“Mr. Administrator, do you want to understand the meaning of life?”

This is a private message from the Marquis of Voban.

Seeing this sentence, Zhou Yang’s reaction was not to answer whether he wanted to or not, but: “This guy won’t be stolen by the main god space, right?” ”

How to tune with the main god space, and when you see people, you ask, “Do you want to know the meaning of life?” yes/no”

And the most shameless thing about the main god space is that there is no difference between you choosing yes and no, they are all tacitly agreed!

(╯‵□)╯(┻━┻Resolutely overthrowing the Overlord clause!)

Even in the novel that Zhou Yang read in his previous life, there were protagonists who tried various methods, whether it was breaking the computer or unplugging!

But the main god space is still illuminated!

Say yes, ask your opinion?

There is absolutely no choice!

However, the main god space is just a weak chicken in front of the chat group, so naturally something so funny cannot happen.

So Zhou Yang asked directly: “Marquis Woban, are you full-time to become a pyramid scheme of the Lord God Space!” ”

“Lord God Space? MLM? What are these? ”

Marquis Voban looked confused, he knew the source of the group of weak chicken reincarnators before.

But what is this main god space?

Is it a pyramid scheme?

Zhou Yang was also just joking, and asked directly: “Why ask me the meaning of life?” ”

Marquis Voban also remembered his business, so he said: “I want to ask you if you want to become a god killer and sublimate the essence of life. ”

“Become a god killer…”

Zhou Yang pondered for a moment, and there were some doubts in his heart.

It might make sense if someone else had come to him, but unlike the Marquis of Woban, he was as greedy as a wolf, taking all his prey for himself and not allowing anyone to pry.

But even so, people with wolf character would ask themselves if they wanted to become godkillers.

Could it be that the sun of the Godkiller World rises from the west?

So Zhou Yang asked curiously, “Marquis Woban, do you have a fever today?” ”

Marquis of Voban: “…”

What is it that I have a fever, and is it strange for me to find someone to kill God? How bad is my image in your mind?

Tony’s guy snatched a god from my hand, and I didn’t die with him, but also regarded him as a junior.

Marquis of Voban: “My impression in Mr. Administrator’s mind is so bad?” ”

Looking at Marquis Voban’s faint words, Zhou Yang couldn’t help but laugh:

“No, no, it’s just that your personality is very similar to that of a wolf, and suddenly letting the meat come out makes me a little uncomfortable.”

After several times of cooperation, the relationship between Zhou Yang and Marquis Voban has also improved a lot, and they can naturally joke at will, without worrying too much.

And the root of all this is because of the strength, and their power allows them to get along as equals!

People don’t make friends with ants, so Marquis Voban has always been alone in the world of god killers.

It wasn’t until he entered the chat group that he was able to show his true self instead of being a lonely king.

Marquis Voban: “I want to know the identity and location of the gods that will appear in the future, and in return I will give you a medium to summon gods, and kill the gods according to their own abilities?” ”

Want to know the plot!

Zhou Yang immediately understood what Marquis Woban thought, God killers basically could not improve their strength through cultivation, so most of them advanced their strength by hunting the power of powerful gods.

If it was the previous Marquis of Warban, because of his long lifespan, he would slowly enjoy the life of killing gods.

But now he has entered the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group and felt the wider world.

Although today’s strength can be ranked at the forefront of the group, but what about more strong people and more scientists in the future?

His self-esteem as a king does not allow him to stand still, so he needs to find a god to seize power and improve his strength.

Zhou Yang pondered for half a minute, and quickly made a decision:

“I agree to this.”

When Marquis Voban heard this, he smiled and said gently: “I believe that we will be able to cooperate happily.” ”

“Of course!”

Zhou Yang unceremoniously agreed, and then edited the plot of the god killer out of the last king and other key plots, and then privately sent the document to Marquis Voban!

Marquis Voban did not hesitate and accepted all the documents directly, and a look of dissatisfaction appeared on his gentlemanly face:

“I didn’t expect that one day in the future, a Japanese boy named Kusanagi Godo would become a king, but without any sense of king, it was a shame to be played by several Japanese families!

It is really unpleasant to say that he loves peace, but his behavior is against his own standards, so he should say that he is young or young, and he robs his prey with his old husband, and he does not have the slightest sense of respect. ”

Zhou Yang’s edited file naturally did not leak the Kusanagi Godo, and his impression of the Kusanagi Godo was not good.

Being a king means having the consciousness of a king, but Kusanagi Godo is completely a hot-blooded fool, played by a group of women and several families.

But that’s it, Kusanagi Godo not only did not apologize for robbing the prey of the Marquis of Voban, but swung his sword at the Marquis of Woban in the appearance of a messenger of justice.

If it weren’t for the shroud of the protagonist’s aura, coupled with the status of the god killer killed by Marquis Voban, this guy would have been eaten long ago and there would be no bones left!

Marquis of Woban: “This guy is not suitable as a king, let him continue to be an ordinary person.” ”

Although Kusanagi Godo will disrupt his plans in another future, the Marquis of Voban also has the pride of being a king and disdains to deal with an ordinary person.

Zhou Yang nodded in agreement, and then asked, “Then which are you going to want between the god king Merka and the Persian military god Welleslana?” ”

Zhou Yang is also a model of unprofitable, and it is naturally impossible to give up these two gods.

Marquis Voban said with a smile: “Each depends on his ability, but compared to me, I want to hunt the god king Merka, if I can ingest the storm power, my own wind and fury power can evolve again and become a real storm god!” ”

Since the god of non-obedience is a part of the mythology, the power obtained after killing is also part of the god, and what ability can be obtained is random.

And the ten powers of the military god obtained by the Kusanagi Godo were completely cheating-like existences, and even Zhou Yang doubted whether Kusanagi Godo was the reincarnation of Prometheus.

After all, this guy’s hanging is too big, especially the golden sword’s ability to crack the godhead, it is completely a weapon to kill gods!

It’s just that the golden sword is very powerful in the god killer world, but it has no effect on the main world where Zhou Yang is located.

After all, the origin of the evil gods is mysterious, and they are not like the gods in the god killer world who have origins and beliefs, they are simply a group of powerful monsters!

And he is more inclined to Melka’s strong body, which can make up for his weak physical shortcomings.

The road to killing the gods is about to begin…

PS: Third, please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! This time, in addition to the plot line, there is also a god who will kill, but in the hesitation whether it is Huaxia or abroad, the gods of Huaxia are really powerful!

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