Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 923: The wish of the king of the north

"The last step."

Yi Shuihan arranged the Shenlong model neatly, took a deep breath, and recalled in his heart the secret method that his master had handed him. After finding that there was no error, it started to operate.

An incomparably mysterious breath rose from Yi Shuihan's body. At this moment, he seemed to have disappeared from this space, observing the world from a higher level of perspective.

The Northern Realm King looked at Yi Shuihan blankly, and somehow he wanted to understand Yi Shuihan's state at this time. He felt that if he could understand it, it would be of great benefit to him.

It's just that the Northern Realm King was destined to be disappointed, because Yi Shuihan's state only lasted for a short time, and he escaped after he shot a mysterious aura into the Shenlong model.

With the infusion of aura, the model dragon was alive in an instant, and with a roar like a world-breaking roar, the dragon that was originally only tens of meters began to change continuously.

Almost every breath becomes several times larger. After a while, a black dragon with the size of dozens of planets has soared in the sky. Compared with the black dragon, this king star is not even as large as its scales. .

"Yes, although it is much smaller than the size of a galaxy of Master, it barely meets my expectations."

Looking at the mighty and domineering Black Dragon in front of him, Yi Shuihan nodded in satisfaction.

"Dear creator, what is your order."

The black dragon is very respectful to Yi Shuihan. Although it is only a new born, its characteristics allow it to have endless knowledge at the moment of birth. Some of it comes from Yi Shuihan, and some from the super Shenlong.

"Tell me your range of abilities."

"It's easy."

A stream of information reached Yi Shuihan's heart, and in the blink of an eye, Yi Shuihan had a deep understanding of the Black Dragon.

Sure enough, as Yi Shuihan thought, he has more than one wish, but three can be realized. However, these three wishes are only for Yi Shuihan. Others generally can only make one far, and those who are approved by Yi Shuihan can make two. desire.

The level of each of these wishes is far beyond that of Namek’s Polunga, even if the desire to increase strength is achievable, and there will be no side effects. Of course, the increase can only be upgraded to the silver level. , When replaced by combat power, it is several hundred million.

If Vegeta can get the Dragon Ball of Yi Shuihan, he will be able to sling Frieza in an instant by making a wish, and he will have the possibility of continuing to make progress. This is something Polenga cannot do.

Super Dragon Balls should be able to do it, but Super Dragon Balls are too difficult to collect. After all, they are scattered in two universes and cannot be collected without certain strength. To collect Super Dragon Balls, the first condition must be able to expand the universe. The existence of at least must be more than 1 billion combat power, or possess extremely special abilities.

So Super Dragon Ball is actually prepared for the gods, and I didn't see people making wishes with ancient gods. It's not that the ancient gods are a shit!

Well, Yi Shuihan's Dragon Ball is actually only serving him, but if he is bored, he will scatter the Dragon Balls, and see if anyone can collect them. Anyway, it is more reliable than Super Dragon Balls.

"Actually, I can also follow the model of the Moon World to fight for a dragon ball and summon the heroic spirits to fight. The heroic spirits are also very easy to handle. Just choose a few ancient heroes from the underworld."

"There's nothing wrong with you, let's go!"

"Yes! Goodbye then."

The black dragon was full of black light, and instantly turned into 7 dragon **** to disperse, but before they could fly away, they were cut off by Yi Shuihan, quietly floating above Yi Shuihan's palm.

This dragon ball is not big, even much smaller than the dragon ball of Namek, and slightly larger than the dragon ball of the earth, but the power contained in it is much higher than that of the dragon ball of Namek. The bigger the stronger, it mainly depends on who made it, and the material also has a certain influence.

Super Dragon Ball is actually not very big, because you have to consider how big the body of the Dragon God is, a galaxy, and a planet-sized dragon ball is probably a dust in his eyes.

"That one……"

The index fingers of the two hands of the Northern Realm King kept poking at each other, his blue face was rarely flushed, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Yi Shuihan followed his eyes and saw the dragon ball he had made, and he immediately understood what the king of the north was thinking.

"Dragon Ball can actually be loaned to you, but it is! You have to teach me the King of Fist."

Naturally, this is not the big mouth of Yi Shuihan Lion. Compared with a wish, the value of Realm King’s Fist is much smaller. He just sees it for the sake of the king of the North Realm, plus he just made the dragon ball and is in a good mood. , For Jiewangquan, that is where to study.

"No problem, Jiewangquan can give it to you."

The King of the North agreed with Yi Shuihan's request with a smile on his face, and he didn't mind that his trick was learned. In fact, he also understood that the King of Fist in exchange for the opportunity to make a wish was a big profit.

The North Realm King actually wanted to use Dragon Ball to make a wish a long time ago, but he couldn't pull the face down to tell the earth gods or the great elders of Namek, that he also had the reservedness of the Realm King.

Yi Shuihan was different. In the eyes of the King of the North, Yi Shuihan was even more mysterious than him, and his status was higher than him. It would be reasonable to ask for such a character, and his sense of rejection would be greatly reduced.

This kind of thing is also a mental problem, summed up as "a **** is hypocritical."

"Take it! The summoning language is'Come out! Shenlong.'"

When speaking the summoning language, Yi Shuihan naturally uses Chinese.

The Northern Realm King rubbed his hands, shouted the summoning words loudly, and then looked at the sky expectantly.

The Black Dragon appeared again quickly, and the sky became pitch black, but even if the Black Dragon was also black, it was very conspicuous in such an environment, which was very unreasonable, but it was so logical.

"Meet again, dear creator."

Hei Shenlong first said hello to Yi Shuihan, and then said to the King of the North Realm

"You have any wish, any wish is fine, but there is only one."

Just when Yi Shuihan was wondering what wish the King of the North Realm wanted to make, he only heard the King of the North say loudly

"Give me a joke book that is updated every day!"


Clapping his forehead with one hand, Yi Shuihan was also convinced by the Northern Realm King. ,, ..

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