would simply compensate.


Hearing Salama’s words, Yi Shuihan was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed. A saint-level existence preached. You must know that to the end of the practice, you will reach the same goal by different paths, even if the power of the Dragon God is fundamentally different from Yi Shuihan’s practice system. His preaching is also a huge opportunity for Yi Shuihan, even if he breaks through to Da Luo Jinxian on the spot, it is possible.

Although good fortune jade butterfly is a dead thing in the end, the product can only point out a direction of practice, and the preaching of saints, in addition to increasing realm perception, there will also be various visions that directly improve the cultivation level, such as the sky is chaotic, the earth swells These are all visions that accompanied the preaching of the saint.

The moment I thought there would be danger, the next moment it became an opportunity. Who can see through the impermanence of the world, Yi Shuihan felt that he had chosen to see Salama as a good choice. Although he was frightened, the benefits were even greater. many.

"Then thank you Lord Dragon God."

Yi Shuihan hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Dragon God Salama nodded, and immediately began to preach, and every ancient **** word came out of his mouth, turning into various visions, with a natural charm.

Yi Shuihan indulged in the moment when the Dragon God preached. Before he was completely addicted to it, he did not forget to open a gap in the portable world so that the words of the Dragon God could be passed through.

"Little slippery!"

The Dragon God naturally noticed Yi Shuihan’s movements, but he did not stop it. If he was really unwilling, even if someone was in front of him, he would not be able to listen to his preaching, but he was not such a stingy person. Go with the flow.

Ever since, Yi Shuihan's portable world is blessed, growing rapidly under the voice of the Dragon God's saint, and there is a faint tendency to break into the world of silver, and Yi Shuihan's women are constantly improving under the holy voice.

Of course, Yi Shuihan gains the most benefit. It is not only the realization of the realm, but the dragon **** can take care of it. The immortal energy needed for Yi Shuihan to break through is also very sufficient. At this time, Yi Shuihan is like the eye of a storm. Xianqi was continuously being sucked into the body.

Unconsciously, Yi Shuihan's body was automatically impacting Da Luo Jinxian, and he himself didn't realize this, and was still immersed in the truth of Dragon God.

"You have a chance! That's all, I will do you again!"

Noting Yi Shuihan’s situation, the voice of the dragon **** Salama became more and more anxious, and his understanding of Tao became higher and higher, and

He also helped Yi Shuihan to stabilize his body so that Yi Shuihan could make a smooth breakthrough.

I don't know how long it has passed. At this time, Dragon God's preaching has stopped, and Yi Shuihan still quietly closed his eyes and crossed his knees.

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan opened his eyes, and an indescribable aura erupted from his body, which was far more powerful than silver, and only gold could possess such a momentum.

"Breakthrough? Just such a breakthrough?"

Yi Shuihan couldn't believe it. He didn't expect to break through so easily. He didn't even feel anything, as if he broke through inexplicably after sleeping.

At the moment Yi Shuihan broke through, a bell and drum sounded in the entire universe, as if the universe was celebrating the birth of another great power.

Suddenly noticed the Dragon God in front of him, Yi Shuihan quickly gave another gift. This time he was a salute from the heart. The Dragon God helped him too much. Not only did he help him break through to Da Luo Jinxian, he felt that his realm was not It's just that it's as simple as entering Daluo Jinxian, and the future path is very clear. It is estimated that there is no bottleneck before the quasi-sage.

In Yi Shuihan's life, it is estimated that in addition to the system, the dragon **** in front of him gave him the most benefits, and he won the other opportunities himself.

"Disciple sees Master!"

Naturally, Yi Shuihan said such a sentence, just as he had said that he wanted to see the Dragon God.

After speaking, Yi Shuihan himself was stunned. He felt that he was so impulsive. Although he thought that his talent was more than rubbing the apprentice of the Dragon God, his apprenticeship seemed too abrupt. In the position of Dragon God? In all likelihood, I will not agree.

Indeed, the dragon **** Salama was also a little sluggish by Yi Shuihan. He looked at Yi Shuihan dumbfounded and was about to refuse, but there was a sudden flash of light in his eyes.


Yi Shuihan suddenly felt that the pressure from the Dragon God's body had increased geometrically. With his cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, he could hardly stand it, but he gritted his teeth and supported him. If the Dragon God is really his master, he would You can kneel, otherwise even the sky won't make him kneel.

Just when Yi Shuihan's persistent consciousness was a little fuzzy, the coercion finally disappeared without a trace.

"Well, you will be my disciple from now on. What remains in front of you is my distraction in this world. After you become a saint, you can come to Chaos City to find me."

"What the hell? I will become the disciple of the Dragon God? What is left here is just a distraction of the master? What is the place of Chaos City?",,..

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