Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 950: Desperate blow in abyss mode

"What an arrogant alien, dare to come to our earth to be wild, when our earth has no one?"

"Everyone of Zhenwumen is big, come out quickly and knock the aliens out, let them know the strength of our earthlings."

"This is the site of Wuzu's old man. These aliens are really looking for death."

The curse of the earth, the rise of Zhen Wu has completely hardened the waists of the earth people, and the blood in the bones of the earth people has been stimulated. Facing the aliens, it will never shrink back.

A horrible aura rises from the earth. The weakest have a combat power of 500,000, and the strongest has exceeded one million. Naturally, this is the performance after the game's combat power is blessed.

The alien spacecraft above the earth, the alarm sounded constantly.

"How is it possible? There are people on Earth with more than one million combat powers. Isn't it true that the current highest level of Earth humans has only 400,000 bonuses? How can his own combat power be so high, such a remote planet, unexpectedly... "

"It's a lie! According to intelligence, the earth is only an inferior planet, and the strongest combat power is only a few hundred. How can it be so different? What happened during this period of time."

"The machine must be broken, and it's impossible for people on Earth to be so strong."

The Lotteries no longer had the arrogance they had when they came. Their Lottery has a king with a combat power of 300,000. The characters on the blessed game have a combat power of 670,000. I thought that this combat power could easily overwhelm the entire earth. Just so arrogantly announcing to occupy the earth.

Who knows, the Lotteries were stunned by attracting so many monsters at once.

Obviously, I just wanted to catch a small fish with bait. Who knew it was a dragon.

"My lord, what should I do? Do you want to fight?"

"Fart! Hurry up, the earth is too dangerous, hurry up and hide on Mars."

When the people on earth saw the "moon" in the sky escaping away, everyone laughed, and a sense of pride filled their hearts.

Look, this is our earth. We are strong enough to scare away aliens directly. From now on, our earth is not an unnamed planet in a corner of the universe, but a famous planet in the entire universe.

One day, the earth will become the center of the entire universe, and the people on the earth will be a powerful pronoun.

The people of Lotter are anticlimactic, but they also sounded the alarm for the earth, because today there will be people from Lotter, and maybe there will be a Fatter person tomorrow. In order to protect the earth, what the earth people need is stronger strength, the earth Human beings are driven out of the planet by aliens are things that all people on earth don't want to see.

The pressure of the aliens made the earth's already enthusiastic practice wind even more intense, and everyone used all their strength to practice martial arts or upgrade the game.

A month later, the spacecraft where Raditz was.

"Successful, I am the **th place and won 2 places."

Raditz’s face was exhausted. This month he was really crazy about fighting monsters in the game. He only slept for a short while when he couldn’t hold it. The main reason was that his level was already low, plus the game. The demihuman's fighting consciousness and strong body made him barely enter the top 100 million, and it was only in the last few seconds that he entered the 100 million.

At this time, Raditz has reached level 30, and his combat effectiveness is over 10,000 after the combat effectiveness is added. He can't beat Vegeta, but it is still very easy to deal with Napa.

Latiz has fully established his confidence. He has no grievances about his lower-level Saiyan bloodline. What if the bloodline is low? I am still a senior fighter and will become stronger.

"Since we have obtained the quota, should we go to Earth?"

Raditz asked.

"Don't change the course, go to the earth and change the goal. Since your brother is also there, just take him away. We Saiyans are really too few."

Vegeta made a decision.

So Vegeta continued to approach the earth alone.

Ancient world,

The game characters of Quan Wang and Yi Shuihan are fighting with a group of skeletons.

The race of Quan King is still his original race, and his profession is also Quan King. This is a special job that Yi Shuihan prepared specifically for Quan King.

Compared with ordinary occupations, the level of the King’s level increases the attribute points a hundred times that of other occupations, and the skill effect is even more against the sky. It is unceremonious to say that the level 1 King can completely slap ordinary players at level 100.

At this time, the level of all kings is 63, which is already the highest level in the entire barren ancient world, and the area where they are located is the Chaos Domain with a general monster level of 200.

Not long ago, Quan King accepted a mission to destroy the Lich King. If it were an ordinary player, the general way to complete the task was to sneak in front of the Lich King and make a surprise attack. However, the Quan King was too strong and directly Just forcibly enter directly.

The Lich King’s army of skeletons is endless, and even if they die, they will quickly resurrect, but even so, Quan King and Yi Shuihan are still slowly approaching.

King of Kings turned on King of Kings mode. With a wave of his hand, there are tens of thousands of skulls flying out of smoke. If this scene is seen by other players, it is absolutely stunned. The skeletons that seem to be inferior to cannon fodder are also level 200. At this stage, they are almost almost The existence of invincibility, it is estimated that the skeletons are replaced by the king, and they are replaced by the skeletons, the effect is similar.

"about there."

Yi Shuihan looked at Quan King who was gradually entering the state, his mind moved, and then a huge crack appeared in the void.

An astonishing aura burst out, this aura was even comparable to a saint. There is no doubt that this was simulated by Yi Shuihan after a great skill, in order to make the whole king feel the real threat.

Sure enough, Quan Wang's complexion had changed significantly at this moment, and he couldn't remember that this was in the game, his whole body tightened, subconsciously using his own power.

But, how could his body in the game have real power?

A gray air current rushed out of the void cracks, and the skeletons in front of the king all turned into a ray of gray air and then joined it. Tens of billions of skeletons plus the Lich King turned into this shocking attack.

"Ding, the player king triggers the abyss mode. The Lich King gathers all his powers together and sends out a desperate blow. This attack has infinite damage.",.

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