The extremely cold breath seeped out, as if to freeze everything, which is the final realm that the living hate!

Even Welleslana became slow in the face of extreme cold, and looked at the young man in front of him with an amazed expression and said:

“Although you yourself are not a god killer, but you have an extremely cold power that is not weaker than power, if it weren’t for your body being a mortal, I would have thought you were an unobedient god with ice power!”

“Thanks for the compliment, then let’s start fighting!”

Zhou Yang faced the admiration of the military god, and there was no wave in his heart, but he stretched out his hand and held it in the void!


With a loud noise, the originally frozen sea suddenly moved, and the frozen sea water was given life under Zhou Yang’s will, and a huge ice dragon rushed out!


The ice dragon let out a heaven-shaking roar, opened its huge mouth towards Welleslana, who was floating in midair, and bit it!

“What a powerful force, then I also have to show my strength to show respect for the strong!”

Welleslana laughed, his robe dancing in the wind, and mantras began to chant on his immature face:

“For victory, come to me! O immortal sun, please give me a shining horse. O spiritual horse with a foot, bring the light wheel that is like the Lord of Ru. ”

Welleslana is the guardian of Mithra, the god of light, and has a close connection with the sun in mythology, and can summon the sun’s flame!


With a long neighing sound of horses, the dark clouds that filled the sky suddenly dispersed, and a group of white, flaming steeds ran down!

It is the flame of the sun, wrapped in the power of the sun descending here, will dissolve all the ice!

The ice dragon snaking its body, and the cold ice on its body began to melt under the high temperature of the sun, so it directly turned its head and collided with the white horse!


The ice dragon collided with the white horse, and instantly evaporated to produce a large amount of water vapor, like a sudden fog, covering the battlefield!

The world in his eyes was in a white state, and the figure of the military god disappeared, seemingly hidden in it.

But Zhou Yang did not panic in the slightest, but continued to release the extremely cold field to spread around his body.

Welleslana floated in mid-air overlooking Zhou Yang in the water vapor, and said lightly:

“It’s all over, mortals have failed to kill the gods, and fate is to be taken away by pigs!”


The huge wild boar appeared behind it, its eyes were brutal, and it ran all fours, as if it was going to crush Zhou Yang not far away into pieces!

“Military God, don’t talk about victory or defeat in the end, don’t you even understand this truth?”

Zhou Yang replied with a smile, and then grabbed the void, took out a stone slab from the chat group and blocked it in front of him, and directly swallowed this brutal wild boar

Welleslana’s pupils shrank sharply, staring at Zhou Yang and saying:

“Prometheus’ cheats, I didn’t expect you to use this treasure to take away my boar power, human, your composure amazes me!”

Zhou Yang smiled slightly and said meaningfully:

“Thanks for the compliment, but how are you going to deal with my next offensive!”

At some point, a large amount of cold air permeated Velesrana’s body, and the cold ice quickly condensed on his body.

Moreover, the City of Eclipse Time has also been stretched out, and a large number of time tentacles have stretched out, and the target is this powerful military god!

Welleslana had a surprised look on his face and exclaimed:

“The power of extreme cold, the power of time, mortals, your power makes me unable to see through, but unfortunately, as long as I have a white horse to dispel the ice, you can’t defeat me!”

As he spoke, the scorching sun in the sky shone brightly, and the handsome white horse once again brought flames, ready to remove all comfort from Welleslana!


The white horse hissed, the sun’s fire fell like a meteorite, and the orange glow fell on Welleslana’s face, reflecting his confident expression.

But faster than the white horse, it is Zhou Yang!

He stopped directly in front of the white horse, and the golden emperor burning heavenly flame and the bone spirit cold fire ignited in his eyes, and directly surrounded the white horse!


The white horse was burned by this strange fire, and also emitted a long cry of pain, but Zhou Yang ignored it and directly used the incineration to swallow the flames that constituted the white horse into his body!

The sun’s fire burned in his body, making Zhou Yang feel as if he was in a furnace, which could melt at any time!

But he did not panic, and the incineration ran at high speed, suppressing at the same time with two major alien fires and extremely cold realms, devouring this divine power of the sun fire.

The incineration once again evolved, and a fiery vision ignited behind Zhou Yang, as if burning the firmament, bringing destruction to all things!

And Zhou Yang, who made all this, showed an expression of enjoyment, spit out the sun fire in the air, and said with satisfaction:

“Thank you for your hospitality, this fire tastes good!”

After that, Zhou Yang did not give Welleslana any chance to struggle, and directly released the wild boar that was sealed in the dense Prometheus densely!

Just as in the original work, Kusanagi Godo sealed the white horse, Zhou Yang sealed the wild boar, and it was also released!

But the difference is that Kusanagi Godo is a Jedi counterattack under the protagonist’s aura, while Zhou Yang finishes under the advantage of absolute victory.

Unable to break free from the endless tentacles of the City of Food, Welleslana looked at the rushing wild boar, smiled, and said loudly:

“O mortal who devours the flame of the sun, you have given me a pleasant battle, and overcame me with wisdom and strength, then take all my powers…”

Before the words were finished, Welleslana was directly crushed by the wild boar and returned to the myth, and at the same time a huge suction pulled Zhou Yang’s consciousness.

“Is it Pandora’s formation…”

Zhou Yang did not resist, but allowed his consciousness to enter the void!

In the middle of a white world…

And the Marquis of Voban, who was still fighting with the god king Melka, saw this scene and sighed:

“It’s worthy of being an administrator, I actually achieved the great cause of killing gods so easily and became a god killer, then I can’t be too far behind!”

After speaking, the murderous aura on Marquis Voban completely boiled, the red light in his eyes flashed, looked at Merka who covered the sky, and laughed:

“Give me death!”

“Arrogant humans!”

In the face of such a provocation, Melka’s response was naturally with thunder and fierce wind!

Lili and Erica, who were watching on the shore, did witness the scene of Zhou Yang’s killing of the gods, and a human being easily killed the Persian military god and became the demon king of the earth!

Erica looked at the battlefield, subconsciously clenched her fists, and said to the magicians behind her:

“Quickly notify the organization that the catastrophe of the gods is over, and…”

Speaking of this, Erica paused, looked serious, and read word by word:

“The seventh god killer is born!”

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