Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 966: 17th, 18th, die

The movement here stopped both Tenanx and No.18 who were fighting, and No.18 looked at the familiar figure not far away in disbelief, feeling like he was dreaming.

No. 17, who is a little stronger than herself, was punched like that by an ordinary little girl?

"On the 17th, what are you doing? Stop acting. Why didn't I know you have this hobby."

If in the past, Tenanx would definitely think that No. 17 was pretending, but now, he knew it must be because of Yi Shuihan.

"What a mysterious guy, how much ability does he have?"

Tenanx guessed in his heart that he was happy to see what happened to the 17th.


The young woman's eyes widened and one hand covered her mouth. She was dumbfounded. What she saw, her daughter retched the male demon with a punch.

As a mother, she is naturally familiar with her daughter, so she quickly reacted, this must be the man's credit.

At this time, the young woman was a little bit ashamed. Just now she was still complaining about Yi Shuihan, because she had misunderstood everything.

"Wow, Niuniu really did it, Niuniu is amazing."

The little girl jumped up happily, her face full of excitement, and she waved her small fist in the air, eager to see No.17's eyes.

"I want to avenge my mother, you bully people, and I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon."

The words of the second middle school were said from the mouth of the little girl without the slightest sense of disobedience, on the contrary, it made people want to smile.

No.17 raised her head, her eyes were full of fierce light, and pointed at Niuniu, a beam of light burst out.

The beam of light directly turned into nothingness in front of Niuniu, as if it had suddenly become dumb.

No.17's complexion changed, his hands were moving, and countless beams shot towards Niuniu, which was densely frightening, but the result was still the same as before, all of them were dumb.

"How come? Impossible"

With a roar, No.17 waved her fist, using all her strength to feed her, trying to kill the weird little girl in front of her.

The momentum was huge, and there was a huge explosion of air, but it was still thunder and rain, and it didn't work.

"Niuniu hit you."

The little girl was going to be angry at this time. When she hit the 17th, she was hitting with a small fist. However, it was this kind of non-destructive fist that hit the 17th with a constant scream.

"It's so cruel."

Tenanx couldn't bear to look straight at this moment.

On the 18th, watching the 17th being beaten blankly, she finally had fear in her heart.

"It's him, it must be him, kill him, everything will be restored to its original state, kill him."

No. 18's body suddenly exploded with white flames, and with a violent step, the ground cracked and a large circular hole appeared. Her body appeared in front of Yi Shuihan almost teleporting.


Number 18 stopped abruptly, with a painful look on her face, and then her body began to twist continuously, as if she was being beaten up.

On the other side, No. 17 suddenly felt that the fist hitting her body was no longer strong, and she became excited, thinking that the nightmare was finally awakening, and was about to fight back. When she saw that she did not want to play No. 18, a bright light suddenly flashed in her mind.

This is fighting cattle across the mountain?

"The force of the fist that hit me was transferred to No. 18!?"

After careful observation, No. 17 confirmed her guess, because from the action of No. 18, we can see where she was injured, and the place where the little girl's fist fell on him corresponds to the place where No. 18 was injured.

Because he is called a cyborg, he has invincible power and thinks he is the most powerful existence, so he is fearless, killing. Killing casually. Now when encountering this strange and incomprehensible thing, whether it is on the 17th or On the 18th, they were all scared.

Someone is stronger than them, and the fact that they cannot accept it.

"Mom, the earth is finally saved, and these two demons will be punished soon."

Tenanks muttered, and seemed to think of something again, his expression a little sad.

"Huh, Niuniu is tired."

The scream on the 18th stopped because the little girl was tired.

"Hmph, I told you to bully, now you know how good I am!"

Said triumphantly to No. 17, now she is not afraid of No. 17 at all.

"Big brother, thank you."

Niuniu ran to Yi Shuihan and said crisply.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Yi Shuihan knew that this smart little aunt Liang had seen it.

"Well, go back to your mother!"

Niuniu returned to her mother's arms, and the 17th and 18th ushered in the moment of destiny.

"They could have become good people, but because they didn't guide them in the beginning, they became what they are now."

After groaning for a while, Yi Shuihan stretched out. With a light touch in the air, No. 17 and No. 18 disappeared, as if they were suddenly erased from the canvas.

"How are they?"

"Of course it's dead."

"It's really cheap for them, so easy to die."

Hearing the news of the deaths on the 17th and the 18th, Tenanks sighed in relief and felt relieved.

"Saru, I'll help you deal with it by the way."

Speaking of Yi Shuihan, he disappeared from Tenanques, and then reappeared again about half a minute later.

"Thank you, Lord Wuzu, without you, this earth really doesn't know what will happen."

"In fact, it is not impossible to restore the earth to its original state, just use Dragon Ball to make a wish."

"But Mr. Piccolo and Dandy are dead, the Dragon Ball has lost its effect, and even the spaceship was destroyed by them, and it is impossible to find Namek."

"You can't find it, I don't mean I can't."

"You mean...?"

"Just what you think."

Tenanks looked surprised, yeah! The supernatural power of this person in front of him is vast, but he has seen it before, and that barren ancient world is even a universe-level game. Wouldn't it be easy for him to find Namek Star?

After figuring it out, Ternanks was extremely excited. With Dragon Ball, the earth can be rebuilt, and many people on earth can be resurrected.

"It's a pity that Dad and them died too early, and Dragon Ball couldn't resurrect them either."

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