Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 944: Let go of game restrictions

Knowing that the strength in the game can increase the combat effectiveness of reality, Qin Feng instantly understood the importance of the ancient world, and he admired Wuzu Yi Shuihan, who was able to create such a game.

Thinking that the higher the level of the game character, the stronger the strength between reality, Qin Feng immediately invested in the great cause of upgrading the ancient world, it was quite crazy, he played crazy for three days and three nights, knowing that the body is really real. He was forced offline until he could not afford it.

After three days and three nights, Qin Feng's level was already at level 14. After reaching level 10, the difficulty of upgrading has increased significantly, and Qin Feng is already fast.

However, Qin Feng was also very satisfied with this result, because the increase given to him at level 14 has made his combat effectiveness comparable to breaking through to the 8th level of the basic exercise.

The game character has a time limit and cannot increase his lifespan. Therefore, Qin Feng still put some energy in reality and went to participate in the apprenticeship assessment. Originally, people thought that he did not reach the 7th level of the basics and was unwilling to accept it. When Qin Feng used it After the game characters were possessed, they showed their super strength, and worshipped the museum owner's door as he wished.

Qin Feng is also a smart person, knowing that things in the ancient world will be exposed sooner or later, and that his actual cultivation is the foundation. He immediately chose to tell him what he knows to the new master master. He gained the goodwill of the master, and the master treated him 'S guidance is more attentive, and at the same time those who don't pay much attention to the ancient world are also quickly thrown into the ancient world.

In just a few days, the whole earth learned that the strength of the characters in the ancient world can be superimposed on the real world, and suddenly all rushed into the ancient world madly. At a time, ninety-nine percent of the people on the earth were already there. Entering the barren ancient world, what is left is the kind of strange things that don’t like fighting. They believe that reality is the root. The barren ancient world can increase combat effectiveness but not lifespan. They do not fight with others, and they still practice real martial arts quietly in reality. Good.

One month later, the highest level of the people on earth can already borrow the power equivalent to 10,000 combat power from the game. The ancient world is completely integrated into people’s lives. Because the equipment in the game can also increase combat power, people in reality can directly Using money to buy equipment in the game, a large number of people have quit their jobs and become professional players.


"It seems that the situation is not bad. It's time to open up other regions, but it's a bit too exaggerated to enter the entire universe. Well, if this is good, one percent of the people will become players. His quota was then allocated to other people in the universe."

One percent of the people in the entire universe is also calculated on the basis of trillions, which can no longer be said to be small.

With Yi Shuihan's opening restrictions, the entire Seventh Universe began to boil, and a large number of new players poured into the ancient world.

Except for the earth, these cosmic people don’t care much if they are Yishuihan. As long as they contact the ancient world once, and they don’t choose to enter in the first time, they will not be eligible to enter. They can only wait for the next screening. This screening is random. Yes, it will stop when the number of people is almost the same, and the probability of being screened twice in a row is not high.

"Damn barbarians, so not afraid of death, they all chose to blew themselves, leaving my uncle injured."

On a relatively deserted planet, a bald man with a tail was cursing, his battle uniform was broken in half.

"Napa, hurry up when you're done, and move on to the next task."

"I see, Vegeta."

These two people are Vegeta and Napa among the Saiyans.

The two flew to the place where they stored the spacecraft, preparing to board the spacecraft and leave, and this time

"Huh? Why did Raditz fall asleep? Ask him to guard the spacecraft, and he actually sleeps!"

Napa said with some dissatisfaction. He didn't dare to lose his temper at Vegeta, but he had no scruples about Raditz. He walked over and pushed Raditz, trying to push Raditz to wake up.

Vegeta on the side looked at everything coldly. He was also a little dissatisfied with Raditz, so he didn't stop Napa.

"Bang!" With this push, Raditz directly hit a mountain peak on the side, and the whole person was embedded in it.

For the Saiyans, this is nothing. After all, even the lower-level fighters have thousands of combat effectiveness. Raditz feels uncomfortable at best and will not be injured.

"what happened?"

Vegeta spoke suddenly, because Raditz still didn't react at all in such a situation, and closed his eyes.

At this time, both of them knew that something was wrong, they pulled Raditz out of the gable and placed it on the ground.

"Vital characteristics are normal! Then why are you still not sober?"

Napa said suspiciously, and put his hand on Raditz's face and slapped vigorously. After a while, Raditz had become a pig's head, but he was still not awake.

"What should we do now?"

Napa looked at Vegeta and asked in annoyance that for him, a simple-minded fellow, he didn't know how to deal with this situation at all.

"It may be some kind of magic, but there should be no such talents on this planet. Please return first and find someone to see."

Raditz is still a Saiyan after all. Although Vegeta is cold at this time, she still has a touch of human touch.

Just as Napa was about to move Raditz to the spaceship, Raditz suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of excitement. If it weren't for being beaten into a pig's head, it would be a look of excitement.

"Wake up! What happened to you just now?"

Vegeta said coldly.

Raditz paled when he heard Vegeta's words, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes. His fear of Vegeta had been for a long time.

"It's a barren ancient world, I entered the barren ancient world."

Raditz quickly said.

"Ancient World? What is that, make it clear."

"That's it. I was here to guard the spacecraft, and then suddenly I remembered a piece of information, saying that there is a universe-level virtual reality game called The Ancient World. I asked if I could enter. I was a little confused at the time. A yes, and then I found that I came to a brand new place, that is No. 991219 Novice Village, and then I...",....

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