Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 938: Turtle fairy in the solid state

The so-called Zhenwu system here is naturally a system that Yi Shuihan made based on his own experience.

According to the blood of the earth people, the combat power for completing the cultivation of the Qi state is between 500 and 2000 points, and the combat power for entering the condensate is between 5,000 and 20,000. The strength has increased ten times compared with the previous state. The cultivation is complete, and the maximum combat power can reach 100,000.

The third realm solid, no matter who it is, as long as you step into it, you will have at least 100,000 combat power, and if you have entered the most, there will be one million.

Practicing into the fourth realm is already comparable to the first stage of Super Saiyan.

Of course, this realm is not so easy to repair. Yi Shuihan estimates that most of the 300 people in front of him are solid at the third realm, and fewer than 10 people can reach the fourth realm.

This real martial art is not comparable to a true immortal cultivation. The life limit to reach the Qi realm is only 100, the condensate is 200, the solid is 500, and the magic phase is 1000.

It can be said that the Qi state still hasn't got rid of the boundaries of mortals, and only when the condensate succeeds can it be regarded as embarking on the road of transformation.

"Becoming a condensate can arouse the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth with every move, so the combat power is greatly increased, the life span is increased by one hundred, and it is possible to survive without breathing, and the body becomes internal breathing..."

Yi Shuihan talked word by word about the characteristics of each realm. The people below were full of enthusiasm, and they wanted to get a higher level of exercises immediately and practice on the spot.

Yi Shuihan fully explained what he might encounter in the process of cultivating the condensate and solid state, and what he needs to pay attention to, so that they can avoid many detours when they get their own practice.

After a long time, Yi Shuihan stopped talking.

"Next, your elder brothers will take you to the Gongfa Pavilion to select the exercises. The exercises you got in Zhenwu Mountain are in the same line. Of course, you can also choose other exercises to rebuild. It depends on your own."

After saying that, Yi Shuihan's people disappeared in front of everyone, and she didn't need to worry about the next thing.

These more than 300 people have successively obtained the exercises, and then about half of them chose to stay in Zhenwu Mountain to practice, and the other half chose to leave. They still have relatives and friends on the earth and cannot give up.

Yi Shuihan didn't care much about their leaving or staying, or that they were actually what Yi Shuihan would like to see when they left. If these people don't leave, how can the earth gain a new inheritance of Zhenwu?

When these people left Zhenwu Mountain and publicized their experience in Zhenwu Mountain, Yi Shuihan's Zhenwu realm was completely accepted by the people of the earth, and a new wave of practice began.

Time has been pushed back several years, this year Bouma finally turned 12 years old and began the journey to find the Earth Dragon Ball.

The rise of earth martial arts also affected her. Although she didn't like martial arts, her combat power was 500. This was the result of her casual training. Facts proved that her martial arts talent was still very high.

Of course, the world has changed now, that is, a child has dozens of points of combat power. Adults over a hundred are considered the most common type. Bouma's 500 points of combat power are not very safe, and there are many stronger than her.


"Are you a woman?" Monkey King looked at Bouma with surprise.

"Little friend, can you lend me the ear beads on your neck, I can treat you to sweets." A cunning color flashed in Bouma's eyes.

Bouma’s combat effectiveness is still higher than that of Monkey King. Monkey King lives in the mountains and has no knowledge of the changes in the outside world. He has not learned Zhenwu. He has dozens of combat strength based on his own blood. Now he is considered real and ordinary. Little children are no different.

"No, this is a relic left to me by my grandfather."

"I just borrow it, and I will return it to you when I use it, or you can go with me to find the Dragon Ball, and I will return it to you after I make a wish."

"If you can beat me, I will promise you."

As a result, Monkey King was undoubtedly beaten by Boomer, and he obediently embarked on a journey to find Dragon Ball with Boomer. When things arrived, he had already started to deviate seriously from the original.

"Sister Bouma? Why are you so good?"

"Hahaha, I'm a genius. I have already practiced Baihuajue to the 5th floor, and I am about to break through the 6th floor. By then, my combat power will exceed 600."

"Haihuajue? What is that, is it for you?"

"It's my practice! Don't tell me you don't even know the practice."

"What is the exercise method? You become so strong after practicing the exercise method? Can I practice with the exercise method?"

"If you don't practice Kungfu, you have dozens of points of combat effectiveness. After all, you are not a human being. If you are lucky, I have a vitality sutra here. Take it and see!"

"Bouma, what's the above? I don't understand."


Under Bouma's teaching, Monkey King finally embarked on the path of Zhenwu. Relying on bloodline power, his combat power rose rapidly. One step a day, he surpassed Bouma in just half a month.

Saiyans have too much innate advantage after all. As long as there are good methods, the improvement of strength is amazing.

But this is not to say that Saiyans who have practiced true martial arts will definitely be better than earthlings.

Saiyans have great potential, but they have some disadvantages in terms of their own power control. Their congenital violent temper makes it difficult for them to calm down and control their power. Therefore, the difficulty for them to break through the realm is much higher than that of the earth. Humans, as a result, it is easier for earthlings and even demihumans to cultivate to a higher level.

On the way to accompany Bouma to find the Dragon Ball, Monkey King met original acquaintances, Klin, Tortoise Immortal, Bull Demon and so on.

In the end, Monkey King and Klin still worshipped Guixianren's sect and became Guixianren's proud disciples.

Immortal Turtle’s combat power at this time is 250,000. He is a true martial artist in a solid state. He is not as reclusive as Monkey King and has no contact with the outside world. He found a basic exercise method as early as the first year of the outbreak of Zhenwu. Practice is one of the more than 300 people who entered Zhenwu Mountain later.

After all, Guixianren is a character who was once called Wuxian, and his martial arts talent is very high. He has made rapid progress when he comes into contact with Zhenwu. If it weren't for his pursuit of fame and fortune, he is probably now the top three seniors in Zhenwu.

Because he has become a solid state, Immortal Turtle is rejuvenating, not the bald old man in the original book, but a middle-aged handsome guy. He is now a master of the happy field. It is easy to pick up girls. When Monkey King met him, he was in a group Linger in the girl. ,, ..

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