Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 942: Open beta

This is the first time Yi Shuihan has made a virtual game. He has no experience, but it doesn't matter. Yi Shuihan only needs to know a rough idea.

Dragon Ball will help Yi Shuihan do all this. What Yi Shuihan needs to do is to make the game content as full as possible before making a wish and make it interesting.

There is also the benefit of getting stronger in the game in reality. This is also a key point. Without this item, no matter how well the game is made, it will not appeal to those who are really strong.

After all, in reality, they live a life that is more chic than in the game, how do they need to enter the game to find confidence?

"If you want to do it, you must do it well. At least those with a combat power of more than 100 million must be attracted to the game. Therefore, the minimum standard can raise a person's combat power to 100 million."

"Perhaps it can be done this way. It does not directly increase the strength, but it can summon the power of the characters in the game, which is equivalent to a blessing state, and it is also time-limited according to certain rules. In this way, it will be easier. To supply people with power, as long as the energy that the game can provide is within an acceptable range."

Give them power directly. If they don't play games after they get the power, it's not a loss. Just borrow them. In this way, if they don't play games, they don't have to give them this power.

"Set up an online mechanism. If you don't go online for more than a month, you will be directly blocked."

"When the character dies, the level will be dropped directly, and the borrowed power will be reduced, so that everyone will pay more attention to the game and will not mess up."

"Divided into lord mode and personal mode, anyone can do personal mode, lord mode must have lord token."

"Professionals are warrior, mage, summoner, nanny..."

"The races are humans, orcs, gods, demons..."

"Arena, commissioned auction, various copies..."

The virtual world is constantly improving under Yi Shuihan’s thinking. Yi Shuihan draws on the content of some novels, and then based on what he has seen, the so-called game world created by him is very rich in content, even Yi Shuihan himself. The urge to play right away.

On this day, Yi Shuihan gathered his dragon ball, appeared in the center of the seventh universe, and began to summon the dragon.

As the world changed colors, the Black Dragon appeared in front of Yi Shuihan.

"Dear creator, what's your order."

"That's it, I want to create a virtual reality game world in which..."

Yi Shuihan slowly told Black Dragon of his request, he was a little worried, whether Black Dragon was really capable of fulfilling his wish, after all, he had too many requirements.

It can be said that the establishment of a virtual reality game world is actually a wish, but Yi Shuihan still requires various details of the virtual world game world. The average dragon will not realize too complicated wishes, and it is because of the black dragon. Yi Shuihan created it, otherwise it would have been okay.

After listening to Yi Shuihan's request quietly, Black God Long said

"Your wish can be fulfilled, but in this case, it will take me 10 years to regain my strength. In other words, even you will not be able to make me appear again in 10 years."

"10 years?"

Yi Shuihan pondered for a moment, and finally nodded. It is estimated that it would take him more than 10 years to do such a large project by himself.

"Then, I will fulfill your wish."

An invisible wave instantly spread from the body of the Black Dragon, and it enveloped the entire Seventh Universe in the blink of an eye.

A virtual world full of order was born silently and everything was exactly the same as Yi Shuihan required. If it weren't for the world but existence and illusion, which could only be entered by spirit, then this world would be comparable to a golden world.

"There will be a day when the Black Dragon can directly create a real world."

Looking at the dragon ball that had turned into stone, Yi Shuihan muttered to himself.

The game is ready, the next step is to start running.

"First of all, if we have a closed test, we will choose people from the earth to test. Time! Let's set a month first."

Naturally, making such a decision is to benefit the people of the earth. He always has to take care of him. He doesn't expect the earth people to lead the way in the game in the future, at least not too bad.

The opportunity has been given, and then it's up to them how to seize the opportunity.

The earth and the bright moon are shining brightly. At this time, it is very early in the morning, and most people are already asleep, or simply practice qigong instead of sleep.

"Ding, the cosmic game of the ancient world is open. This game was created by Yi Shuihan, a friend of the King recognized by All Kings. All interpretation rights belong to Yi Shuihan. May I enter the game? Yes/No"

At the same moment, whether they were dreaming or waking up, the news of the game of the ancient world appeared in the minds of everyone on earth.

"Ancient game, what? Don't make noise, I want to sleep."

Someone murmured in a dream, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

"Have you hallucinated? Who is the king?"

Some people don't care about it, just treat it as an illusion.

"Friend of All Kings, Yi Shuihan, a familiar name, Yi Shuihan, ah! Isn't this the old man Wuzu? The game he created must be played! Enter, enter quickly."

Someone noticed Yi Shuihan's name and immediately chose to enter.

The name of the Earth King is still not good. No one knows who he is. Instead, it is Yi Shuihan. Everyone respects him, because he has opened a new era for the earth.

Because it was night, there were still relatively few entrants, but with the name Yi Shuihan, everyone who knew Yi Shuihan basically chose to enter the game. For a time, hundreds of millions of gamers appeared in the ancient world.

"Please choose a race?"

"Do you raise or lower your appearance by 20%?"


After a series of number building operations, people were surprised to find that they appeared in a very unfamiliar place and directly possessed a brand new body. If it weren’t for the option to log out, they would all think that they are their real self. Up.

The ancient world created by Yi Shuihan is so realistic that these people can't distinguish the difference between virtual and reality. ,, ..

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