Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 995: Buddha Blood

Seeing the river water pouring into the sky, a touch of firmness flashed in the pretending man's eyes, a touch of palm, a drop of golden blood appeared, and with a backhand thrown, the blood blasted towards the river water, emitting a holy light of purification.

The black water was irradiated by the light, evaporating quickly, and there was only a small part of it when it was in front of the man.

Losing that drop of essence and blood, the pretending man’s originally ruddy face was already pale, and part of the remaining Heihe water was also spilled on him. The Heihe water was strongly corrosive, and his clothes were instantly corroded into ashes. As a result, the body of the pretending man has several huge burn marks.

On the other hand, the female disciple was more fortunate. After paying a certain price, the four sacred beasts actually merged in from behind her again.

These all happened during the movement, even if they were no longer in danger for the time being, they continued to flee towards the distance.

Pretending to force the man to run away, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, his unchanging smiling face was exactly the same.

Seeing the masquerade man fleeing in his own direction, Fujia's eyes flashed and made a gesture of giving way. This made the masquerade man who had gathered his strength and wanted to force a breakthrough to let go, and he was a bit disdainful.

Who knows that when the pretending man's body was just passing by with Bu Er, Bu Er suddenly got into trouble, hitting the pretending man's waist with a palm, and the pretending man was shot out.


While vomiting blood, he pretended to force the male hand to quickly tap the acupuncture points on the upper body. His internal organs were attacked by the same force. If he was not injured, this force would not be a problem, but now he only Can barely suppress it.

"Hand over your treasures, and I will leave you a whole body."

Fuji said indifferently without the consciousness of a sneak attacker.

"Don't mind if I put my hand in too! Smile."

A group of flying insects suddenly emerged, and then quickly gathered together to form an ugly-looking man with a weird and unpleasant voice.

"Insect King!"

A look of jealousy flashed in his smiling eyes. This insect king is a ruthless person. The worm sutra of cultivating needs to bear the pain of hundreds of millions of insect phages from the beginning. Only after passing this level can you officially start practicing the insect sutra and bear it. The more difficult suffering of soul division.

It is said that the worm king has split the soul more than ten thousand times, and has more than ten thousand worm clones, each worm clone can control tens of thousands of soul worms, and there are millions of soul worms, that is an existence that ordinary stepping on the sky cannot resist. , It can be said that an insect king is equivalent to counting the white stepping sky.

In the face of the worm king, unless he has a way to restrain the soul worm, he can only run away. Once he is besieged by the soul worm, he will have to wait for death.

"Of course, he will let you."

He smiled and said as he turned his eyes, but what was said, he did not leave. He made it clear that he wanted to see the truth of the insect king, or to pretend that if he had the ability to fight against the insect king, he would still come to pick up the bargain. , Smile certainly doesn't mind cleaning up with the insect king.

The insect king took a deep look and saw his intention to smile, but he didn't say it. He was confident and believed that it was impossible for him to lose-lose situations to him. How could his hole cards be known by a smile.


In the blink of an eye, a dense cluster of soul insects appeared in front of the insect king, overwhelming the sky, and the momentum was even higher than the previous Heishui River.

"If I am not injured."

The face of the pretending man is very ugly. The scene in front of him looks scary. If he is still on the chessboard, he can naturally deal with it easily. It is even possible to kill the two in front of him. However, there is a problem whether he can protect himself.

"You treat me as a soft persimmon, you can let you pinch it, right?"

A madness flashed under his eyes, pretending to force the man's hand to plunge into his abdomen, his face painfully took out a drop of golden blood, which was the blood he used to save his life before. As soon as the blood appeared, he pretended to force the man again. After spitting out a few big mouthfuls of blood, the breath on his body plummeted, and it stopped at the edge of the stepping sky.

Facing the blood, the soul worms seemed to be a little flustered, trying to stay away from the blood, as if the blood was in great danger.

"Luofu Zhenjing? What you practice is the Luofu Zhenjing. This is the secret code that only the master of the Louvre palace is qualified to practice. It can condense the blood of the Buddha. The blood of the Buddha has various mysteries. One of them is that it can be used to purify the royal palace. enemy."

Fuji suddenly said loudly, his expression a little excited.

"You give me a drop of Buddha's blood, I won't embarrass you anymore, how?"

"Smile, now you leave, the blood of the Buddha is mine alone."

The worm king said in a test that he also knows the blood of the Buddha, and he is eager for the blood of the Buddha. Not to mention other effects, a drop of the blood of the Buddha can completely increase his soul worm clone by 10,000, and then his strength will increase. It's not just as simple as doubling.

"King of Insects, don't go too far. I discovered him first."

Fujia did not show weakness this time, even if he was unwilling to confront the Insect King, but he couldn't take care of that much in front of the blood of the Buddha.

"Haha, you two still want my blood of the Buddha, dream! Two ignorant guys, let you see the true power of the blood of the Buddha, and remember my name, Ouyang Tu, I will come later I'm looking for you."

"not good."

When Smile and the Insect King realized something, the essence and blood burst out with a strong light and exploded without warning.

Within the explosion range, those soul worms were annihilated in a blink of an eye, and the worm king was also swallowed.

At the moment of the explosion, Fuji took out a jade talisman and crushed it. A shimmer spread and a white shield surrounded Fuji. It was just a life-saving trump card that Master Fuji gave to Smile, even if it was a half-step World Realm blow. Can resist.

Even in the face of Yi Shuihan, Bu Er didn't take it out, although it was because he didn't have that opportunity.

Under the explosion of the blood of the Buddha, there were a few cracks in the shield, which showed the power of the explosion.

When the explosion disappeared, there was only one person on the spot, and the insect king was no longer there. As for Ouyang Tu, he was completely gone. ,, ..

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