Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 955: Meet Wukong for the first time

"I want a shuttle box like Master Pa."

Hitt said after swallowing an unknown piece of flesh.

It is definitely impossible to say that Hitt doesn't mind others studying his flashes, but he also knows that he has no choice now. He has seen the power of Yi Shuihan. If he doesn't agree, he may not know what will happen next. .

As a killer, Hit had the calmness and wisdom of a killer, and he judged that agreeing to Yi Shuihan's request was the best choice at this time.

And since Yi Shuihan had said that he had to make compensation, Hitt would naturally not be polite.


Yi Shuihan nodded and agreed to Hitt's request, and then he said to Pa

"Give me your shuttle cube, and I will restore the earth in the universe you belong to. How about this deal?"

"Do you really have a way to restore the food star?"

"of course!"

"Then make a deal."

Compared with gourmet food, the value of shuttle cubes in Xiangpa's eyes is obviously much smaller, so he made the choice very simply.

Being able to decide so quickly has something to do with Yi Shuihan's identity. Xiangpa also wants to make friends with Yi Shuihan. Maybe in the future, Yi Shuihan can speak for him in front of Lord Quan!

In this way, Hitt's side had already agreed, and only Weiss was left.

Facing Yi Shuihan's food offensive, Weis was totally unable to handle it, and promised to help Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan's goal was achieved, and the atmosphere of the scene naturally became harmonious, as if the guests and the host were enjoying themselves.

After drinking and eating, Yi Shuihan first found Hit, and asked Hit to demonstrate the power of the flash in front of him.

"Are you ready?"

"Well, you start!"

"It's over."

"It's over!?"

Hitt's calm answer made Yi Shuihan a little embarrassed. He really didn't feel Hitt using flash time.

"In this way, you use Flash to attack me."

In Yi Shuihan’s sight, Richter blasted a straight fist, and then Yi Shuihan inexplicably felt a force coming from his abdomen. For Yi Shuihan, this force was so small, as small as a breeze. Caress.

"It's already done!"

Yi Shuihan understood that Hitt had already used the power of flash.

Naturally, the power of time can only be countered by time, indicating Hitt to continue, but Yi Shuihan used the power of static time just before he used the flash.


In the static zone of time, Hitt seemed to be undisturbed and still able to move.

Hit’s stored time and Yi Shuihan’s time are canceling each other out, and the effects of both sides are ineffective. However, it is clear that Yi Shuihan’s time is stronger. Hit must pause every tenths of a second because he The time stored when using the flash is only a few tenths of a second at a time.

"Is this what he said that time stands still?"

Hitt also discovered his own situation, and was quite shocked by Yi Shuihan’s time power. The gap between the two is really big. If the power of time is compared to wealth, Hitt is just a beggar, but Yi Shui Han is the richest man in the world.

Weiss and the others were also wrapped in Yi Shuihan's time domain. Birus and Xiangpa Security did not react at all and were completely stopped, while Wes and Bados were not affected.

Weis was not affected because he also controlled the power of time. His maximum limit was 3 minutes back in time, and Bados was fine. The answer was obvious. She also controlled the power of time.

For the use of flash time, Yi Shuihan quickly figured it out. It is essentially the same as his time stillness, with only a slight difference. Compared with his time stillness, flash time controls the power of time. Be more delicate.

In the course of an afternoon, Yi Shuihan has completely mastered the usage of flash time, and he has developed new ideas and developed a more powerful trick.

This trick is called by Yi Shuihan as a flashback. When flashing, it focuses the power of time on yourself, and when flashing back, it acts on the opponent, making the enemy who fights you confused about time.

It is conceivable what happens when one’s time is disturbed during the battle. At a critical time, there is a situation of inaccurate grasp of the fighter. When amplifying the move, the strength is too much, which leads to the backlash of the power. He clearly wants to move to a predetermined one. The location, the reaction has already been exceeded.

Speaking of it, Hitt just spent less than a day, but he could get a shuttle box like Pa, which seemed to be a lot of money.

Yi Shuihan did not intend to break his promise. After all, it is not difficult for him to shuttle the cubes. The Earth of the sixth universe, Yi Shuihan intends to use Super Dragon Ball to recover. With his current cultivation base, it will not cost much. time.

After spending more than a month in Destroying God Realm, Yi Shuihan also mastered the magical skill of time reversal, and his time reversal was much stronger than that of Weiss, and he could rewind for 3 hours. If he desperately activates it, he can rewind. One day is not impossible, but in that case, he must be recuperating for hundreds of years.

After completing the promises to Hit and Xiangpa, Yi Shuihan finally chose to return to Earth.

"What the **** should I do? It's so boring!"

After staying in Zhenwu Mountain for a few days and giving some pointers to the disciples in Zhenwu Mountain, Yi Shuihan's heart became restless again.

"Just go and meet our world protagonist, Monkey King."

Yi Shuihan quietly left Zhenwu Mountain and came to the South China Sea, a small island.

"Ah, who are you and where did you come from."

Sun Wukong was wearing a martial arts suit and asked curiously after seeing Yi Shuihan.

"Is this Monkey King? It really is a very pure child."

From Sun Wukong, Yi Shuihan felt what the heart of a child was, and his first impression of Sun Wukong was still very good.

"Goku, Wukong, are you there?"

A small bald head trot over from a distance, very fast. One second was still 100 meters away, and the next second came to Monkey King.

"Klin, what's the matter?"

"Goku, who is he?"

Compared with Monkey King, Klin was obviously more complicated in his mind. He was very wary of the stranger Yi Shuihan, moved slightly, and found a place that was most suitable for him to stand.

"Yi Shuihan, you should have heard of this name!"

"Wu Zu!?"

"Who is it?", ...

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