Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 957: Seven-Nine Profound Art and Tietou Art

Walking into the room, Wu Tian still watched the TV intently. His eyes were fixed on the key part of the **** the TV. His saliva flowed out, mechanically repeating the slogan from the TV. Behind the sunglasses, his The eyes have become peach-hearted.

Sun Wukong didn't understand why Wu Tian was in this state, but Klin, watching TV, had an urge to follow Wu Tian, ​​but with Yi Shuihan, he abruptly endured it.

Ten minutes later, when the TV show ended, Wu Tian returned to normal, and he turned his head and said

"Goku, Klin, what are you guys doing today..."

Looking at Yi Shuihan with a shocked look, Wu Tian never expected to see Yi Shuihan here, thinking that Yi Shuihan might have been here just now and seeing his ugliness, Wu Tian was a little ashamed in his heart, and he didn't dare. And Yi Shuihan looked at each other.


Wu Tian's expression was solemn, and he bowed to Yi Shuihan.

Wu Tian respected Yi Shuihan, the martial ancestor. Don't look at him on the surface. In fact, he belongs to the kind of very traditional warrior who respects the teacher and respects the Tao. This is the most basic.

Yi Shuihan’s contribution to the entire earth is seen by Wu Tian. Even if he can have the present, it is also because of Zhenwu. It can be said that Yi Shuihan has the grace to recreate him, and Yi Shuihan’s position in his heart is also Only the dead Wu Taidou can compare.

"He is really Yi Shuihan!?"

Hearing what his master said, Klin stared blankly at Yi Shuihan, who could let his teacher call a teacher, besides the master of Zhenwumen, who else could fax martial arts and the martial ancestor of the world?

Originally, Kelin had a bit of resentment towards Yi Shuihan playing with himself, and wanted to give Wu Tian a small report to avenge him. Now that he knows the true identity of Yi Shuihan, all the resentment and everything disappeared completely, and even Yu Ke Lin Sheng felt a sense of pride. It was Wuzu who tried to teach him. How many people would not be able to be taught!

I will tell other people about this in the future, but I don't know how many people will be envious.

Klin had already regarded his previous experience as the capital he would brag about in the future. He was still thinking about how to get Yi Shuihan to give her some guidance. With Yi Shuihan's guidance, his combat effectiveness could not increase.

"Wow, it turns out that he is Master Wu Tian's teacher. Doesn't it mean that he is better than Master Wu Tian."

Monkey King looked at Yi Shuihan with bright eyes, and his body naturally exuded a fighting spirit. Monkey King liked to fight, and the stronger the opponent, the more excited he was.

"No need to be polite. Today I mainly came to see Xiao Wukong. His potential is very good. It is only a matter of time to become a real powerhouse. You have accepted a good apprentice!"

Speaking of Wukong, Wu Tian also showed a smile on his face. He was also very satisfied with his own disciple. Whether he was talented or not, his personality was also very suitable for martial arts. He cultivated Monkey King as his true disciple. Compared with For Monkey King, although Klin was also good at talent, he was far from the status of Monkey King in his heart.

"Wukong, come here and call Shizu,"

Wu Tian greeted Monkey King.

Monkey King came over ignorantly and shouted at Yi Shuihan


"You are cunning, that's all, since you call me Master, I'm not happy not to express it, so I will give you a chance."

You in the front refer to Wu Tian, ​​and you in the back refer to Monkey King.

Pointing to Monkey King's head, a real martial arts technique almost tailored for people like Monkey King came to his mind.

"Your bloodline is strong, suitable for practicing martial arts. You should practice this seven-ninth profound art."

The Seven-Nine Profound Art was adapted by Yi Shuihan based on the Eight-Nine Profound Art of the Primordial World. Of course, it was a little weaker than the Eight-Nine Profound Art. At the end of the cultivation, it just broke through to the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian.

This profound art was created by Yi Shuihan unintentionally at the beginning. It was an accidental product. He didn't practice it personally. It just happened that Monkey King was more suitable, so he took it out.

Practicing Seven-Nine Profound Art is definitely better than Sun Wukong's research on super game transformation, and the future is much bigger.

Super Saiyan transforms, it seems to be very powerful, the increase in combat effectiveness is directly dozens of times the normal, but this is not the right way.

This transformation is not actually an enhancement of itself, but a kind of similar combat skills. It has great limitations. It will continue to consume energy during transformation, and once they are out of the state of transformation, their The strength will become extremely weak. As long as someone grasps this and attacks before transforming, he can easily kill Monkey King.

Transformation brings combat power, but there are no more things. Life span and realm have not changed. Once you quit the transformation, everything is back to the original point.

The real cultivation is to completely transform the Saiyan's transformation into his own power, to the extent that even if he does not change his body, he still has the power after transformation. That is the right way.

"Thank you, Master."

The power of Seven Nine Profound Art, Sun Wukong could feel that he was very excited.

Although Wu Tian on one side didn't know how strong the Seven Nine Profound Art was, he also knew that Yi Shuihan's shots would definitely not be ordinary people, and he was happy for his disciples.

Klin was the only one who was a little unhappy at the scene, and he also wanted Yi Shuihan to give him a exercise.

"Hi Master."

Klin rolled his eyes and ran to Yi Shuihan with a very shy look, looking forwardly at Yi Shuihan, hoping that Yi Shuihan would treat him the same way as Monkey King.

Wu Tian's face was stagnant, and he felt a little dissatisfied with Klin's behavior, but Klin was also his disciple, and if he could get benefits from Yi Shuihan, he would be happy to see it.

Looking at Klin with a faint smile, Klin was seen sweating on his head, and he felt a lot of pressure.

"Actually, I have a practice here that suits you well."

Turning his hand, a slightly yellowed book appeared in Yi Shuihan's hands, and Yi Shuihan handed it to Klin.

Compared with the previous high-level teaching method, this kind of treatment is obviously much lower-end, which makes Klin deeply moved by the gap between others.

The big characters "Tietou Gong" appeared in Klin's sight. This kind of exercise method that looked like a big commodity made Klin a little disappointed. He deliberately threw away the exercise method in his hand, but was a little worried that this was really a magic secret. After all, I got it from Wu Zushu.

"It is really suitable for you, as long as you train it, I guarantee that your combat power will exceed ten million."

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