Outside of the secret realm, there were seven people. They were very distinct and did not stand together. At first glance, they knew that they did not belong to the same camp.

Among the seven people, Yi Shuihan saw the old man who led the team in the captain's memory, the strongest among the group of people in the middle field, who was close to gold.

"It shouldn't be the kind described in the novel. Several big factions control the secret realm. The secret realm can only accommodate the existence under a certain realm. If it exceeds that realm, it will collapse, so they agreed to exclude their elite disciples from seeking opportunities."

Inexplicably, Yi Shuihan had such an idea, and it seemed that the possibility was still quite high.

Yi Shuihan's strength was far above these seven people, even if Yi Shuihan was standing in their sight, they did not notice Yi Shuihan at all.

"It doesn't seem to be a fairy road!"

Originally, Yi Shuihan was still thinking that perhaps those tribesmen did not cultivate in the mainstream of the world. There is the immortal way inheritance in the middle area, but now I see that he thinks too much. Although the breath of these people is somewhat different from those of the tribes, But it is basically the same.

In other words, this world is not the world that Yi Shuihan is familiar with. It is a world of a new system. It is different from the immortal system, magic system, super power system, grudge system, martial artist system, etc. A system.

If you really want to say, the practice system at this time can be called the blood system, mainly to tap one's own power.

The first step of coagulation is to strengthen the origin of one's own blood, and the second step of Tatian is to further tap one's own blood.

The cultivation of the bloodline system is simpler than that of the Immortal Dao, and the mood is slightly lower. As long as the sense of power is realized, the promotion is easy.

These are only the inferences of Yi Shuihan for the time being, and can only be determined after Yi Shuihan collects the data.

Yi Shuihan could use the method of searching memory to get what he wanted from the memories of these people. Silver Peak was not weak in theory, and he would definitely get a lot of useful news, but Yi Shuihan did not do so.

It's not that it can't be done, it's just that the other party doesn't notice when he can't do the search. After all, they are also about to reach the golden level, which is fundamentally different from the previous one who was not even the silver captain.

Searching for memory, or searching for souls, if the other party does not cooperate and changes a little, it will leave irreversible sequelae. It is possible to become a fool and become a soul.

No grievances and no grudges, Yi Shuihan is not good at making such a heavy hand. As for discussing with them and directly saying that I want to search for souls, it is estimated that as long as a normal person will not agree.

If you can't search for souls, just ask directly, or follow these people to Zhongyu, so you can easily know the information he wants to know, don't be too anxious.

"I don't know if they also belong to the Treading Heaven Stage. If they are, this Treading Heaven Stage is powerful."

Silently, Yi Shuihan entered the secret realm from under the eyes of these people.


"I'll go, do you want such a big reaction."

After entering the secret realm, that is, the small world, before Yi Shuihan had time to do anything else, he was shocked to find that he was locked, and then the small world looked like an apocalypse, and seemed to collapse and self-destruct.

It was also that Yi Shuihan was too self-confident, thinking that entering this world with his cultivation base would not be discovered and could be easily hidden, but the facts proved that he thought too much.

"The Holy Spirit quickly figured out a solution."

"You can provide concealment, but it will cost a certain amount of practice points. Is it concealment?"

"How much? Just forget it, the big deal is watching it ruin."

"A thousand points."

"Don't cover up, um, forget it, let's cover up! After all, if you don't cover up, the other people in this small world are dead, except for me, and they are also regarded as suffering from my unwarranted disaster."

The system moved quickly. As soon as Yi Shuihan's voice fell, the locked-in feeling disappeared, and the sky recovered again, as if everything before was an illusion.

"What happened just now?"

A young man with a smile on his face suddenly stopped smiling and looked at the sky suspiciously. Although the scene of the ground cracking that day only lasted for a short time, it still shocked him.

Around the youth are the corpses of unknown beasts. Their deaths are extremely terrifying. There is no complete body. Obviously, these are all made by the smiling youth. There is no trace of blood on the smiling youth. , The clothes are neat and tidy, as if they have not been in battle at all, which shows the horror of the smiling youth.

This smiling young man is not a nameless person. He is very famous among the younger generation. He has the title of Smile Killer. He has cultivated to the Heavenly Stepping Realm at the age of only 20, and is an absolute genius.

If Yi Shuihan saw this smiling young man, he would definitely recognize it. This was also a member of the midfield team that the captain saw.

In addition to the smiling youth, there are people in several places in this small world who are surprised by what happened just now.

A girl with a silver gun is in a swamp; in the crater, a young man with red hair; in the desert, a young man with silver hair and indifferent...

"Okay, start the treasure hunt."

With systematic concealment, Yi Shuihan could start to release his power unscrupulously, his mental power instantly enveloped the entire small world, and he rushed to the most valuable place in his eyes.

Yi Shuihan has no people who can pay attention to this small world, so he doesn't know that the direction of the smiling youth is the same as his destination.

"This is it, Louvre? It should be the sect residence of the original master of this world, as well as formations. Unfortunately, there is no energy to operate, and even if the energy is sufficient, it can't hide from me.

Just as Yi Shuihan solved the mountain guarding formation and was about to enter the Louvre Palace, he suddenly stopped. Not far away, the smiling young man slowly appeared.

Seeing Yi Shuihan, an accident flashed in the eyes of the smiling young man, and then he walked to Yi Shuihan without changing his expression.

"Which school are you? Forget it, it doesn't matter what school you are. You should know who I am. I'm the only person here. You go to other places before I change my mind."

I was underestimated! ,, ..

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