(The bug in the previous sheet has been fixed, changing Cuchulin to Dilumudo, and I have been prone to getting sleepy (ー_ー)!! writing lately late.) )

Looking at the master craftsman who was excited to beat people, Zhou Yang reminded:

“It’s not your apprentice, but the radiant Dilumudo Odina!”

Skaha was stunned for a moment, recalled and said:

“It’s the chief white face of the Fiona Knights in Celtic mythology, isn’t he the most famous magic sword, how did he become a gun rank!”

→_→ is the chief warrior, not the chief little white face!

But it’s not wrong to say that the little white face is right, this guy is indeed quite handsome, and he also has the attributes of a flirtatious girl.

But fortunately, Dilumudo, who was summoned by Director Ken, is only passively green Director Ken, if he summons that guy from Cuchulain, maybe he will be green faster.

Poor Director Ken, destined to escape the shroud of forgiveness!

Zhou Yang sighed in his heart, Dilumudo is powerful, even if he comes to the position of a lancer, he can suppress King Arthur!

If he really brought the two magic swords of “Waves of Anger” and “Waves of Passion”, then the outcome of the Holy Grail War would not be certain!

After all, since ancient Lancers are lucky!

However, with Zhou Yang’s arrival, even if he is the ontology descending, Zhou Yang can still hammer out, after all, he is now one of the strongest god killers!

But Skaha didn’t care too much, after all, compared to Dilumudo’s little white face, she still wanted to know more about her little master!

Feeling Skaha’s burning eyes, Zhou Yang said helplessly: “Compared to him being a lancer, then how did you come down as a caster.” ”

“Because I have the original Lune rune, I am also a powerful magician, but I usually like to use guns!”

Skaha said reasonably, without any magician’s consciousness at all.

Zhou Yang estimated that her process of using magic was to take a gun and stab the other side into a serious injury, and then use a small fireball to end the other party!

Zhou Yang asked curiously, “Then can you call me the Lune rune, and can you fill enough of the magic required by the Holy Grail?” ”

The Lune rune, inherited from ancient mythology, is a rune containing magical power, and it is said that as long as you master all the runes, then you can master the power of heaven and earth!

The condition for the Holy Grail War to summon the Holy Grail is that you need to send the heroes out one by one, and then fill them with enough energy as sacrifices to be able to summon the Holy Grail.

Generally, there are only two heroic spirits left, and occasionally there will be a return of powerful heroic spirits, which directly meets the conditions, causing the Holy Grail to appear early.

But Zhou Yang didn’t have so much time to wait for the Holy Grail Battle to take place slowly, he was ready to fill the Holy Grail directly, and then fight several other followers!

The wise Skaha understood Zhou Yang’s intentions and asked with a light smile: “Little master, do you want to sacrifice the creatures of this city to let the Holy Grail come out in advance?” ”

In the original book, the caster Giles de Les summoned the giant sea demon after his mentality collapsed and prepared to use the human soul as a sacrifice to summon the Holy Grail.

However, in the name of the Church of the Holy Church, and with the “Curse” as a reward, he summoned other followers to extinguish it!

If you want to make the Grail appear early, then you need to be satisfied with the huge demand!

And the simplest and most direct way is to fill it with a human soul.

But Zhou Yang shook his head and said with a smile:

“For people who have no interests in me, I don’t disdain to torture and kill them, my own spell power is endless, and there are many treasures, enough to summon this Holy Grail!”

Zhou Yang himself is a god killer, with almost infinite spell power, although it is different from the magic power of this world, but the same energy can also be used as a substitute!

The slaughter of ordinary people will not only cause the disgust of the group members, but also make Skaha have a lower impression of himself!

Since he can do it himself, Zhou Yang naturally won’t do stupid things.

Skaha nodded in satisfaction, a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said softly:

“It’s worthy of being a god killer, and he really has his own pride, but there is a spiritual vein under this Dongmu City, there is no need for you to make your own shot, I only need a magic to make it run negative and give birth to the Holy Grail in advance!”

“If there is something good, why don’t you take it out earlier!”

Zhou Yang gave her a blank look, Skaha, this old woman is really bad!

Skaha just replied with a gentle smile: “Ah la-la, I accidentally forgot, after all, I am almost eighteen years old!” ”

Zhou Yang couldn’t help but muttered after hearing this: “Old woman…”


The bright red spear blade burst through the air, causing Zhou Yang to take a step back, and the spearhead had stopped where he was originally standing!

Although the corners of Skaha were still smiling, there was no smile in his eyes, and there was a terrifying black air current.

She narrowed her eyes and asked gently:

“Little master, what did you just say, I didn’t hear it clearly, can you please say it again!”

Once again, it will be penetrated by you with the Death Soaring Gun!

Zhou Yang complained in his heart, but on the surface he said:

“Looking back and smiling at a hundred charms, the sixth house pink has no color.”

“Your little mouth is very sweet, like smeared with honey!”

Skaha gave him a blank look, no one didn’t like praise, especially from people he identified with, and Skaha said it felt good.

Zhou Yang looked at it and replied with a smile: “Then I invite you to eat!” ”

, but Skaha has lived for thousands of years and has long advanced to become a thousand-year-old driver!

Her slender fingers turned the short gun in her hand and aimed the hilt at Zhou Yang, against his chest, preventing him from approaching further.

Then Skaha stretched out his left hand and whispered:

“If you want me, then defeat me, defeat me.”

Skaha has no partner for a long time, her personality is as belligerent as Esders, and she does not like people weaker than her!

The appearance of Zhou Yang, a god killer, brought him some interest, but it was only interest!

“Oh, you’re a bit difficult!”

Zhou Yang pretended to sigh, but what he said was only difficult rather than impossible.

Skaha said defiantly:

“Are you afraid?”

Although Zhou Yang knew that this was a radical method, he still said with certainty:

“In a word!”

“Of course, and I will also impart knowledge to you during this time to make you stronger!”

Skaha said confidently that she believes in her abilities and longs for a worthy opponent!

Zhou Yang couldn’t help but think in his heart: “Although they are not young, they seem to be more virtuous than Mad San!” ”

Mad Three them…

Crazy three!


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