Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 987: Continental world

"Is it a new world again?"

Standing on an unnamed peak, Yi Shuihan lost the excitement of reaching the new world for the first time, and he felt a little tired.

"How long will such days last? This kind of days of constantly crossing into the new world and constantly getting stronger, I may be a certain character in a certain novel, and now many people are watching this novel."

Shook his head sharply

"Have you gotten into trouble? I actually came up with this idea, my experience, my life, everything must be real, even if it is fake, I keep getting stronger, one day, I say it is True, it is true."

"The next step is to determine the world, and then see if there is any chance. The saint's path has almost been opened up, and I need to accumulate the foundation for the saint's breakthrough."

Relying on the portable world, there is almost no bottleneck for Yi Shuihan's promotion to Quasi-sage, and it will be broken with just a light bucket, but the realm of the saint is completely different.

It can be said that the gap between the quasi-sage and the sage is bigger than silver to gold. Regardless of Yi Shuihan’s journey, it has basically been smooth and smooth. It didn’t take much time. However, his own expectations are only in Breaking through to a saint in one hundred thousand years, you must know that he has not cultivated for a thousand years.

Under the saints are all ants. This sentence has been heard countless times since Yi Shuihan was an ordinary person.

Now Yi Shuihan knew that this sentence was not true. As long as he reached the realm of gold, that is, the realm of the immortal Da Luo Jinxian, he could already control his destiny. As long as he did not die, he would not die.

Da Luo Jinxian, even if the world repeats itself, there is a certain chance that he can survive.

The reason why the saints are saints is because the saints have jumped out of the river of time and the river of fate. Time has no meaning for them. Heaven cannot control their destiny. They have evolved from chess pieces to chess players.

Such existences can be said to be eternal unless they are killed by an equal or stronger existence.


Above Yi Shuihan's head, there was a sudden thunder. Yi Shuihan thought it was just an ordinary thunderstorm at first, but when he felt that he was locked in, he knew that the thunder was coming at him.

"Have you been targeted by the will of the world, or the way of heaven in this world?"

Before he had time to sort out his thoughts, Lei smashed it down, with amazing power.

"Unfortunately, Ray is useless to me."

Yi Shuihan allowed the thunder to come on, but he didn't respond at all.

The thunder and lightning that was enough to seriously injure the ordinary Da Luo Jinxian, but the body that hit Yi Shuihan was absorbed strangely, and did not play any role.

For Yi Shuihan, who possesses the power of Jie Lei Shen, this thunder is exactly like a tonic.

After 9 full splits, Yi Shuihan was found to be in no way, and the thunder dissipated.

"Holy Spirit, what's going on? Don't you hide it for me."

"Only after the thunder baptism, the master will be recognized by this world, and can burst out the power of the gold level. This is the rule of this world. If it is not baptized, once this power bursts out, it will be targeted. At that time The thunder will still be added."

"That's it."

Nodded, Yi Shuihan recognized the explanation of the system, but he was also a little wary in his heart, because the world was not so powerful before. This time the system is acting according to the other party’s rules, and it has revealed that it is systematic. The ability cannot completely conceal Yi Shuihan's breath, and the side highlights the power of this world, at least stronger than the previous Dragon Ball world.

Yi Shuihan came here to seek opportunities. Naturally, the stronger the world, the better. If you go to a weak world, it is of no use, but the world is wasted. So after knowing the power of this world, Yi Shuihan is not worried. , But a little excited.

"This should be a world of continents, and there is chaos above the continent."

Yi Shuihan soared into the sky. Originally, he wanted to see how big the planet under his feet was. In the end, he discovered that it was not a planet, but a flat continent. This continent was very large, and Yi Shuihan couldn’t estimate it at all. Out its specific size.

In the sky above the mainland, Yi Shuihan actually experienced a layer of wind and wind, and then a layer of thunder and fire, and finally faced chaos.

"This place won't be the kind of the Primordial World! Or it's simply the Primordial World."

Now that they have encountered chaos, Yi Shuihan put out the thought of leaving, and landed on the ground again.

The continent is really big. Yi Shuihan hasn't seen any humans after flying for a few days. He just saw some beasts. These beasts are also very strong, at least they are at the bronze level, and the silver level is also often encountered.

"The world is too strong, just because it is not good. The space is too stable. You could move in space as you want, but now it's not good, and it consumes a lot of money."

Yi Shuihan probably tried his abilities in this world, and found that the power needed to use his abilities was more than 10 times that of the Dragon Ball world.

After flying for several months and living a life of a savage, Yi Shuihan finally saw the people, a place similar to a wild tribe.

When he saw people, Yi Shuihan finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least this world is not without people, not the kind of world composed entirely of inhuman races.

"The hunting team is back, a lot of prey."

"Great, so many prey, we don't have to starve this winter."

"I heard that no one died this time, I really bless you."

A group of people who looked like warriors carried various beasts and walked into the tribe amidst the cheers of the crowd. The whole tribe was filled with laughter and laughter in an instant.

"Starving? Are you mistaken, at least they are all bronze people, who are still starving."

I can’t help Yi Shuihan not be surprised, because if he cultivates to a certain level, he can naturally bigu, and the existence of bronze level, bigu is nothing, there is no need to eat at all, these people in front of them are clearly capable of bronze, but they want to eat. Some are not logical.

"It turns out that this is the case. Most of their strength comes from the physical body, with only superficial traces of cultivation, and they are not capable of absorbing the energy between heaven and earth to bigu."

After observing for a while, Yi Shuihan finally discovered the reason. ,, ..

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